Mitchuation | The Steve Dangle Podcast - Raw Chili (2024)

@@San Jose Sharks

  • May 22, 2024

Mitchuation | The Steve Dangle Podcast

[Music] s s d p p the Steve dangle podcast with your host Steve dangle Adam wild and Jessie Blake Steve just shot a video uh about the preview deserved it preview for the Western Conference Finals for sdpn mhm um in which I would say he self aized just a little bit yeah just a little bit just said how correct and perfect his picks were they haven’t been that’s just pointing out facts no they haven’t been though you know what the only things I’ve gotten wrong are the things I agreed with you on which ones are those uh the Hurricanes losing to the Islanders oh that was bad guys dumbass and uh what was the other one ABS losing to the Jets yeah Dum those are the only two series you’ve gotten wrong no probably not I don’t know I have check I’m not going to lie no I’ve had a I’ve had a bad I I should say I’ve had a bad bracket I had a bad first round and once you have a bad first round you’re kind of screwed the way but my staning cup final is still alive which is like fingers crossed and yours is what New York Dallas I got New York Edmonton y Ed Steve has New York Dallas I have New York Adam had Toronto Edmonton Edmonton okay so half of it still alive no so somebody here is going to be sitting here in two weeks time with a correct uh finals pick at least one it won’t be me but I’ll say this if I get Ed you don’t think it’s going to be you well cuz I picked Toronto right no but I mean like at least one finals pick is oh yeah yeah I’ll feel good about that I I feel good about that that would be cool um I wanted an all Canadian final and as I said I have a rule you can’t bet against the leafes it’s bad karma maybe I should bet against the Leafs because it because uh clearly betting for them isn’t working I I messed up in the video I said I got the whole final four right I was wrong I thought Boston would get revenge on Florida which they did not they didn’t they lost I love that he double checked it too I double checked and I I should have just been right so we’ve got uh we’ve got some stuff to do today that is you know we we we kind of talked about the previews uh yesterday for the series uh so if you want to watch those you can check them out we have Steve did a video last night about uh Craig baru and his press conference which we can get into in a bit and also a little Marner T and we’re going to go uh we’re going to go a little uh um we’re going to go a little heavy into the press conference today because there hasn’t been a CLE games in a couple days and kind of got to sketch their brain you know shake it uh but I think uh the first thing I want to say is quickly that Steve will be streaming tonight and every night for the Eastern Conference Final I’ll be doing the Western Conference Final and this weekend uh on Saturday morning if you’re not doing anything Tim and I are logging on uh at 9:30 in the morning and we are doing qualifying for the Monaco Grand Prix woo nice yes which is the best Grand Prix on the calendar if you if you like everything else other than the racing it’s the worst R of the year yeah I was about say where you going with this sentence good qualifying terrible race in non-streaming news Jesse will be hosting the CJ show will I and that hasn’t been confirmed at all I I don’t know what you’re talking about oh my bad I don’t know that’s he’s not sure we can’t uh I’m pregame streaming Steve streams you forgot those there um now what are you doing this are you Contin with what you’re doing in the first round yeah yeah one since 67 our quester win one Stanley Cup since 1967 um yeah I took a break from the second round because I had to stream Rangers uh hurricane so we’ll be back we’re on episode uh nine coming up we’re in the second we’re in the second round now we swept the first round hey yeah let Co okay we’ll see what we do I like it I like it all right so um I I guess my first thing to you guys is I I want to ask about uh this um the greatest panel show in sports at least North American Sports might be broken up after this next season Inside the NBA which one of you guys is leaving Inside the NBA Charles uh Charles Barkley Kenny Smith Ernie Johnson and Shaq because Amazon has bought the rights to the NBA for that particular night TNT will no longer be a part of it NBC NBC oh sorry Amazon bought package too Amazon Disney and NBC the NBC package is the one that’s really stealing the TNT brother how do we feel about this because it looks like one of them has already said I’m staying with TNT and I don’t know how he could do that basketball I I didn’t uh I’ll have to look that up Ernie Johnson has a contract that is with Warner Brothers so he doesn’t have the freedom to leave is is what’s happening there with TNT that’s why everybody’s being like it’s break it’s breaking up because the three of them um the three uh X NBA players who are just more the panelist but Ernie as the host is tied to Warner Brothers so that’s why he’s kind of going to have to probably remain at Turner while the three of them just go on to do it for NBC or Amazon or ESPN or some other platform have you considered that Amazon is an infinite money monster and could in theory just buy the man money their way into getting them that’s why I think the whole death of the show is a little premature you have another year to go first of all like Turner isn’t losing the right starting next season so you got a full year to figure out who can just purchase the four of them and bring them over somewhere like I’m sure you can get Ernie out of his contract he’s the only one that doesn’t have a stipulation that he can leave people are doom and gluing this too fast one because it doesn’t necessarily mean the show is going to break up two a year of Charles Barkley with even fewer [ __ ] to give I think you are all missing the point yeah this dude is already talking about like yeah we’re not going to be here next year and like the you the stuff he the stuff he says where I’m like is is this the it nope still a job he still has job all right and now it’s going to be a year where he doesn’t give a [ __ ] when you have come on [ __ ] around money doesn’t matter M yeah doesn’t matter and what are they going to do do it without him they can’t do it without him can’t do it without him I’ve seen them do it without him every time I see that show but one of the guys is missing I’m like boo yeah it’s honestly I boo my computer the force some of the like they’re perfect they’re absolutely perfect excellent it made me think though of Monday nights next year with with Amazon here in Canada and I don’t know is a if a part as a part of the Sports Net deal if the sportset personalities get ported over or if they completely start fresh and bring in their own people zero idea not heard a single thing about it zero idea I mean it’d be cool to pump some money into Canadian media and maybe get some new jobs and I I don’t know okay I I don’t know it’s uh I I I got to practice what I preach from the uh the New Year’s episode which is um I think what was it hot take a Pala yeah it was uh it’s okay to be optimistic yeah it is okay to be optimistic it’s okay to be optimistic um and I say that as someone with raging pessimism for a lot of things but yeah I I hope it ends up being a good thing well okay let’s take your optimism and let’s apply it to Craig baru guys obviously after the show yesterday or when we started the show we had just seen the breu Bay Press Conference we’ve all had the chance to watch clips of it and and we watched it a little bit together as well um I didn’t take much from it except for the fact that Craig buub did not smile once good did not smile once he just kind of stared and he’s got really high cheekbones and and very intimidating yeah he’s got the enforcer uh stare yes he’s got the enforcer stare and anyone who has ever met an NHL enforcer in person knows about it there’s an intimidation there that you just feel I’ve met Mark seard I’ve met Jason York you met Rich I’ve met well wait a wait a second I’ve met Mark sard I’ve met um uh Colby Armstrong Jason York I’m trying to think of like all the former players I’ve spoken to they don’t have it they had other things that guys didn’t have um but they don’t have it Bob McGill I worked with him he’s [ __ ] terrifying he’s selling real estate now Nick kios I can’t like I can’t believe that guy just for hang on a second Bob Mill is is doing quite well as an agent as well in Cottage Country cuz I pass him on my way with my wife’s family’s cottage and he’s on the thing and I’m like he’s smiling there and he looks all war and friendly but I have met him he does like a cottage volleyball tournament every year yeah I have friends who have gone but he’s like yeah scary no and it’s just it’s just a look it’s just a like he’d be the he’d be the look he has suggests during an apocalypse he’d be the first to suggest cannibalism he’s the most pragmatic yeah yeah okay we what if Bob sees this by the way we could I don’t I don’t care like I listen he’s a nice guy really nice gu Bob you’re a great guy and definitely buy a house from him definitely buy a house from him no it’s it’s a look okay it’s a look he um there’s this story where uh there was a player who had a real good chance of making the leaves and Bob gave him advice and he’s like listen uh you’re a really talented guy you’re not in good enough shape like you need to this summer hit the gym hard and what does this guy do he signs with a really it was a dumb team to sign with and if you go and look at his career it ended up being a mistake and The Story Goes that guy was in town visiting you know with the minor league affiliate because he wasn’t in the NHL and he should have been Bob just grabbed him by the arm and goes how you doing like grabs him by like the by his like flabby arm yeah you know what I mean like just like just they have it Kipper has it you’ve spoken to Kipper and he knows onv yeah exactly and he knows how to turn it off [ __ ] every now and then you see the back of his skull through his eyes we were all all three of us were there with Darcy Tucker was on the on the bus at an Air Canada thing we were doing after a Boston game and he was fired up he I’m going to say he doesn’t have it what you’re out of your mind no he has something else he he doesn’t have the the buuy stair the McGill stair Kipper uh taomi has the stair holy [ __ ] has the St terrifying that dude who tapped him oh [ __ ] idiot