Clarion-Ledger from Jackson, Mississippi (2024)

Monday. February 12. 1962 Cftf CI ariOtisLf ftffCt 15 pool infielders Joe Bob Aspromonte, Don Buddin and Norm Larker completed night a 28 city good will tour of Texas, Louisiana and Mexico. CRAFT HEADS FOR TRAINING Finest Music March 10 against the Los Angeles! tdl us 11 was Angels at Palm Springs, Calif, promotion trip ever maue in be-Craft said he is not discouraged i half of a major league ball c'mb," 1 HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) Harry I Craft left for Arizona Saturday 'to open the first spring training' 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 iiitffrrTrrr-'Tr tipi-h ir mmpr njamti jmm imuuiui.

ti mi jme mint ytmmwtwu,) ji.x ITSlwaw 4' Craft said. "We found Uie enthusi. asm everywhere much more than what we had hoped it would be." by the fact a number of the 21 players the Colts obtained from the National League player pool in October did not play regularly last season. "They'll want to prov themselves at spring he said. "That will make the competition sharper and that what I want." Craft and four of the player On Earth" The World's Greatest Composers and Finest Artists Every Night 9 to 11 p.m.

camp of the Houston Colts. The field manager of the new! National League entry said he would make no promises about) the 1962 season but that he is1 optimistic. Craft summarizes the Houston outlook this wayf Strong defense, comparatively weak power, and: uncertain pitching. "I believe we'll have a good defensive club," he said. "We are rather weak on power.

We don't have a string of starting pitchers, but we feel we have some good prospects. We expect a highly competitive spring training camp. That is encouraging because a good competitive spirit leads to winning ball games." Craft and his coaches begin Mat WEEK AT PRIMOS NO. 4 Vr FRIED 2 CHICKEN 69' Criip, Golden Brown, French Friei, Roll And Butter. MM nemos no.

i Paramount Ntxt To Ill t. CAPITOL JOHANSSON LANDS A LEFT Ingemar Johansson, former world's heavyweight champion, throws a long left at Joe Bygraves in the opening round of their bout at Goteborg, Swe-, den, Friday. On the comeback trail, Johansson scored a seventh round kayo when the referee stopped the fight because of a bad cut over By-graves' eye. The loser was dropped for a count of four in the second round. AP Wirephoto SMALlTBOXINGaUBS COMING BACK IN U.S.

TELEVISION PROGRAMS Furnished by station and subject to change vtthont notice three days of strategy conferences on Tuesday at the Apache Junction spring training headquarters. Paul Richards, who gave up a job as field manager of the Baltimore Orioles last September to become general manager of the Colts, also will take part. The first players 16 pitchers and three catchers are to report on Friday. The remainder of the I WJTV WLBT PETE GLADYS JACKSON JACKSON MISS CHANNEL 1 3:15 Secret 3:30 Edge 4:00 Burns 4:30 Popeve MIIS. -CHANNEL I 3:00 Daddy 3:30 Hollywood 1:55 News 4:00 Bandstand 26.

The 53-man squad reports Feb will be first exhibition games 4:55 Praver 7:00 Today 7:25 News 7:30 Today 9:00 Romper Rm. 9:30 Hunch 10:00 Price 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Impression 11:30 Truth 11:55 NBC News 12:00 Devotion 12:10 News Wea. 12:25 Mkt. Report 12:30 Playhouse 1:00 Jan Murray 1:35 News 1:30 L. Young 3:00 Dr.

Malone 2:30 Daughters 5:15 Whirlybirdt 5:43 Comment 3:50 Reporter 4:00 News ft Wa. 4:10 Sports 4:15 Huntley rn-yenne 7:30 Price 1-00 Rir.eman 9:00 Thriller 10:00 Surfsiaa a 11:00 News 11:10 Paar By MURRAY ROSE Associated Press Sports Writer NEW YORK (AP) Television boxing, often accused of helping in the death of small boxing clubs, is making an effort to revive them. 6:30 College 7:00 Country Almanee 7:35 Cartoon 8:00 Capt Kangaror 9:00 Calendar 9:30 Hilights 10:00 Video 10:30 Surprise 10:55 CBS News 11:00 Love 11:30 Search 11:45 Guidini 12:00 Weather 12:05 News 12:15 Guest 12:30 World 1:00 Password 1:30 Houseparty 2:00 Millionaire 2:30 Verdict 2:55 CBS News 1:00 Brighter Day moters couldn't run 20 weeks son. "I don't have detailed re-without financial help so I modi- ports but I'm delighted with the fied the plan to pay them $2.500 'way things are going, after 10 weeks. Now, if they ask "This is the first time in box-for it, we pay them after five ing history any major organiza-shows at the same $250 rate.

