Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

TAUS FOUR MARION- LEADER TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1922 Actual siza Master Belvedere 2 for 254 DUTCH MASTERS CIGAR 'J' "Nothing quite like itSO so mild" Here is Master Belvedere, a splendid example of the full perfecto shape that so many smokers like. Here is hand -workmanship at its best. Master Belvedere has a "sweet," mild flavor -due to its imported Java and lavana, tobaccos. Please compare Master Belvedere in flavor, shapeliness, and size with any cigar selling at 2 for 25c. Dutch Masters Cigar Is made by Consolidated Cigar Distributed Corporation, by New Torte Seren Harnit Hewitt Co.

Shapely Sizes Distributore 10c Toledo, Ohlo 2 for 25c DUTCH MASTERS MINERS MUST MOVE Morgantown, W. May 2.. Twenty-two miners will be. evicted from houses of the Rosedale coal company, with their -familles, tomorrow, Mag1strate S. A.

announced today. -The which she could bare taken an appeal from the magistrate's decision awarding possession of the houses to: the company, expired riction orders were today Officials of the company said additional suits for possession would bo brought: It the miners did, not take example from the They declined 'to state they comtemplated a resumption of operations Immediately. To Build Monument at Indian Burial Ground 15c 3 for 50c A monnment with an inscription representing Marion, high school to be erected by the students of tho history department of Marion high school on the- Indiana battle grounds of of the annual picnic of the history class of tho school, which will be held at the battle grounds on next Friday. The monument will be erected under' the direction of Cora M. -Straugha.

The class -will meet at eleven o'clock that morning a after the May day exercises will be taken to the grounds in auto mobiles. Dinner will be served -soon after the arrival at the grounds. Every student in the history department 1s urged to attend. The party will 'return to Marion late in the afternoon. compare Fisk Premier Tread Non Skid Cord 80 82 x4 80 $h- Fabric 14.85 Non-Skid Cord Extra- Ply Red- Top 82x 89.00 80 84 11.85 Non-Skid Cord Six- Ply 0-Skid 34 41.00 Clincher Cord Cord 80 17.85 85 5 51.50 Six- Ply Straight Side Cord Flat Tread Cord 30 19.83 for Tracki Six- Ply Non-Bkid Cord 77.00 8151 27.00 Time to Re-drer.

(Bury. Fial) Trash MARk Ato, u. PAT. THERE is a difference in values. Look the market over before you spend your tire money.

No product can urge comparison without a background of superior worth. Compare Fisk Cord Tires with any other tire for size, strength, resiliency and price. a There's a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size, for car, truck or speed wagon FISK CORD TIRES 5 RESULTS New York, Boston, 3. Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, STANDING OF CLUBS. W.

Pet. New Tort 3 .824 Chicago 11 .688 St. Louis .633 Brooklyn .529 Pittsburgh .471 Philadelphia :400 Incinnati 6 12 .853 Boston 12 .200 GAMES TODAY Cincinnati -at Louts. Chicago at Pittsburgh. RESULT.

OF GAMES Boston, May 2-New TorE again' won from Boston today, Ryan pitchthem to -victory; while Marquard knocked out. of the bor in the first. Score: New York 310 010 010-6 10 0 Boston 3.000 100 10- 1 Ryan And Smith; Marquard, Watson, Fillingim and. O'Neill. Cincinnati, May Pittsburg pitchers were hit sharply today, Cin-cinnati winning 9 to 2.

Score: Pittsgurgh .000 010.001-42. 5 3 Cincinnati .202.101 11.0 .0 Batteries Carlson. Yellowhorse, Morrison and Gooch; Couch and grave, A AMERICAN NATIONAL RESULTS Detroit St. Louis 1. New- York 12, Boston -0.

Philadelphia 11, Washington 2. Cleveland 10, Chicago STANDING OF W. Fet. St. Louts 12 6 .667 New York Chicago 9 563 Boston .433 Cleveland 8 .470 Philadelphia 8 9 .470 Washington; 8 .421 Detroit: 102 .291 GAMES TODAY Cleveland at Chicago, New York at Philadelphia Washington at Boston, St.

Louis at Detroit. RESULT OF GAMES Detrolt, May 2. Ehmke held St. Louls to five hits today Detroit wOn 3 to The Tigers bit Shocker opportunely. Seore: R.IL.

E. St. Louis 3.000.010 000 6 Detroit 002 001 00x-3 10 1 Batteries Shooker7 and Severeid; Ehmke and Bassler. Chicago, May 2. Cleveland hit its batting stride and pounded out a- ten -to -six Victory over Chicago.