like in The Stance oh my God no Tucker has has screw loose there he doesn’t have that Darcy Tucker didn’t eat people for a living for his NHL career he was feisty he’s like honey badger energy yeah okay okay I can see that but we’re talking about like apex predator when you brought up the like the the tap the tap from the fan after Max DOI scored in the playoffs oh my God you were there when I met him yeah Ty you introduced you’re like Ty this is in [ __ ] looky G I told you as soon as he left I was like what the [ __ ] was that he’s very friendly he’s a very friendly guy one of the nicest guys before he smiled it’s like there’s this Denzel Washington clip where he’s dead pan and then he smiles he did that to me and for that Split Second I’m like well had a good run had a good R I thought I just said hello and was polite but had a good run so baru has that and you know what bar on accountability from the press conference yeah give it to us all right give me accountability one of the Hallmarks of your coaching ability seems to be your ability to hold players accountable but to do it in a constructive fashion how have you determined is the best way to hold players accountable but keep everybody moving in a positive direction while doing well first to hold players accountable and and and for players to understand the accountability you have to form a partnership throughout you know I think it starts in the summertime getting to know these players um them getting to understand what I’m all about and how I’m going to coach and how I’m going to coach each individual and the team and you know so then then when you have to hold a player accountable for whatever and it could be ice time it could be whatever whatever the situation is they understand it more and community communication is huge um and I’m I think one of my strengths is I’m a great communicator with my players they know where they stand um you know I’m going to tell them when they’re playing well I’m going to tell them when they’re not playing well I’m going to tell them if the things that need to be improve upon there’s all all types of things so accountability is accepted almost by your players when you have that partnership you see the do you see the look though you see what I mean oh oh I see it it’s a different vibe than Sheldon Keefe that’s for sure what does it feel like to you it feels like more old school like I’ve been here before I’m not here to to learn anything I know kind of what I’m doing I’m just going to step into this and just do what I’ve done is kind of the vibe you’re getting here you’re never going to you’re never going to watch a Sheldon Keefe clip the same way again MH um go go watch like the Amazon doc go watch like the pregame thing um this isn’t a criticism of Sheldon Keefe but it um when he asked things of his team he was pleading he was asking them you know what I mean guys I need you to do come on come on I don’t think Craig Buu has ever said that I think you do it or you don’t I think you do it or you’re out of [ __ ] lineup you’re out of a job you’re back in the miners you’re you’re whatever you’re out of town you don’t play for his team minutes are going to suck so I was going to ask you guys about this and this seems like a more philosoph iCal question but does the manner in which a coach enters as the coach of a team matter in in response to how players see them and what I mean by that is so when when Babs was fired mid-season 20 games in or whatever it was okay yeah and Sheldon comes in the whole thing was Sheldon needed to pick up the pieces because Babs had shattered the confidence of the team good cop good cop then he gets them in training camp the next year and obviously he takes over in like the co year it’s not great like whatever and you know they lost to Columbus whatever it was really it was difficult it was difficult and he had Sheldon did have some sort of difficult things do you feel like and and I I I read this in an article the other day which is what’s triggering this question I forget who had it but the what the author said and I think they were right on this and I’ve never thought about it this way is they said when when Mike Babco*ck was replaced the Leafs simply promoted from within mhm this time at least they spoke to some people and and and you know it’s nine what or what what did they said there were nine people they put into calls calls with I’m like who are these nine people but he said like in the neighborhood of nine or something like that I was like so it’s nine you mean in the neighborhood of 10 or like or was it nine or what what are you talking about yeah and and the reason I asked that is and it and and you know you that Jumbo Joe yeah as a leaf uh clip making the rounds like lay off us were in first place which is a loser mentality and that watching that clip in retrospect it really pisses me off I’m not going to lie I’m a human being and and I want this team to win and that’s crap it was the exact opposite of what that team needed to hear absolutely um but I wondered when I when I thought about it you guys like buub comes in yeah Stanley Cup whatever but he came in because the organization said we want that guy not because we’ve seen that guy have success at other levels and this is not to take away from Sheldon uh but it it it seems to be more like this is definitive culture change Shelton was what they needed at the time he was they needed they needed a good cop and they also needed a good coach and he is yeah and like this is this is why uh I don’t think he needs to be a bad coach um for him to get fired um you know I don’t think he needs to be a bad coach and no longer be the coach of the Leafs um he he did what he was supposed to do the team didn’t he did I I think he upheld his end of the bar and now baru’s come in for a different flavor yeah and and Shanahan no it TR living who kind of said as much when people were pushing back on hey baru is going to be this accountability guy and those the buzzword of the whole press conference but TR living pushed back and he’s like okay I know we’re bringing in breu for this message and to get guys to get their head in the game but that doesn’t mean Sheldon Keef wasn’t trying to do that already it’s sometimes you need a new deliverer of the message and find that works consistently through hoey it might be the exact same message it might be a little it might be couched a little differently but just having a different voice in the room have that message said to your players is going to change it you eventually you tune out these guys and I think it got to a point where Sheldon Keef had no effect on the players and just having somebody in there saying maybe it’s the same thing but in a different tone in a different voice there’s going to be guys who look at that differently and react to it differently I I kind of think of like teachers you know like there were always there’s always different Vibes to a teacher you know especially the older you get in in high school and there’s the fun one and then there’s the shut the [ __ ] up Steve one um which you know I was familiar with and uh sometimes a teacher tells you that and yeah you take it or leave it if if you respect them yeah you shut up but M um there are no bad kids in Craig Buu’s class some teachers they say it and you shut the [ __ ] up there’s no bad no bad kids in his class yeah if it’s English class then like [ __ ] it like do whatever you want I don’t know why every English teacher in the history of mankind has been super LAX and like you can get away with everything that’s what I found true I had one in grade seven who really set me straight but other that most yeah Miss Lindsay I’ll never forget it okay I had the best grades in her class cuz it was afraid I was terrified I remember same thing in in college the one year that I actually went uh uh my the teacher that freaked me out the most was a guy named Paul cross who was like a news Hound like hardened news veteran in in radio like radio news when it really mattered Paul cross doesn’t sound like a standup comic no he looked like Robert Plant from Leed Zeppelin and I was terrified of him and I got a 92 in news Paul cross sounds like best grade like he sounds like the head of a police Union but sometimes you need to kind of you got to have the guy that has been that is a little bit of uh a little bit of that I I don’t like is he going to intimidate the Leafs into winning like I feel you don’t intimidate the guys you’re coaching that’s what I mean so so what is it about this and that’s why I asked you Jesse about what feels different what is the field that that you think this guy brings because we talk about uh like Luke Fox I think mentioned it a few other reporters mentioned it in the athletic about whenever they talked to players that played under baruba they all said they would run through a wall for him what is it about this guy what is about this guy I assume it’s it’s the expectations he has on players and the way he’s communicating them because if you’re if you’re communicating that you hold this person ex Leaf to a certain expectation and you are open through out that whole process about whether he achieved the goals whether what he’s doing is right or not and you’re a guy who comes in there as the new guy and you know that it’s not if if you’re the player you know that the next head coach isn’t going to be out the door before you like if something goes wrong here it’s now on you so there’s that also certain respect that comes with baru being a mid-season replacement too in St Louis helps that as well because you got rid of the head coach it was Mikey yo at the time and then you know the next is on the players it’s always on the players now when Bru is stepping in so you’re getting that hey it’s on you you’re going to listen and if you don’t hit these what you’re supposed to do here it’s on you and you’re going to be done do you remember what happened very shortly before uh Craig buuy was named the head coach of the Blues what happened there was a clip and I remember this uh I was at sportset and we were just talking about how sh*tty the blues are cuz they were um Mike yo was their head coach and he it was it was in practice and it happened to be caught on camera he either threw his stick into the stands or smashed it and broke it and and he just yelled and screamed at the guys and it was kind of his like Hail Mary you know it was it was all he had left I don’t get the impression that’s the kind of Coach Craig buuy is at all