We lion has made an effort to sub-work with the cooperation of the sidize a flock of small clubs all boxing commission who give us over the country. It's an attempt reports on the shows held in their in the right direction." 5:00 Merrie Tunes 5:30 Yogi Bear 6:00 Biline Channel 11 4:11 Douglas Edward 4:30 fell Truth 7:00 Pete, Oladye 7:30 Van Dyke 8:00 D. Thomas 8:30 Griffith 9:00 Hennesey 9:30 Secret 10:00 Weather 10:05 News 10:15 Sports 10:20 Almanat 10:30 Breed 11:30 highlowl After four months of operation of a subsidy plan to aid small Maxwell Has Lead Pan. Open Golf PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) Billy Maxwell shot a 2-under-par 70 Saturday and took a nar WDAM-TV 7:00 7:30 P.M. A prize for Gladys turns out to be a pain for Pete.

club promoters from coast to states, coast, Harry Markson reports' "The results have been results." couraging. I didn't expect too Markson is general manager of mu for the first year. But the Madison Square Garden Boxing, results already have been good. Markson estimates the subsidy plan will cost the Garden at least SIOUOOO in the first year. That includes the entire tab at New York's St.

Nicholas Arena, where Irving Oohen promotes. WREC-TV which has the contract for have helped promoters in 19 NEW TIME NEW DAY FOR FATHER KNOWS BEST TENN CHANNEL I MEMPHIS. 1:15 College the Saturday night TV fights, the cities- We have received requests deal was made before the rmiMNBI 3:55 NBC Newt 4:00 Father 4:30 Engineer Boh 5:00 Robin Hood 5:30 Popeve 5:40 Weather 3:45 Huntley Brlnkley 4:00 News 6:30 Bachelor 7:00 N. Velvet 7:30 Price 8 00 Amos Andy 8:30 Hammer 9:00 Thriller 10:00 News 10:15 Playback 11:00 Paar new subsidy program and calls people in others. HATTIESBURO 7:00 Todav 9:00 Say Whan 9:30 Play "unch 10:00 Price Is Riht 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Impression 11:30 Truth 11:55 NBC Newt 12:00 Riley 12:30 News 13:35 Camera 7 12:45 Hymn 12:50 Pastor 1:00 Jan Murray 1:25 NBC News 1:30 L.

Young 2:00 Dr. Malone 2:30 5 Daughters 3:00 Daddy sole remaining national teleivsion i trom boxing planned to aid 20 boxing program. Originally we row one-stroke lead after 54 holes of the Panama Open Golf Tourna- ment. I The Dallas, Tex. pro had a 208 total with one round to go.

Cana- da's George Knudson and Don Whitt, Borrego Springs, I are tied for second, one stroke! back. Once there were five network C1UDS a yean fight shows a week. Promoters in "Some promoters have quit two shows. the small clubs, soawnina ground aIler running one or for the Garden to pay all of the losses, which average more than' $1,000 a week. He figures the other $50,000 or so would be paid out for about 200 shows at the $250 figure for each.

LONGER RUNS 2:55 CBS News 3:00 Brighter Day 3:15 Storm 3:30 Night 4:00 Early Movie 5:30 News. Wea 5 45 D. Edwards 4:00 Hiwav Patrol 6:30 Tell Truth 7:00 Pete, Gladvi 7:30 Window On 8:00 D. Thomas 8:30 Andy Griffith 9:00 Hennesey 9:30 Secret 10:00 News 10:10 Late Movie 11:45 Almanac 4:45 Above Clouds Good Mornine 8:00 Capt Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:30 Lucy 10:00 Video 10:30 Surprise 10:55 CBS News 11:00 Love 11:30 Search 11:45 Guiding 12:00 Dec. Bride 12:30 World 1:00 Password 1:30 Houseparty 2:00 Millionaire 2:30 Verdict 1:30 Hollywood Others still are running after 10 or more shows and boxers are being developed." Among the newcomers mentioned by Markson were heavy for' young fighters, threw in the towel.