Score: R. D. Cleveland .002 210 203-10 32 1 Chicago .300 000 102- 6-112 Batterles-Coveleskie and O'Neill; Russell, Wilkinson, Mc Weeney and Schalk. New York, May 2. New York came out of their batting clump and defeated Boston: 12 to 6.

Schang had at fingers on his throwing hand split by. a foul tip in the Afth. and was forced to retire. Umpire Walsh put Manager Hugging on the bench the Scoro: R.IL E. Boston 002 100 021- 6 9 2 No Batteries- Fullerton, W.

Collins, Karr and Ruel. Walters; Jones and Schang, Devormer. Philadelphia: May 2. Four home runs, three of which were made in succession in the- fourth today, gave Philadelphia the game over Washington: 11. to 2.

Walker's homer in the Arst scored Johnston. In the fourth, with two out, Walker) again made A home run -scoring Young. Perking and Miller followed also with circult smashes. After that Mogridge was ejected, and Francis finished the game, holding the Athletics- to two Score: R. H.

Washington .000 000 101- 2 01 Philadelphia .210:002 1 Batteries Francis and Gharrity, Picnich; Hasty and Perkins. ASSOCIATION RESULTS rala. STANDING OF CLUBS 1. L. Pct.

Indianapolis 10 .625 Columbus 626 .600 Milwaukee 563 St. Paul 8 633 Lonisville ,433 Kansas City ,412 Toledo 13 .200 GAMES TODAY Toledo at A A Kansas City, at MInneapolls, Indianapolis at St. Paul. Columbus at A PURDUE IS VICTOR Greencastlo, May -Purdue defeated DoPauw, 0 to 0, Errors by DoPanw contributed largely to the Purduo rictory. Hoore: Purdue 0 5 Batteries and Walther: Bills and IN THE RING Chicago, May Eddie Welch of South- Bend and Jack Britten of Chica go, welter-weighte, today were aimed to box ten rounds at Peoria, this month, USE LEADER -TRIBUNE SEE THESE SUITS' BEFORE THEY'RE GONE Our Men's Clothing Buyer Says Pi The Most.

Sensational Sale r. OF MEN'S SUITS Ever. Staged in Grant County" Say: COME He's Right!" We IN! Prove At Any Rate This Sounds Good--ALL- WOOL .75 Just 200 of these suits picked up. by. our New York buyer at a remarkable low price.

You get the benefit. Suits are made of pure all wool blue and brown serge, neat novelty cassimere cloths, and excellent medium color tweeds. fitting. Young models. men's new belt back styles and semi form AFTER ALL The men have the best of Conservative cut coats for-older men; -sizes up- me this deal.to 44.

Why, when I flew over here 3: In the Men's Department of -Values you'll see priced usually at $22.50 and this STORE big, and busy heard them BOSTON This sale offers you these at we Ing about this sale, I had -to advise quick action, pinch myself to see if I was awake. Honestly, men, these sults EL THESE SUITS ON SALE NOW should be seen with your own eyes to really appreciato the value. -READ THIS- "LOWEST PRICES OUR CHIEF ATTRACTION" And belleve me--I know If you do see one--you'll walk BOYS SUITS at right this out money of the saving store price with of it SPECIAL three suits and BUY TWO PAIR PANTS como My humble opinion two. 18- Durable---Strong---Stylish Boston Store $14.75. SALE $7.95 Marions Greatest Cash Dept.

for this is a REAL bargain. Store. SEE OUR BIG WINDOW DISLAYI 3 TRACK MEET TO BE HELD MAY 19. AT LOCAL PARK Track and field meet under the auspices of the Church Athletic will be held during high school commencement week, on Friday afternoon, May 19, at Booster park, open to boys representing any, church in the city. -Two classes of events will be acheduled, one for boys.

under twel years of age on day of meet and the other for boys over twelve. For boys under twelve the following events are open: 50 yard run, 100 yard run, high jump, broad jump, quarter mile relay. For older than twelve. 50 yard run, 100 yard run, 220 yard run, -220 yard hurdle, high jump, broad jump, pole vault, shot put, half mile relay race. Fred Elliott -has been chosen, for referee, George Jones, or feld events, and Ralph Gilbert, starter.

MARION TEAM HAS A HARD BATTLE Marion: high school's Wonder Nine will tussle a bard battle on Gas City's gridiron -this The local diamond squad bested the Gag CIty visitors Booster park last week and the game will be a strenuous one when -Marion attempts to keep their record unstained. 7 The -victory last Friday barely resulted when Marion rallied In the last half of the ninth Inning and knocked In four- runs, -putting the locals in tho lead 14 to 13. Coach Gilbert put his men through a practice at Booster park last -night in preparation for the strife. Marion meets Bluffton Tat Bluffton next Friday. If the M.