I think he came and he’s like I’m not going to beg I’m not going to plead I’m not going to yell and scream you’re either going to play or you’re not and in Sheldon Keef’s defense I want to just add to that Miko also said if these guys don’t turn it around I’m going to lose my job that was also say that yeah you know what good call sorry I just wanted to add to that I don’t think he was wrong no true he got it he got nailed it he nailed it that’s so bad it is so bad you should never say that loud no don’t say the quiet part out loud you just moved your firing up by like five games at least anyway uh you get paid either way but um uh in Sheldon Keefe’s defense accountability through the lineup is impossible with the way the team is built MH like okay we’ve all been picking on Marner and to a lesser degree tars forget it Neil Ander and Matthews are playing like [ __ ] okay let’s say they’re playing like [ __ ] uhoh what do you do oh I’m scratch him yeah scratching him I’m going to cut your ice time no you’re not and repl all right Matthews isn’t pulling his weight so Taris is going to get more ice and so is pontis homberg shut up oh Neil ander’s not pulling his weight so you’re gonna promote Kelly yarn grro shut up like this is part of the reason why they got to move off this core or re imagine this core because you could never hold those guys accountable it was either they would perform or they wouldn’t and if they performed the team had a chance to win and if they didn’t they would die the only thing there is that we’ve seen Sheldon Keef hold some of the guys to a standard neander William neander who he has consistently benched and I don’t think you should be afraid to do the same thing to Austin Matthews and Mitch Marner and Morgan Riley or devars if they are not performing you must have the stones as the head coach to say if you if this guy earns a benching and he’s a third liner you also earn a Bening and I would like to see that from breba if it comes to that it it helps to have the horses to do it m you know what I mean no but like any at if it’s game 40 I don’t care if I’m running out Pon homberg for 18 minutes I I understand that I I think like if if you’re a good head coach you make that decision you say in the end it’ll all work work itself back and we’re going to sacrifice whether sacrificing these minutes to pontis homberg or just he’s actually trying he’s going to earn these minutes it’s endlessly frustrating that for at least three years the Leafs knew what they needed to improve upon in the playoffs the coaching staff told them they got different personnel and they still couldn’t do it well playoff style goals you got to muck around in front of the net got to have a good power play yeah they haven’t been able to score in years and they’ve never fixed it guys came guys went they could never do it they said no more core 4 they want to deemphasize the core is what they said last year Ryan O’Reilly is like maybe if they focus more on team Less on core for you can’t you can’t until such time as they move on from that now baru made a really good point that um you know he’s he’s a team guy it’s not about the Stars right it’s not about the Stars about the whole team the problem that he has and the problem with what you guys are talking about is in the past and and I I I wouldn’t like neander I think has earned and deserved some of the benchings he’s gotten uh and it’s made him a better player because he gets them so so like it doesn’t happen as much anymore cuz he’s figured it out and I think this year especially he really established himself he’s he’s a star it’s just every so often he makes a mistake that is not just a mistake it’s like unforgivable yes yeah you shouldn’t be making this at this point in your career the the thing that the Leafs had was they didn’t have the the the the depth players Frankie Cado was talking about this on TSN the other day of the the types of guys that play roles down the lineup that can can support in a situation like that that can earn those minutes take those minutes away you me mentioned pont’s homework and that’s great or Bobby McMahon or Nick Robertson or whomever but the reality is they didn’t have a lot of those guys and so I think now deemphasizing the core means moving on from a piece you know if I listen to the CJ show with Steve dangle as host um you know the Mitch Marner thing seems like not a foregone conclusion but that probably best for both sides to move on more likely than not more likely than not and that provides a window of opportunity because not only do they have I think it’s 23 million going into free agency a lot of holes to fill but if they move on from that contract as well ideally you’re not taking salary back unless it’s multiple players that you actually find useful I’ll uh Alex follow and Gabe valard I don’t think there’s a single team that can just take on 11 mil like the Leafs are going to be taking I think there’s plenty of teams that can take on 11 mil I think there is is especially how many would Mitch go to well cuz he’s driving the bus there conversation for a different day my point is it might be easier for brube to do what you guys are talking about if there’s a little more balance 100% sure yeah like it’s you know oh I’m gonna give no a Gregor your minutes no you’re not yeah and if you do we’re going to lose like what what are you doing yeah but then that’s on you like I feel I feel like yeah you didn’t I’m going to play Noah Gregor over you and the reason he’s on the ice and you’re not because you didn’t perform yeah but it all comes back to we lose like and and we lose because it’s because of you yeah but it doesn’t matter who it’s because of they’re still losing the games and they’re digging themselves into a deeper I I I think if it’s game 37 they’re there’s lessons to be taught to these guys if they’re not performing I think they go into every game with two points in mind like remember we would talk about with pabc like dude like you’re gonna scratch Leo every single game like every single and it’s because in his heart of hearts he’s like well the lineup’s healthy and you’re not one of our 12 best forwards in my eyes so you’re not getting in like he wouldn’t just throw him in to like see you know oh you know keep him fresh or whatever no your job when you’re not in the top 12 is to be ready and it’s not my job to keep you ready that’s your job yeah so if Austin Matthews showed up and wasn’t ready and wasn’t performing up to his abilities I don’t think you just keep playing them because of the name on the back of the Jersey I think you treat him like how you treated William neander and You’ throw him down in the lineup or reduce his minutes and I don’t hate what John tortella did in Philly with his captain like I feel like if that’s the wakeup call that the coach thinks that the player deserves who cares what’s on the front like who cares if you have a a c on your on your jersey like if this is what we need to win this game tonight and that’s you not in the lineup up I don’t care and I’m doing it well and and and I think that it’s that is going to be a really um the difference I think I is going to be that he’ll probably talk to the player yes because TS didn’t do that I think rub said as much in the press conference where he’s like I communicate with my guys and they know where they stand I think torella missed the boat on that one I don’t mind his hard noos style let’s talk about accountability because it’s the word that keeps coming up it’s the talk it’s like it’s like truck when Burke took over everybody talking accountability so accountability was big in the press conference uh petrangelo Alex petrangelo was on first up on TSN and he said anytime you have a team that’s trying to get over the hump you want someone to keep you accountable and he’s going to do that now I want to ask about just the Leafs pre baru whether or not he’s able to keep them accountable how unaccountable has this team B would you say uh pretty unaccountable every single year they have the same problem and it cost them the season what does that have to do with accountability though explain that uh they uh have a very clear Mission hey guys improve on this and then they very aggressively don’t is that what you mean well I and I I wondered if if because here’s the thing if you want accountability in organization we just talked about yesterday how the Leaf’s PR staff have been shielding the players all season long the fact that Riley and Marner were not coming out after game seven to talk you’re stuck on I am no I’m extremely stuck on it cuz it’s wrong I I’m following you I’m following you I gentlemen lead I understand the point lead when it’s hard that’s what leadership is you don’t just get to come out when you score a hattrick you if you wear an assistant Captain you’re leader all the time even especially when you lose MH and so I would take a good hard look at who’s an assistant Captain next year because I think that’s crap get out there and talk I and and so but the thing is so baru is going to bring account this is an organization that’s unable this is an organization that has consistently rewarded bad playoff performances with we’ll get them next year this is a our organization and and we you talked about in the CJ show uh Steve but we’ve talked about it here Shan’s done a great job being accountable for the finances the money coming into the Maple Leafs now is more than ever and he’s done a great job of that oh the on the on Ice product though do I get some he’s they’ve protected players yeah that really shouldn’t have been protected that should have been accountable so the accountability factor for me it freaks me out a little bit because baru wants to bring accountability to the players but if the rule from on high is protect them from the big scary media the big scary really like the media that’s dying for you to win something like the second you win the second the Leafs do well I don’t know if you know this but Toronto media is very grateful for that I I think the Leafs are going to try TR to make nice with uh the media I do did you notice like the first thing Brad TR living did as other than they didn’t replace his microphone again oh my God it’s it’s MLS you can Apologize by replacing the microphone mlsc get the new microphone dude it’s his it’s always TR living’s microphone too you work for a telecom um sorry uh he talked about uh he apologized for the barui announcement being on the Friday of a long weekend okay that’s great and and