They said they couldn't compete with the free TV pro- grams featuring the glamor i names of boxing. WMCT-TV MEMPHIS, TENN. CHANNEL a 4:00 Mathematics 3:30 Hollywood Markson said the longer clubs include hose at Phoe weight Tony Alongi of Miami, Even with the discontinuation of nix, about 15 with promot started at the Union City 4:30 A. Government 7:00 Today 7:10 Today 9:00 Say When 9:30 Play Hunch 10:00 Price is Right 10:30 Concentration the other four network shows, no Hwintf to Lint Wama coarPar nrA NJ. er Paavo Ketonen; at Worcester, club and advanced to a Gar WCBI-TV 7:30 8:00 P.M.

13, with promoter Sam Silverman; at Revere, five with" Silverman; at Philadel COLMM3US MISS -CHANNEL 4 11:00 Impression 7:00 College 4:00 News 11:30 Truth award-winning sories that 3:55 NBC News 4:00 Kukla 4:05 O. Tracy 4:15 Rocky 4:30 Looney Zoo 5:30 Yogi Bear 4:00 News 8. Wea. 4:15 Huntley 4:30 Mr. Magoo 7:00 N.

Velvet 7:30 Price 8:00 (7th Precinct 9:00 Thriller 10:00 Reporter 10:15 Sports and Weather 10:30 Jack Paar 12:00 News ft Wea. Enjoy the finest from the warm, stars Robert Young and Jane Wvatt den main event; light heavyweight Bob Avena at the same Union City club; middleweight Allan Thomas of the Marigold in Chicago who trounced highly regarded Billy Pickett the phia's Blue Horizon, 10, with pro scarcer. Rookie, pugilists quit because there was no place to develop their skills. WILL SOMETHING a multi-million dollar operation at stake, Markson decided something had to be done moter Marty Kramer: at Provi 11:55 NBC News 12:30 Life 1:00 Jan Murray 1:25 NBC News 1:30 L. Young 2:00 Dr.

Malone 2:30 Daughters 1:00 Daddy DAHHY THOMAS SHOW 'other night; light heavyweight Maxwell gained the lead with a blistering 32 on the par 34 back nine. Knudson, of Toronto, jumped into contention when he fired consecutive birdies on the last two holes for a 34-34-68 day's work. Whitt was 2-under at 70. Pre-tourney favorite Doug Sanders, Ojai, settled for a par 72 and fourth place at 210. PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) Lead-Ins scortrs after holej of tti Panama Open Golf Tournament: Billy Maxwell 70-68-70-508 Georse Knudton 209 Don Whitt -70-70 Jacky Cupit 69-72-69-J10 Antonio Cerda 71-68-71210 Jim Ferrler 67-70-71510 Dous Sandert 70-68-752)0 Georse Lewis -68-73-210 Dow Flnsterwald 73-67-72212 Al Geiberser 69-49-74 212 Bob Galda 74-70-69213 Ronnie Weber 70-71-72213 Edward Famula 70-69-74213 Pete Cooper 72-69-73-214 Frank Whibley 73-68-73214 Erique Arrellan 73-68-75 -216 Pablo Molina 70-70-76-216 to: encourage the 7:30 3 Lives 8:00 Capt Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:30 Lucy 10:00 Video 10:30 Surprise 10:55 CBS News 11:00 Love 11:30 Search 11:45 Guiding 12:00 Mid-South 12:30 World 1:00 Password 1:30 Houseparty 2:00 Millionaire 2:30 Verdict 2:55 News 3:00 Brighter Day 3:15 Secret 1:30 Edge 4:10 Electric Time 4:45 Industry 5:00 Mid-South Today 5:15 Pun Time 5:30 Jr.