IF. S. men win from Gas City they stand a 100 per cent chance of trouncing Bluff. ton's clouters. CLEAN BILL FOR MR.

ROBERTSON Catcaga, May 2. President Ban Johnson of the American league today absolved Charles Robertson, Chicago White Sox pitcher, from any sus picion of having used a foreign substance on the ball la pitching his 'no hit, no run ramo against Detroit at Detroit last Sunday. There had been intimations that Robertson had tampered with the ball, It being Intimated that oft-wras used to mako the ball hop freakishly. Ty Cobb manager of tho Dotroit. team, wrote a letter to Presidout Johnson regarding the matter, Today Umptra prought ta Chi cago two of the balls used in contest and submitted them to President Johnson.

an the examination had it was may oil put camo from batting the petlets AgAInst poreen at. the rear of the home plate which had been olled to prevent rust. "I conalder Robertson one of thot cleanest pitchers, in organized base ball today." President Johnson sald, NEW SWIM RECORD Culver, May Wolsmuller of the Illinois athletic club, tablished his twenty-third world's of her children died from poison, liam L. Basseley, commissioner of con record today when he finished the 100 which she explained bad been taken servation, who announced more. that yard swim in the- Culver Military 2,000 fires had been reported, two lives academy pool in :59 The former The body of the fifth husband was lost in Aghting them and no fewer record of-: -00 1-5 was held by Duke exumed today following an investiga- than fifty bulldings destroyed.

Hahnamoku. tion by Prosecutor Stanton. 4 JOHN M'CORMACK COLLEGE BASEBALL Beloit, Notre Dame, PERFORM AUTOPSY ON BODY OF MAN Three of the woman's husbands mysteriously, according to County secutor Edward C. Stanton, while Cleveland, May 2-Au autopsy on the body of an ex-soldier who died sudIdenly nearly. a year ago under mysterlous circ*mstances, was performed by Coroner A.

P. Hammond today, The body ls that of the fifth- husband of woman who is being held pending an Although charged with another crime which bag no connection with this case the woman is suspected of having committed a series of murders in order to collect insurance totalling $11,000. -OLD ISSUE ARISES Charlestown, W. Va. May 2.

-(By the Associated Press) The bill of particulars, favorite battle ground" of coun sel in the trial of the treason charge against William Blizzard, Mpset the prosecution's plans today. A move to ruling that it restricted proof of conamend it, following Judge J. M. Woods spiracy-to activities in Kanawha-county, was forecast by. A.

M. Belcher, oue of the leaders of the attorneys assoclated the state's staff, and was derided by; I. W. Houston and T. C.

Townsend, bulwarks of the defense counsel. The issue as to the bill of particulars will probably be taken tomorrow, FIRES SPREADING died New York, May -The Pro- of the forest Are situation in two chusetts was emphasised today JOHN M'CORMACK LEAVES ON TOUR New York, May 2. Haggard and wan, John McCormack, famous Irisb tenor, sailed today the Aquitanta to recuperate along the Riviera. With him were: Mira. McCormack, their daughter Gwendolyn.

and two sons, Kevin and Cyrill. The party, he said, would be If gone be all summer, in pos-7 longer. returns health: will give two concerts for charity. "They will be in the nature of certs of thanksgiving because of my. condition," he said.

Mr. McCormack's cabin wag a mass of flowers sent by members of his fession and friends. The Inhabitants of China are count ed every year in 8 curious manner, The oldest master of every ten houses. has to count the familles and make has to count the familles seriousness Massa- list, which is sent to the by Wil-1 house. SPEED DEMONS GETTING READY TO SHATTER OLD RECORDS THE GREAT SPEEDWAY Automobile now rivaling oven the baseball fraternity, are turning their eyes toward Indianapolla where torpedo shaped racing care af both domestic and foreign manufacture already are warming up for the annual femorial Day international races.

The two and balt mile brick speedway is splattered with oil sprayed from the throbbing motors, but its nonadd surface offers, rood -traction despite The speedway has on the interesting birtory, The fret race in 1909 ruined the original pavement. It in the death and injury a veral persons, and revealed to the world the terrible shock and to which a pavement la by a speeding automobile, machines, rmning at 120 miles. hear the straight ripped great pieces wore deep Wheel caught the race WARMING UP; ing machines to turn turtle or After lengthy survey swerve and plunge over the track, actual vitrifed brick through the guard rails and into chosen as the only material the crowds of watchers. could stand: up under the The country was appalled at the and temperature changes catastrophe Owners of the track, cracking or rolling track up. For determined to prevent a repetition, years the brick investigation all service and veteran drivers materials with is and batter today.

when they res their first race. F. and make Imperial tax 7.. A 5 and that shock. without twelve.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.