listen he’s a funny guy I like true living as a human being he’s funny but like he he said oh it’s just how it worked out but you know a few of them are like oh [ __ ] that’s why dude underratedly underrated dick move like okay it’s the Leafs they name a new head coach you have to cover it it’s a new head coach absolutely Ron Wilson announcing he got a contract extension on Christmas morning oh that sucks such a dick now Ron Ron would I feel like Ron would have been the type of guy who would have really enjoyed that a Christmas morning and Brian B like that wasn’t part of the plan uh my point is all I’m saying is how how can the head coach who is three runs down from the president who is Keith P MH how can this head coach make this organization accountable when for the last four or five years they becoming less and less accountable that the access to the players has been less and less the as I said to you yesterday sometimes just standing in front of the reporters after a bad game even if you say nothing even if you John tovaris it well we learned a lesson blah blah blah the act of doing it is there’s an accountability in that how can this one guy who really isn’t at the top possibly change that uh try telling Craig baru what to do might tell you to go [ __ ] in your hat I hope at some point he said that what do you think Jess I think having the ability for the guys who have been there the whole time to have seven straight years of a chance to run it back and I think in every single one of those years we’d all agree that they have not been successful in the goal which is to ultimately win a Stanley Cup and they haven’t really been close and for them to have that opportunity to try and then go out there and try again and then fail and then try again and then fail to do that over and over you tell them that the results don’t matter you tell them that even though even though your result was unsatisfactory we’re going to give you another attempt and when it you don’t live up to the goal and you don’t reach the result but then you keep getting to do that you tell them whether uh out front or just subconsciously that the results don’t matter so I agree with you Adam that throughout this 10 year there has not been accountability on the players and I think we finally reached the point point that dubis was at last year that Duba should have been at in 2020 where the results do matter and you’re finally accountable and that’ll be you don’t get an opportunity again to run it back some of you here because this offseason we’re going to move on and you don’t get your shot again let’s try something else to un to to miss quote his favorite book The Score does not always take care of itself it doesn’t that was the you guys got to read that book it’s it’s there’s so much about it what if I just watched Moneyball again no is great in it he’s strong he’s very strong and I like that he’s eating popcorn and making trades but no no I score takes care of itself was misinterpreted by the Toronto map beliefs to don’t worry whatever you think is correct and don’t even question it Adam I have a question and and let me ask you this let me ask you let’s jump on this no I have a question what’s your question is losing fun sorry Shady Rays Steve’s wearing them and he’s brought them to the show many many times and left them in the car and not brought his Shady Rays on the air uh but now we finally get them and I got them and uh God like I’m I’m just I’m looking straight at our studio lights those are dad sunglasses man those are dad glasses for sure they look good right yeah that’s a man who’s had two kids this these are good lawn staring some I’m G to stare at the lawn so hard if somebody’s making too much noise on your outside of your house here wait here let me just yeah good fural brow glasses 100% can’t really oh there you go no that’s it’s G big big Dwayne The Rock Johnson Vibe really boys really yeah now listen Shady rays are an independent sunglass company and there are not a lot of those left that’s important if you look at who owns all the sunglass companies it’s like two companies and Shady rays are not one of them they’re independent they offer get into that a worldclass product Oh there’s lots of complaints about it I’ll tell you that their product has been rated five stars by 300,000 people and their Shades have durable frames Crystal Clear Optics and they make it makes them the perfect choice for all Outdoor Adventures whatever your style it’s not just what Steve has here there are hundreds of styles at Shady and use that promo code sdp because when you buy two pairs of polarized sunglasses you’re going to get 50% off the total price again Shady use the code STP for 15% off sorry 50% off two or more pairs of polarized sunglasses if you don’t love what you got you can return them days risk free here’s here’s what’s fun um uh speaking of one Kyle D was Philip crawl yeah is now a Pittsburgh Penguin so Steve Kyle dubis his guys now can we please make a t-shirt we have to we have to make a t-shirt we have to and we got to do an event in Pittsburgh and just everybody’s got to wear that t-shir I don’t know if we could use his name maybe just a pair of thick frame glasses followed by love L his guys yeah we got to not get sued here do you think he’d care I don’t think he’d care maybe a little I’d donate a dollar from each from what you said about him he might care no he might care oh what did I say all right so how do I make the draft lottery about how C was fail dude he starting a segment he blew that blew it you blew it who else you blew it oh Pittsburgh’s making a charge at the end and now they don’t get a first round pick if they just sucked they would still have one so Philip crawl 24 had a really good season in Finland uh was the top was it Finland I think it was Finland top uh defensive scorer for his team the Leafs let him walk last year that was one of the first things TR living did I think that was I don’t know about a mistake but I didn’t love it um he played some NHL games he showed some good things showed he showed a little bit bad two NHL games two NHL games but he was filling in that was the season where the Leafs used like 13 guys like it was ridiculous they had to use so many there’s no there’s no scenario where Philip crawl should have been playing any chill games but everyone was hurt and I thought he filled in okay but trilling just chose not to bring him back he’s big is he’s 24 he’s depth like he’s not going to make the team at a camp I don’t think I I don’t hate it it it listen it’s funny though right here’s what it is a super duper depth signing that’s really really funny it is denn is at some point a penguin I’m gonna laugh just throw Dennis malan yeah I can’t wait until evg Malin has malan on his right wing and Alexander barabanov on his left I like that can’t wait I can’t wait apparently he’s looking for a contract Alexander barabanov well it’s a crazy let me tell you about a great place called Pennsylvania there out you are Pittsburgh dubis didn’t bring on enough of his guys last off not yet no he’s this he’s got he’s already got bunting in there he’s got crawl in there he’s got a charie in there there’s guys this is going to be the summer of loves his guys absolutely AB you’re Sue Greyhound you got a job oh [ __ ] yeah wilbury Scranton welcome uh fraking what’s his name Matt Murray Matt M oh yeah well back to Pittsburgh a lot of sense reunited in I like that and it feels so mid oh wow so listen we haven’t had the chance to do a lot of a press conference lately just because of all the hockey news so shall we jump into the press conference or Jesse is there something you’re looking up on cap friendly over there that you’re like no I was just looking at Pittsburgh cap friendly yeah how many former Leafs and former Greyhounds not not a lot of yeah not enough not like this offseason he’ll load up for sure I would have I know that there’s supposedly a verbal agreement in place um uh for uh Keef to join the New Jersey Devils but I really would have put money on him joining the Penguins they have a head coach I know but I don’t think that the head coach or the team want the there’s that seems like a that seems like a disaster waiting to happen there do you see that it’s Sullivan and Cooper who are probably going to go onew in the NHL’s um International what is it called face off uh for nation for nation face for cup or whatever yeah for Nations cup thing no that’s when Hoy oh okay face so it’s going to be Mike Sullivan at one and John Cooper at the Olympics that’s probably how Team Canada is going to do it why why that’s why that’s why I brought it up those are great that’s the rumor okay do do you agree with those picks I mean yeah I mean one of them John Cooper and the other I don’t think Mike Sullivan sucks by the way like I know Penguins fans it’s it’s very similar to the Keef conversation where like Keef doesn’t need to be bad for the Leafs to move on from him I think Mike Sullivan’s an incredible coach but I don’t know it might be time to move on he’s been there forever and I think the reason that the team has taken a step back is they’re not as good yeah look at them they’re old and busted man yeah and they have no one no one coming up no like signing Philip crawl automatically makes him one of the youngest people in the peng’s organization yeah like dude they they they’re old um do you remember all those years where it was just like penciling Mike Babco*ck as team can head coach for like a pencil a a decade and a half spray paint yeah like write it in the the sharpest Sharpie that he’s going to be the head coach like two decades worth of hockey it was interesting that that’s the guy they went with who Sullivan no Babco*ck oh all those years you know and just nobody ever else ever got a chance cuz just Babco*ck everything he did in Detroit man you know just true and he hadn’t won anything in a while and it was like BS he’s the guy Team Canada I don’t know yeah you know what Nick Lindstrom probably got Mike Babco*ck employed for Team Canada well you know so this well here you want to you want to do the press conference we should do the press conference right after this do you want me to ask a question or no one one of the key things that we talked about with the leavs I feel like is it’s an underrated story and it’s it’s wild that there are like underrated stories with the Leafs um bruy had Petra Angelo um like who was the best defenseman on Vegas last year sheay Theodore uh or no Jesus they had Petro