Science 5:45 Bulletin 4:00 hews. Sports :10 Weather 4:15 D. Edwardl 4:30 Tell Truth 7:00 Pete 7:30 G. Berg 8:00 D. Thomas 8:30 Griffith 9:00 Hennesey 9:30 Secret 10: to Precinct 10:30 S.

Holmes 11:00 News Wet. nuuiu-uc KUh WDSU-TV dence, R.I., seven with promoter Louis Pieri; at Tacoma, five with promoter Inigo Lucchesi and at San Francisco, five, with promoter Lou Thomas. Other promoters, Markson said, have been aided in Hartford, Bridgeport, and New Haven, Miami Beach, Chicago, Louisville, Paterson, and Union NEW OPLEANS LA- and give him a place to of pnilad hia.s glue Horf. New faces were needed for even dub. Wright a flne the: one program left.

middleweight nmwrf ra. 4:00 Amos ft Andy 4:40 Prayer coma, and heavyweight Don Priut Neeley Jr. who upset Tom at Providence, R.I., 4:30 3 Stooges 5:00 Yogi Bear 5:30 News 5:55 Reporter 6:05 Sports 4:10 Weather 4:15 Huntley 6:30 Death Valley 7:00 N. Velvet 7:30 Price 8:00 87th Precinct 9:00 Thriller 10:00 Tightrope 11:60 Esse 4:45 Today 9:00 Second Cup 9:30 Play your 10:00 Price is Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Impression 11:30 Truth 11:55 NBC News 12:00 Midday 1:00 Jan Murray 1:25 NBC News 1:30 L. Young 2:00 Dr.

Malont 2:30 Daughters 3:00 Daddy 3:30 Hollywood 1:55 NBC News WTOK-TV Mis-ktl City, N.J., Commack, L.I., N.Y., Wilkes-Barre and Erie, Pa. "I don't know if this is the right plan or not," said Markson. "Maybe we'll do it some other way next year. But I think the main thing is we are doing something to stimulate boxing." recently. GOOD PROSPECTS "Lou Thomas has come up with several good young prospects in San Francisco and other promoters say they have some good ones on the way up," said Mark- MERIDIAN 1:55 News MISS CHANNEL 11 2:55 News 3:00 Brighter Day 11:10 Sports, wea.

Show "is Late sno Late 8:00 8:30 P.M. Danny's assistance turns the PTA meeting into PandenTonium. ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW WABG-TV Josa Gonialez 73-67-76216 Woman Tortured by Agonizing ITCH OPFF' WOOD MIS' -NNEL 4 7:30 Weather 1:30 Edge 7.00 College 7:30 Faith :45 News ft Wea 8:00 Capt Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:30 Lucy 10:30 Surprise 10:55 News 11:00 Love 11:30 Search 11:45 Guiding 12:00 Farm Rept. 12:15 News, ft Weather 12:30 World 1:00 Password 1:30 Houseparty 3:00 Millionaire 2:30 Verdict V.V 1' (. II Edge 4:00 Fashions 4:15 Annapolis 4:45 Favorite 5:15 Potpourl 5:20 News 5:30 McGraw 4:00 Wea.

ft Spts. 4:15 D. Edward 4:30 Truth 7:00 Ripcord 7:30 Window 8:00 D. Thomas 8:30 Andy Griffith 9:00 Hennesey 9:30 I've a Secret 10:00 77 Sunset 11:00 News, Wea. and Snorts 7years.rbenlfounia 7:35 Popeve 8:00 Capt Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:30 Lucy 10:00 Video 10:30 Surprise 11:00 Life 11:33 Horiions 11:45 Tomorrow 11:00 Lights 12:30 Contrails 1:00 Password 1:30 Houseparty 2:00 Millionaire 1:30 Verdict Is 1:00 Brighter Day 1:11 Hera ft Thar ntw wonder I'm happy," uritetMrs.