my bad they had they had Petro I thought you meant besides Petro or something so so like let’s look at all the the past Cup winners right um You have Pro you have kale Mar you have uh Victor Hedman are you doing the thing that I did to you like like last week did you already do this I can’t remember oh you know what it was you did that and then I took it and used it on the CJ show and now I’m recycling it again back here the least needen Elite defenseman is what I meant by remember I went through I was like what was the last Stanley Cup winner we did it on the show what was the last St Stanley Cup winner who didn’t have like a top uh 12 defenseman we kind of landed on John Carlson we went through all the years like you can do it without an elite goalie shockingly you need Elite defense and the Leafs very don’t have it I mean Morgan Riley’s their best by probably a country mile and then the next highest paid guy is Jake mccab at 2 mil like it’s yeah they need to Red redist redistribute uh the wealth there there you go should we do the press conference the pressor S DP the Steve dangle press conference sorry one more thing when was the last time a team won the Stanley Cup without an elite defense that’s how I know it was good Steve Steve stole it and then recycled it back to me that’s right yeah cont Loop all right this first question it comes from NR Hornets 21 p p Biz 81 um do you think the Leafs will go after de Brusque and allar uh de Brusque makes a lot of sense um is he an RFA or UFA UFA UFA yeah he’s a UFA yeah so that’s why debrusk makes sense you’re trading forar no shot they don’t have the assets stop doing goalie trades with the Bruins stop I think La really wants all Mark 2 they almost had him and then he didn’t want to wave and he’s also said I want to be back in Boston so if they do want to move him uh they have they have their work cut out for them I think Lena sark’s a really good goalie I don’t need be a goalie Scout to know that if the leafes trade for him he will turn into a pumpkin yep yep that’s it that is how it is destined to work don’t do it debrusk makes a lot of sense but I think a lot of teams would like debrusk yeah he’s a prick and he’s good and I I think it would be worth it to sign Jake de brusk just so you don’t have to play against him anymore Jesus so he can’t eat you alive in the playoffs stop that’s true stop what is his points per game and what’s his points per game against the Leafs enough Uncle holy [ __ ] Yep this one comes from Mato Minnesota Wild Talk on Twitter could you see a scenario we’re we’re going to start this nice and early in the press conference because this is where a lot of the question it’s what everyone wants to know it’s everybody wants the fake Marner trades we’ll do it we’ll talk about Marner here could you see a scenario where Marner blocks every trade possible and walks in free agency next year to spite Toronto after all the criticism he’s faced no I I don’t see that it makes no sense um Marner is what kind of person do you think this guy is yeah do you think he’s like a spiteful weasel no Mar is a really good person guys is an underrated word like weasel that’s a good word you got to have so much hate to to pull something like that off successfully oh I know like are you kidding me come on guys listen did it work with Mitch and is it is it probably is it working with Mitch anymore probably not is it time to move on yes but let’s not turn this person into like some bad evil Darth Vader Darth Vader in his basem*nt or at his Cottage this summer going I can’t wait to [ __ ] over Leaf fans by playing for them [ __ ] the organization so hard here let me say this into the camera please go go he’s 27 all right you thought he was making a lot of money now he’s a year out from free AG agency unrestricted free agency if he has a great season this season on a team that he wants to be on and wants him right he’s going to be able to like let’s say he scores 90 100 points again mhm he’s going to sign for $12 million for eight years something like that do the math what the hell is that I don’t remember my 12 time tables who gives a [ __ ] I don’t need to know them and neither does he because he is a professional hockey player who is really good at putting up points and hockey he’s really good at that so I’m gonna I’m gonna spite the team that has at the end of the day all the power like he has all the power to block the deal it’s going to be real difficult for him if he doesn’t play a hockey game till December it’s gonna be real difficult for him if he’s playing on the fourth line it’s going to be real difficult for him if he’s not getting his cookies he needs to perform he needs to go somewhere where he’s going to perform and he could ride that for the rest of his life I mean he could ride the contract he’s currently on for the rest of his life but you know what’s better than money more money and uh what why like what for the purpose of what like you’re looking at this completely irrationally uh I think like could he do that yeah if he was like a bond villain but even those guys like money that’s usually the plot of every movie is they’re trying to steal some Diamond to power a nuclear weapon for some reason um it’s not going to happen guys It’s Not Gon to happen yeah uh next up we’ll do a Choose Your Own Adventure we got four questions here this is from Mitchell Thompson build a trade package from Nashville for Mitch Marner that you’d be comfortable accepting as a lease fan or you can do for Marner should we be looking for a return similar to Matt duchaine or do you think we could get more or you that’s from Jake Allen or you can do Harley says not a question but can you come up with trades for Marner or you can do from s what’s coming back from Nashville in a hypothetical Marner trade all of the questions about Marner do you want to pick the Nashville specific trade or do you want to do just your Pine and this guy other NHL team Marner fake trade well there there’s two kinds of Trades you can do where money in Money out um Nashville is one of the teams that could potentially Buy on the guy now their Gap Situation’s actually kind of [ __ ] um surprisingly because of the duchan buyout where is it where is it the appeal for the uh PRS is you could potentially have a line of Philip forsberg on the left Ryan O’Reilly in the middle and Mitch Marner on the right holy [ __ ] you put one of the best Playmakers in the league with one of the best and most underrated goal scorers in the league and you got Ryan O’Reilly who’s like I’m going to do my Ryan O’Reilly thing could they do stamp Co and Marner yeah of course they could absolutely they could of course they could I don’t know sounds kind of interesting to me sure does now they would have to shave a little bit of cash so the dead cap for these guys is it’s just awful so Ryan Johansson is going to cost the PRS $4 million next year Elias uh Elias U Matias eolm is going to cost them a quarter mil duchaine is going to cost them 5555 million and Kyle turus still on the cap that’s a nightmare at 2 million that is nightmarish so who makes a lot of money on the PRS because I like I said they can buy no they can’t I don’t think that works an interesting name potentially is Luke Shen they just gave up MCD though I they just gave up MCD that’s why when people I don’t think I don’t think that’s G to happen when people were like oh the McD trade makes it you know potentially more likely mhm uh I don’t I I don’t think it makes it more likely at all I think it makes it less likely yeah cuz they got to go and replace MCD the the name I’ll tell you that confuses me the most when people bring them up I know I’m not giving an answer I’m poking holes in answers but uh like in terms of money UC Saros could make some sense makes five mil and then he’s a UFA so if you’re the Leafs you can’t trade for him without an assurance that he signs an extension that’s number one number two Who the hell’s your goalie they got that that kid coming up uh askarov yeah I mean he’s 21 there’s somebody is they’re not somebody else too you’re askarov was the first round pick yeah yeah askarov is who you’re thinking of pretty yeah I think that they want they they want to they have well Soros has been mentioned before in trade talks and I think they have the right time this is the right time to potenti because the idea is next season Soros is going to command a 10 million deal and if you’re Nashville and you don’t want to pay it you got to move off of him before he hits that UFA so like I just I don’t know if they’re a great partner yeah and listen Kevin lanin and had a not bad year too for them he only played 24 games but he’s never posted much more below there was one bad year in Chicago but he’s around a 910 well it’s like lauron pris like where he’s an incredible backup goalie yeah like playing 40 plus games matters it’s and it’s a skill it’s a whole new skill and having a resume of it and like your body’s just at a different place and so Nashville doesn’t make sense to me guys I and I and the reason it doesn’t make sense is because you have a fantastic playmaking section there Nashville’s problem is goal scoring that’s why stamp Coast or a guy like him makes the most sense for me forsberg is an unbelievable setup man Ryan O’Reilly is an underrated playmaker but their big finisher is Gus nqu they need a finisher they do finishers outside of for you need two of them you need two you need one on the first line one on the second line it doesn’t make sense to go get a playmaking Winger I’m not so I’m not seeing it here’s what I’m see the fit if you’re G to get Mitch Marner you’re one of two things you’re a team that is already very good and had a disappointing first round MH or you’re a team that thinks we’re ready to make the jump so there are two teams that instantly stick out to me one of them is obvious because them and this is what they always do but the Vegas golden knights oh my God just won a cup no way just won a cup and you got to be thinking listen that what star have they not been in on at least made a phone call they were a draft pick away that is very fair from Eric car so you know Vegas is calling that’s very fair and is there an opportunity for Toronto to get and again you have to get somebody good back like real good they’ve traded the like basic sign future they just signed Noah hannahan to that extension so where does that put sheay Theodore that would be freaking great sheay Theodore who’s a year older than hannahan who makes 5.2 for one more year again where does that put you know a guy like you know is there is there a more of a depth thing where Toronto just grabs because remember it’s not going to just be money in Money out right it Toronto’s Toronto’s goal here is to get some cap flexibility I Nick you want I want Nick heg Nick I like that I want uh Shay Theodore or Braden McNab you know like Shay Theodore’s got to be a piece and you’re going to get like a d pair from Vegas and then one of Nick heg and or McNab you need like a Theodore and and he’s amazing and I get it but like you need something like that and some cap R because here’s the thing Toronto doesn’t want to take anybody’s dead cap anymore unless they’re moving some significant piece like the only was it Arpin and Mark Anton were talking about the fact that tovarus to the Canadians if he would wave might make sense because the Canadians desperately want to get out from under Kerry Price’s contract and Toronto could afford the dead cap but no sorry that’s not dead cap that’s ltir but Toronto actually would like to take a swing at from what I’m hearing actually being under the cap and and AC crewing deadline cap speace this tap dance every year where they literally can’t do business because they’re so up against the cap is [ __ ] yeah it’s not it’s it was it worked for uh when they had um David Clark and they had to yeah but the stuff with uh like Matthew n and like having to ice University goalies and everyone’s fine that was a that was dubis is thing TR living didn’t do that no I know but like well even this year like they weren’t able to Res guys at all like it was just I think that they ideally would not do that again so so unless it’s like a major move off of that would it be such a disaster to retain on Marner or Taris yes it would be an absolute disaster retain on Marner for one year you do not retain on Marner you are not retaining on a a 99o player yeah the year before not last year he got injured this year Eric Carlson you’re not rained on yeah but Eric Carlson was 33 he had a busted I know the difference he can’t even pivot I know the difference and he’s still very good he’s still very no you’re not retaining on Mitch Marner absolutely not the team is taking him and by the way the trade’s going to happen July 2nd or July 3rd once the bonus is paid I mean that definitely makes the most and so when people say oh the teams can’t afford oh no no I I think that there’s plenty of teams that can afford the cap hit if they don’t have to pay it you can also go 10% over the cap which the Leafs can go something like 8 million over the cap here’s another team that makes a whole ton of sense to me mhm uh if they could get some finish in there um the weirdly enough the New York Islanders I look at wow and I think here’s the thing the Islanders have enough Playmakers they need some goal scores but they need to overhaul their offense Patrick W is going to be very involved in that he likes guys that can finish if you put if you have a lineup with barzal and Marner in in one and two in the lineup fun it’d be fun to watch that’s a Lou guy Marner you know Lou was there I mean I I don’t know if they’re huge fans of each other because Lou stiffed them on his rookie bonuses schedule B shut up but you know that’s one I look at um do the Colorado Avalanche with you you know what’s you know unfortunately what’s happened with nushin do they go we don’t have him for the start of next year that’s very interesting do you want to make a move so I don’t think it’s going to be some team with a bunch of cap space I think it’s going to be a team that’s like we’re really good and we need we this is a core piece of organization and what I think is going to happen here is Mitch is going to go to an organization that has some tough guys built in that has a culture that has this has that and he’s going to thrive in the playoffs he’s going to be spectacular wherever he goes my belief is that leaf fans are going to go what the hell where was that and it’s because when you look at the way the leaf surround what they surrounded him with going up against those Boston teams and and Columbus Montreal was just unfortunately the he and Matthews just didn’t show up that series the way they needed to um you know I think there’s going to be if you have guys around them that make space this is a guy that Colorado to me makes a ton of sense Colorado is very interesting Adam um also a team that is sneakily in on everything whether or not it works out um and when a good player is available they typically go hello we would like them Carolina yeah I can see that I can just can’t see them wanting to pay his extension and I think he’s not going anywhere unless that extension is signed and I don’t blame him I don’t blame him because to me if you’re Mitch you will never have better uh you will never ever ever have uh a better uh sense and a better way to negotiate your contract than right now it’s even better than free agency because when you trade for somebody who is an ex a free agent or a pending free agent so if you trade for somebody’s an RFA the RFA has all the negotiation power why because you just traded for them what are you going to do not sign them how about Seattle well but think about Marner so you’re going to trade him with a year left on his deal so you’re going to give up real assets for Mitch Marner MH if you’re the acquiring team you have to have a better pay him whatever he asks yeah because if you if you pay all that and lose him and by the way Mitch is going to fetch a lot of stuff I don’t think it needs to be a contender I think it more than likely is a team that is is we believe we’re a piece away and I don’t think he’s going to want to go to a team that isn’t I don’t think a team that is a piece away needs an 11 million player you know what I mean a a team that is a piece away needs to Tinker right like this is seismic like you’re going to have to trade off your roster more than likely for this um and if anyone’s going to be able to pull that off it’s Vegas like you said but uh some teams just need a Mary guy um I think Seattle’s one of those guys or one of those teams they need a marquee guy um imagine uh him and Jared mccan just finishing the leaf off oh my God Jared just getting 50 goals and yeah you know um you know here here’s what I think Columbus my archetype no Columbus is not not a chance nobody wants to go to Columbus never even if there’s a free agent that went to Columbus it’s against their will that team is so poorly run it’s it’s embarrassing and everybody knows it the Secret’s out let me say this here’s here’s why I’m I’m making this the Mitch Marner proposal if we’re going to do this is I look at the Florida Panthers who won the President’s trophy mhm and said yes we’ll take Matthew kchu right we’ll trade hubero who just had the best season of his life we will trade him because we want Matthew kachuck and I’m not saying Mitch Marner is Matthew kachuck I’m just saying they’re both extraordinarily valuable players and look at what Florida’s done with Matthew chck but Florida wasn’t Florida wasn’t a piece away that’s a huge deal you know what I mean well I think you could argue that they would how could you argue against that they just won the President’s trophy yeah I think a piece of way the definition of that to me is we’re almost there we just need this one thing not we’re going to trade 115 Point left Winger and like our second defenseman you know what I mean like that’s what Florida did and they came out the other side uh they won the deal they did great oh yeah but like I I just don’t think that’s one piece away uh a lot of people have suggested Utah I don’t think that’s totally stupid I think that’s actually very intelligent it’s a question of um what do they give back because every was like well Clayton Keller I think if Utah gets Marner they want to keep k I don’t know enough about the politics but Utah strikes me as a state with probably light taxes I don’t know I have no idea you know what I mean like you’re also going to want to maximize your dog I I did love the Bleacher Report was it Hannah Stewart put together and and she had CF foot going back the other way for Mar which was evil I her Hannah come on evil Mar no no as a part of a package but it was just like I think she was just trolling Leaf fans and good for her all right I’ve got a Vegas golden knights Toronto Maple Leafs trade to let’s go Jesse out from the Vegas gold golden knights Shay Theodore Keegan Kosar oh my God Nick ha in a third round draft pick in 2025 going the other way from Toronto Mitch Marner 15% retain just to make the salary cap work but we probably don’t have to retain because it’s the offseason you can go above the salary cap so we can pretend or not pretend with the 15% retained SDA oh my and a sixth round pick so Simon derer chin that would be his rights he’s in the KHL right now Jesse did you make this yeah why the third and the sixth because draft picks are always like back and forth and the Leafs need uh an upgraded they they need some picks for the future so you throw that in you kind of throwing SDA the other way and you’re also so you’re upgrading that six to a third essentially with SDA going there and you’re getting sheay Theodore and Keegan kisar and Nick heg sheay Theodore would be like the best Leafs defenseman since I don’t even know what do you think who’s saying no who’s say I think Vegas might CU hag and Theodore is really tough to lose like you then you have to do a lot of work this summer to replace those two bless Nick hag you can replace Nick hag if you’re Vegas he’s freaking I just signed Hanahan like that’s the point of moving off of Shea theor and upgrading to Mitch Marner in your for group eel Marner that’s interesting the one thing I want so who says no and hurdle what they just don’t they like they just don’t have a cap yeah hurdle so who says no I’m talking myself into it for which side uh the Leafs I’m talking myself into it if you’re the Leafs you wouldn’t do this right now I think I I would want to do it first off anything no retention for me yeah I just need to do it for the salary cap um and uh listen if sheay Theodore and nothing else comes back I’m happy because the thing that’s most valuable is cap space what the thing that’s most valuable in any trade in the NHL is cap space it’s more valuable than the first you got six seven million to spend something somewhere else no that doesn’t make sense here’s here’s what I hate 5.2 for one year and then he’s UFA and