P.RamsayfL.A.Ctlif Hera'! blessed relief tortures ot Tiitinil itch, H-tl rhaftne. run 4:00 Here Then Horizons 4:30 Comicv 5:15 Carling 5: JO Snorts 5:35 Kartoon 5:45 Interview 4:00 News, wea ft Sports 4:15 D. Edwards 4:30 To Tell Truth 7:00 Pete 7:30 Window I 00 Sunset 9:00 Hennesey I've a Seen. 10:00 News -Wea. 10:15 Late Show Dempsey has been saying all along that the only way! to.

revive boxing was to revive small clubs," said Markson in an interview. "So I tried to figure out; a way to help the promoter of, small clubs, develop interest in boxing and encourage young fighters; There had to be some continuity to the program. "I presented a grant-in-aid plan for small clubs last August to Ned Irish (president of the Garden) and Adm. John J. Bergen (chairman of the board of the Garden).

I advised them there would be no financial return, that the plan would be costly but that I thought ft would be worth it. "They just said, 'Go ahead and I've been delighted with therr cooperation and support. presented the plan at the NBA convention at Hershey, in September and there was a highly favorable response from the delegates," Markson continued. "I received from 60 to 70 requests for support." Markson's original plan called for the Garden to give $5,000 to a promoter who ran 20 shows in a 40-week period. That was at the rate of $250 a show.

I checked and learned that a promoter paid an average of from $100 to $200 for rent for one show," said Markson. "This, then was to provide him a rent-free and eczema with in smaiing new scientific formulacalledLANACANE.Thitfsst-actioa; medicated cretne kiiurnrmroi oactena germs while it soothes raw, smtlted and inflamed tjssoe. Stop scrstchmtt so speed bealirw. DcntewaalGteljWACANJSatdracgisa. HORSES FINISH IN 1-8 ORDER AT N.

O. TRACK NEW ORLEANS (AP)-Fair Grounds spectators Saturday wondered whether they were seeing horses or pink elephants when the horses numbered 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 finished the 1 1-16 mile fourth race in that selfsame numerical order. The No. 1 horse, W. L.

LeBouef's Count Chuck, ridden by Clarence Meaux, paid $38.60, $16.00 and $10.60. No. 2, P. L. Broussard's Reds First, paid $9.60 and $7.60.

No. 3, E. Lowrance's Fleet Money, paid $9.60 for the show spot. And Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 were the also-rans in that order.

But Count Chuck spoiled the revetitions 60-cent portion of the payoffs by paying around $16.00 to place. 8:30 9:00 P.M; The sheriff and Barney Fife coach Opie at track for the annual foot race. CLARION-LEDGER DAILY RADIO-LOG An Advertisem*nt As Submitted By Local Radio Stations HENNESEY WOKJ 1590 K. C. WSLI IM0 K.

C. yyjos 140 K. C. WRBC 930 K. C.

WJXN 14M K. C. WJDX el K. C. Sign On Coun Music lm Sports; iread artv Cornbreed Party 4:00 Farm Journal 4:15 County Agents 4:30 Farm Rch Rep 4:45 Weather Ongs Highway Msionev Suoniv Co Jobie Martin Shew Jobie Martin Show boo Bisnoo snow Bob Bishoo Show Bob Bishop; News Newt; Jim Naal Meal MBS News: Breakfast With Bill Stern; (HI Breakfast With Bill Bob Bishoo Show Bob Bishop Show Bob Bishoo Show Bob Sishooi New News: Jobie Martin Jobie Martin Show Jobi Martin Show Jobl Martin Show 7:00 News 7:15 Juke Box Ser.

7.30 Juke Box Ser. 7:45 News Newt Jim Neal Swnftard Show 3 Swofford Snow 5 Swofford Show Swofford hw Doug Moor Doug 4oore Doug Aoor Doug Moor Jackson U.S A. Jim Neal Jim Neal Bob Bob Bob Bob llshoo Show 'Shoo Show llshoo Show llshoo; New with Bill Jo Music. News, News; Mom Show horning Show Morning Show Morning ihow 8:00 World News 8:15 Juke Box Ser. 8:30 Juke Box Ser.

8:45 Juke Box Ser. lim Neal Interviews Neal Harvey i News -i "3 1 ireakfast I lacVson USA Bill Jo Herrlnaon Show Herrlngton Show Herrlnoton Show reakfast i lub lub Doug Moore Doug Moore Doug Moore Doug Moor News: Gospel Hoof 'Kpel Hour noel Hour -nel Mnuf 9:00 News; Tempos 9:15 620 Tempos 9:30 620 Tempos 9:45 620 Tempos Cjood Music -ot i-ood Morning Merrlnqtoni News reakfast i -kfast I nm's Melodies Herrlnaton ihow ihow Herrlnoton Mom's Melodies Mom's Vielnrfiej JACKSON MAYTAG CO. A FRIENDLY Herrlnaton Show Ejoeclally For You Especially For You Especially For You Especially For You Jerry Deigricev Jerry yeisnrey Jerry pe'anrev Jerry De'arcev News; Mid Morning Mid Morning Show Mother Of Week Mid Mornlna Show of'onai Herrlnaton News 9:00 9:30 P.M. News i Musli Especially For You 10:00 News; Tempos 10:15 620 Tempos 10:30 620 Tempos 10:45 620 Tempos 11:00 News; Tempos 11:15 620 Tempos 11:30 Back to Bible 11:45 Back to Bible For Music For Monrtav Monday Show Show Show News Mnndav Herrlnaton Herrlngton Herrlngton Herrlnaton; Hennesey gets a new outlook on people when Jaye P. Morgan pays him a visit.

News; Halleluiah Halleluiah Train Halleluiah Train Halleluiah Train Musit ic pot Especially For you Especially For You Especially For You Muslcast Fulton Lewis Harvey News 1 Jim Mack Show Al Slmmnns Show News. Noon Plight Noon Flight Musicest, News Doug Moor THE NEW BREED weather. Simmonr inuo nora Noon Flight Jim vac vow lim Mark Show Urn Mack Nws 12:00 Farm Fam. Or. 12:15 News 12:30 Pushbutton One 12:45 Pushbutton One Ai Simmons how Stork Markets Music In AMernoon Doug Moore Noon plight I (Scacnn-D-OrT joug Moore Music In Afternoon Music In Afternoon Music In Afternoon 41 Simmons Shew Al Simmon Show Al Simmons Show Al Simmon Show Mack Show Jim Mack Show Jim Mark (km Newt; Blue Assn Hues Assn.

Blues Assn. Blues Assn. two Mnnre 1oug 'Aoore loug Mcnr Toijg 'oor 1:00 News-Pushbutton 1:15 Pushbutton One 1:30 Pushbutton One 1:45 Pushbutton One Jim Mark. News Music In Afternoon INSTALLED FREE within 30 feet GASLITE 8 Florence! News Music In Afternoon Music In Afternoon Music In Afternoon start. MODIFIED PLAN "Then I realized some pro- Chisox Receive Contracts From Land is, Score CHICAGO (AP)-Outfielder Jim Landis, who had his greatest year at the plate with .283 last season, returned his signed 1962 contract the Chicago White Sox Saturday.

The Sox said he received a fairly substantial salary increase. Also signing were pitchers Herb Score and Lee Fcatherstone, a rookie from Worth, 111. The Sox now have signed 28 of their 39 players. Landis, 27, established personal highs last year with his .283 batting average, 22 homers, eight triples, 157 hits, 85 runs-batted-in and 251 total bases. He was the News: Glory Road Glory Road Jlorv Road Glory Road -r-e -iorene nro lorence elaocv eiancev teian." 1'ianree lerry lerrv erry lerry Jim Mack show Jim Mark Show Mack Show Hm Mack- News 2:00 News-Pushbutton 2:15 Pushbutton One 2:30 Pushbutton One 2:45 Pushbutton On George Mnrance eorqe lorence 1 -Jt George lorence News: Popo Rock Poooa Rock Show Pnnpe Rock show Popoa Rock Show lerry lerry lerry lerry anrev e'ancey 'lancev leHnctv "ie orenee Herrlnaton Sho Herrlnoton Show Herrlnqton Show Herrlnaton Newt 3:00 News-Pushbutton 3:15 Pushbutton One 3:30 Pushbutton One 3:45 Pushbutton One Florence; News Great Bands Great Bands Great Bands Great Bands Tom Roane Show with News, Good with News, Good Tom Roane Show John Jay Show with News, Good News -ots Career Girl Muslr lohn floomer Show -ohn Jnow lohn oomer Show lohn thow George hlorenc Georse Florence Georje Fiorencr G.