he’s probably going to make a billion dollars Shay Theodore yeah but isn’t he the defenseman you’ve been looking for [ __ ] right he is like isn’t he the isn’t he the top-of-the-line defenseman that the Leafs have been dying to get see that strikes me as a a one piece away deal for the Leafs and they’re not you know what I mean but oh my God what a piece I don’t even know I’d like a little bit more future coming the Leaf’s way in that deal really Jesse I and the Vegas gold Knights would be like that’s nice here’s here’s what I hate about trade talk is is it’s either yep I do it which definitely means the team that you cheer for is fleecing the other team yep and there’s no I wouldn’t that’s [ __ ] stupid MH um which means probably fair I what I like to do if both sides hate it it’s good in what what I like to do in trade discussions is I like to look at a trade and I go how far away from being ready is this and I do you agree that it’s not too far I think I think it’s a good framework yeah right I do I so what moves are you making to make this more compatible with the way you see this unfolding so how many years does kisar have and heg have left I’m and also you need to know that uh fraking Theodore is extending with you and how much so Kosar has three years left one year year oh oops Yeah yeah my bad William Carlson’s three yeah and then what did you need Nick heg he heg is one year that sucks is it possible to move out Nick heg and get a centerman is there a centerman that Vegas possesses because the Leafs desperately need they do have great Center or depth Center or or somebody to or if they want to get crazy go get a SE a true second line Center and move to down to the third line Byron phrase Mel Howden Chandler Stevenson is up by the way you’re not moving off like maybe that’s you just signed Chandler Stevenson cuz they’re not moving off of William Carlson you know hurdle can play center uh hurdle Center E’s there like I feel like you can’t really take a center from Vegas I’d like a little more future in the deal in in who the towards the leaves yeah like what future from Vegas are you looking at well that’s the problem isn’t it yeah I don’t think they have like the Futures to give you I and I think I think that Toronto really wants the freedom the cap flexibility because you if you bring in a guy that’s a $5 million guy which Theodore is and you’re probably going to resign him obviously uh you’re looking at first off he has to wave his limited no no trade whatever he has and then you got to sign him but you also have to look at this year and go what’s the how much cap flexibility are we going to have if they go from 23 if they have 6 million bucks extra that’s almost $30 million the Toronto Maple Leafs could spend this summer okay so you see the difficult finagling you can go get Alec Martinez who is up for a nothing deal you can you can bring back kingberg on a 775 right so you’ve got like depth pieces hope sure hope one of those works it’s a lottery ticket who cares if you want Chandler Stevenson that badly centerman you pay a lot for here’s here’s a easier one with less finagling involved all right Utah okay what do you get they have 43.2 million in cap space and I don’t think it’s enough I thought you were going to say they had 43 draft picks because I wouldn’t that would surprise me either actually like how far is that from being okay they have their their first and that’s it in each of the next three drafts they have 10 second round picks in the next three drafts they don’t need all 10 would you take all 10 [ __ ] yeah hell yeah just give me pi 32 through 64 just give me all of them um so they have you don’t get an NHL team just to be like all right here’s some dudes no you need a you need a big move you need a big move that’s a big move big move the leafes get a bunch of Futures potentially in that deal what are the futures draft picks and you can and you might go well how does that help them win it helps them win because you can spend them however you want do you get Josh D oh no no no he’s well I was about to say desert Maverick well so when Hannah Stewart did this uh she had Maverick lamero who’s a huge defenseman coming the other way that too if like if I’m gauging my Brad TR living meter he’s involved in the mhm it would be nice to make your team better now uh what are we doing here Utah doesn’t help you do that we build it for 2030 no no but what what you can do and I have a feeling whatever this deal is is going to make no sense at all at the time okay but they’re going to quickly put the word out hey we got these picks to trade them okay I don’t know I feel like you’re too obsessed with the Futures thing yeah I feel like Austin Matthews is only going to be Austin Matthews for like six more professional hockey Seasons MH yeah that’s why makes a lot of sense right yeah here’s let’s look at another team that that went out in the first round who else went out in the first round that had a disappointing time that could potentially deal Winnipeg Winnipeg he’s not waving to go to Winnipeg that’s damn he’s not so like let’s just call it what it is he’s he’s not so la what else she got la he probably not going to California though why I could see I see I can absolutely see him the taxes are [ __ ] but I could probably see it oh yeah I can see that I can see that yeah I I for sure can see that now you know who hangs out in California Patrick Marlo and Joe thoron there you go B Mar you are a San Jose Shark so I don’t think about that but you know I I look at what uh um T like um La has can you get them to part with a with a a Jordan Spence well with a a Mikey Anderson the name everyone throws out there is Byfield and I think the Kings would be insane to do that they’re not but an copar did say I’m not here for a retool yeah Byfield is about winning right now like that’s not a prospect anymore yeah he is uh he’s 21 and he’s an RFA and they need guys like that get Trevor Moore in the deal and flip him to Pittsburgh for five first can you get on hitar [ __ ] hey no way you’re not uh you’re not in it for a retool so on why don’t you come on down to Toronto for the next couple years you can play uh Center I think it’s it’s got to be a defenseman right or it’s got to open up the possibility that they get a defenseman that Bret pesy like you’re siding him like that’s not I don’t know if that’s juicy enough they do need a guy they need the the the flag in the Earth this is the this is a top 10 defenseman in the league you you you bring up bring up something incredible that I think we’re all forgetting here what do we keep saying with a Marner trade it’s happening July 2nd because of the bonus structure yeah here’s the problem a sh*tload of business happens at the draft and a sh*tload of business happens July 1 so what I think is going to end up happening is we’re going to find out about a deal agreed upon in principle a week or two before it actually happened because it’s going to paralyze the Leafs and the team or teams involved in the deal otherwise that’s that yeah I think you nailed it cuz like they this this has to be figured out like leading into draft time because you can’t be sitting there waiting be like I don’t know about these assets because what do we always hear about with ufas like we hear this from Allen all the time is like if you’re not at the dance like at 12:01 when July 1 hits you miss out because people want ass assurances on their cap on the roster so you need to get your deal done really fast cuz if you’re sitting there on July 3rd you don’t know who your dance partner maybe there’s a team that says you know what I know you have a deal in place with Marner but I’m willing to pay now well there you go that is the interesting thing and then if it’s then all bets are off and one team that I think you we should look at even though they never has tons of cash and they are rebuilding it and they never have ever come up in trade discussions at all Montreal Chicago oh you have to look at Chicago with very likely you know a young Superstar coming in Conor Bard because they’re nowhere near competing they’re nowhere near competing however Mitch you’re going to be the guy that sets Connor Bard up for Life you’ve done it with Matthews now it’s time to do do it again it’s Steve M I am your phone mhm and I buzz on on uh June 24th and it says Mitch Marner traded to Chicago mlh is happening you should have never deleted it paychecks in the mail will be delivered by your helicopter sorry what what did say it says Mitch Marner to Chicago yeah in exchange Seth Jones plus is that the guy once you once you looked at your phone are you going to be like oh yeah let’s go no or are you going to be like ah [ __ ] I’m going to be like ah [ __ ] um why I mean he’d be the best right-handed D the Leafs have had um ever maybe like dude they they just have such a void there because if Chicago is the deal that they do like that’s the piece that comes back right cuz that’s the bigname defenseman you want yeah so is that big name is that good enough they’re so early in the rebuild that like you want guys off the roster if you’re the leaves and I think [ __ ] they just don’t have much to offer Seth Jones doesn’t get you all hot and bothered but what if the sure doesn’t no it doesn’t I don’t by the way people have been suggesting that and I’m like no no because that’s that’s really the only way the Chicago deal makes sense what if you just drop 11 million bucks and you have 33 million to spend this you can’t you can’t communicate that to a fan base I don’t think you can’t commun that doesn’t this go back to Steve saying the deal won’t make sense until it does until later I don’t I don’t even know if you’re Brad you’re living how do you communicate to that to yourself where it’s like okay I’m going to do this for the potential to get good guys you need an assurance that you’re moving out this star player that you have something coming back is the way I’d look at it now now we’re cooking with gas all right Chicago uh less cap space than Utah but still over 30 million LOL they’re draft picks for the next 3 years this year their own first and Tampa’s first in the second round their own second La second Vancouver’s second next year their own first and a conditional the Leaf’s first uh followed by their own second and Dallas is second in 2026 their own first their own second The Islander second and the leaf second so the thing with Utah is they only had their own first mhm um those extra firsts that Chicago has potentially