'-lorence: News 'artlr hew how News (ohie lobie Martin lohle Martin lohie Matin Jim Mack how Jim Mack Show lim Mark Show Jim Mack Sews 4.00 News-Pushbutton 4:15 Pushbutton One 4:30 Pushbutton One 4:45 Pushbutton One WITH PURCHASE OF MAYTAG GAS DRYER JUST PUSH ONE BUTTON FOR THE RESULTS YOU WANT The new Highlander Electronic Control Dryer has buttons for Regular Fabrics, Wash 'n Wears even a button for Damp Dry. And, if you have drapes or pillows to be dusted or fluffed out, "ush the hutto" m'fid "Air Fluff" Here Mosie, Inhn Boomet Show lohn Scwner hnw nhn Boome Jhnw "hn hnnmer Show iste Martin Show lohle Martin News 8, oort -tere -f Mrk Jim Mack Jim Mark lim Mack: how Sow News les'er newt ir lobie Martin Show Jobie Martin Show inest Vusk Jn arfh ior I Isteoers Por iteoers pr istener Por -steners Fulton Lewis rsow Boat News: Greai sand Inest Music Jim Mack Show Mack Show Mack show Jim Mark News I 5:00 News-Pushbutton 5:15 Pushbutton On 5:30 Bill Goodrich 5:45 Pushbutton On 6:00 News-Markets 6:15 Snorts 4:30 Morgan Baatty 6:44 Life Line 7:00 News: S'ereo :15 Stereo showcase 7:30 Stereo Showcase 7:45 Stereo Slnwcnr News i Jobie Mertlr lob'e Martin Show ion Otf Bo veil 10:30 11:30 P.M. Part II: "Policemen Die Alone!" 'WEATHER AND NEWS 10:00 P.M. how ii -ie 'orenc George t-torencr jeorg fc 3. Florence; News Lee I Lee I Lee I 1 i show Show Boh 'el ifal uenrl New The World Today The World Today WJQS Good Music Snow wjQS Good Music Show with News, Feat.

I Good Music re Hester Here' Mes'e Bob rf' Job Rat nb al' ir' Hester Model IOG500 DEPENDABLE MAYTAG DRYER AS LOW AS Kuenil Show Kuenil Jiow uenr Show uenrl; New Lee ee Lee Mester News Sob Rail State-Kv. Sete-Kv. S'ate-Ky. State-Ky. 8:00 MIS.

8:15 MISS. 8:30 Miss. 8:45 MISS. the WJOS Here' Mester Here' Hester Here' Hes'er News Lee Kueni Snow Lee Kuenrl Show ee uenrl Show Nighttime uoor Music Show lerry peianeev lerry Deiancey 'erry De'ancev irrv Ueianr.ev Mm New i ee Ktienri New only American League outfielder to handle more than 400 chances, He had 389 putouts. He also stole 19 bases.

Score, 28, was 1-2 for the Sox before being shipped to San Diego, where he compiled a 7-6 record. Featherstone, 22, right-hander, was 13-10 in his first season of pro ball with Idaho Falls, Idaho, of th Class Pioneer League, c.nest Music WW News; O' Oretmt Deiancev jelenr.ev and Lireamr srm est Mul erm erry erry rrv lerry "uenil sow 'Jnr V.ow 'ienii W. Kuenrl, New MAYTAG COMPANY "Jockion'o Oldatr MAYTAG Deoltr" urea" News wey 9:00 Miss. Stete-Kv. 9:15 Miss.

State-Kv. 9:30 Stereo Shuwcasa 9:43 Stereo Showcase 10:00 News 10:15 Morgan Beattv 10:30 Stereo Showcau 10:45 Stereo Showcase News SlgrvOff 'ieia anrev ltr Mlr Or rran gn Off rvev arv 42S North Start Street Phone FL l.CIQi Lea Kuenil Kuenil Ky-nrl vgn Off rrv Je' terry Oa'1 rm pel' lerry Del and jream lews; ireem-Nit until 5:10 A anrev "First in thp Hrart of Mississippi" anew.

Clarion-Ledger from Jackson, Mississippi (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.