mve the needle in terms of if the leaps get them they can flip them for something else because I just Chicago doesn’t have anything that gets me excited what about Frank Nar no why would you do that if you’re Chicago like I’ve seen a few people suggest that he what was he pick seventh overall something like that that doesn’t that doesn’t make sense from their perspective also doesn’t make sense for the Leafs you know like okay you’re doing that and then and then okay he’s going to be great and three years I think he’s going to be real good I think he you know uh you know who Frank Nazar fits the window of uh Chicago yeah that’s that’s why it doesn’t make any sense and St you doing these draft pick trades that better be a three-way deal on day of it better be a because you’re not you’re not trading Mitch Marner for just picks and saying we’ll figure it out later that’s not satisfactory enough you you need that deal to be completed with the other team to go get the assets at the same time uh it doesn’t have to exactly be a three-way deal but it’s like okay we get these picks to trade them no but it does cuz like you’re you can’t trade Mitch Marner for a first round pick and just say maybe we’ll get something good back like I would be incredibly disappointed you’re also setting yourself up for not getting that person back you need the defenseman too you do you do need a defenseman at some point where and and I don’t think the problem is is there’s not like a free agent defenseman that you can get this year so well if you do uh it’s July 1st I’m the big fish like what am I waiting for pay me uh I think we are through this conversation grasping the difficulty that this trade is going to cause they have to what they need to do and this is what we didn’t do and that’s okay is that they have to decide what it is they want what do we want what do we want what do we want this team to look like is it going to be defense by committee or are we going to have that Su stud defenseman if it is a stud defenseman then you’re looking at like a guy at the top of his game it’s like who who were in their 20s in that in that range you got Theodore you got sergachev you got like who there aren’t many guys that are going to be amazing and and at that level and fit the Matthews neander MH age Gap and that’s what I’m talking about here guys who are fast when Puck battles big big um not necessarily Pig it helps it’s a plus MH would uh there’s would a trade to Philadelphia for Travis conne get you excited uh Travis conne and what five other assets yeah I know but him as a part of that deal uh yeah sure okay not not Jamie dryon that’s why like see I feel like digitally like online you would suggest that and people would just go [ __ ] stupid and I like to go I like to do the Improv style yes and what else yeah yes and it’s like okay so that’s the that’s the the meat M of the dish what are the sides it better be premium sides I’m not throwing in any sides you might get a garden salad out of me mhm but no maybe a fresh cup of water a fresh cup of water I need the garlic mash your most expensive bottle of wine all right you brought up the Kraken let’s go to Kraken let’s go to Kraken if you did the Steve dangle draft picks trade for Mitch Marner on July 1st but then immediately signed let’s say Carolina walks them both the free agency Brady Shay and Brett pesi I’m down I’m down interesting and then you and then you get the draft picks exactly and get TANF to while you’re at it yeah like it’d be great why stop there yeah it’d be great to get the stud defenseman I think what it is is who the hell has given that up I would do Brandon Montour over tanov would you like what if it’s Montour peshy and Shay all on July 1st Mitch marish traded for just the CF space okay this is veryl 24 and I love I have a vivid imagination for it no chance they get three no chance they get two of them let alone Shay we just steal them from Carolina they they walk to free agency Shay and peshi you you definitely want players Carolina doesn’t oh well the cap you know everybody you can’t keep everybody no the Kane the cane what if all right all right here I’m doing Seattle you ready what if Adam lson one year left 4 million has been very good since he got there I’m I’m listening but I’m unenthused okay and uh Jared mccan signed for three more years at 5 million he’s 27 that’s a framework and then maybe a pick Adam was always like hey here are some things that aren’t worth it for me I think the I think Jared mccan had 5 million bucks no there’s for three more years Center there’s a center there’s a center it’s two things that they could really use in a Marner deal a center and a right-handed defenseman is that Adam larsson’s not the guy though he’s not the guy but he’s very good the trade lacks sex appeal I’ll give you that but Manan in the last three years 27 goals 40 goals 29 goals so if you can get a second line Center who scores 30 goals there’s one of your things that you don’t have to worry about anymore that’s nice move tarus down to the third line Mancan second Matthews first you bring in a top four guy in Adam Larson and in Toronto let’s be honest you’d be top two until such time top one until such time as they were able to add to that and I don’t think resigning Adam Larson is going to be that expensive for them if they want to keep them if it works but then you could go get as Jesse said Brady Shay and Brad pesy yeah and everybody else sign them all I don’t know if do all why not go spend 10 million bucks on it why not I just you you also got to convince those people to join your team I think they could do that and stay in Toronto I think they could do that and also which one of them is playing on the third pair you’re getting imagine Steve Steve you’re a free agent you’re coming out of Carolina and the general manager talked to you is talking to you and say not only can I give you this eight-year contract at the money that you want but I can give you free appetizers at any Boston Pizza in Canada for the rest of your life wow that’s tampering you just said you can’t it’s delicious you just said you can’t it’s possible I also want Shane Wright coming back in a Seattle you want Shane Wright yeah yeah throw in I don’t know throw no just throw him in just throw him in throw him in the fourth overall pick is not a throw in ah throw him in throw them in top I’m not using them anyways kick you got him down the HL let him in the OHL just give it to me ah throw it in that’s how you win deals yeah shut up you go to the dumb de a digital cup go win a digital cup I will try I will try tonight onbn YouTube see Mitch Mar trade tonight that’s was 6:30 p.m. Eastern yeah another episode of nuns since 67 let’s go I I’m trying to do it with Mitch I believe in the core listen I know that they’ll never do this I traded JT like years ago but still I know that they’ll never do this but the two things that I can’t believe St Louis gave up uh were petrangelo and free agency over what they have and Vince Dunn yeah yeah in expansion I know Seattle would never do this but Vince Dunn would be the guy who did they protect over Vince Dunn I think they had who did they okay St Louis I’d have to look into it but they had they decided to go defense by committee because they signed the guy from uh Boston and why can I not think of his name and then they have like Marco scandel and stuff like that they T crew and then they got Justin Faulk from Carolina and gave him a lot of money a lot of money and I feel like they would have been smarter to just keep petrangelo and then move off of because they got Nick Ley as well but you could have moved off of I don’t know you didn’t have to do the Justin Faulk deal you didn’t have to do the Tory Krug deal one of those two and then you keep Vince done even though he’d had some troubles I know that there was some issues there where like he wasn’t getting in the lineup he wasn’t getting in the lineup he was pissed yeah um here’s here’s a very important question and you got to ask CJ this McDavid on the show that you’re hosting with him true for sure guaranteed um the bonus to Mitch what time and I’m being serious what time is it due to be paid July 1st and when does the cap clock turn over to the next day because if I’m not mistaken and I might be it’s 5:00 p.m. yes if I’m not mistaken I might be so so we could on our free agency show get a mitch Marr trade that’s what I’m saying Brookie what I’m saying is you could potentially do a trade that night you know what I think while participating in free stupid you already uh I think you already outsmarted yourself in this Theory because the way it’s going to work is they’ll have this planned a couple days ahead of time and if a mitch Marner trade is planned it will leak and we’ll know about it so if if that trade that’s going to happen on July 1st happens that as soon as the salary cap turns over we’re going to know about a couple days before and if we hear nothing we’ll know it’s to the Islanders there you go good point there it is we didn’t even do an Islanders mock trade but we we don’t need to no nor would we dare all right this question everybody we did the segment you wanted to be done yeah yeah like I know we didn’t answer an abundance of questions and yet we did because 30 of them were about martyr literally that was the majority of it I can’t wait to get criticized for it too I’m thrilled I can’t love love a mock trade no that’s that’s the gig talk like especially when it comes to trade yeah like oh Steve you’re [ __ ] guys are idiots I know yeah obviously fair enough telling me anything I don’t know all right we’re going to sign dry CID all in free agency as well let’s go um next season where this is from Matthew Pitman where do you guys think UFA Jonathan maraso will end up this summer uh Vegas 8 times $3 million yeah I would be so sad if he wasn’t a golden Knight it would just be wrong I love this player Florida back to Florida Florida he actually would fit in quite well there I don’t know what I didn’t even I haven’t looked up his point totals but man that guy’s a playoff guy that is listen just like I’ll say that if if if Conor McDavid is in fact a free agent in two summers and the Toronto Maple Leafs have not opened up cap space and make a pitch for him I would be pissed Maro is a guy where I look at that and I’m like dude in playoff his career playoffs 76 points in 102 games uh he had 69 I think somebody’s GNA pay too much for this guy he had 42 goals this year no he’s he’s extremely good that’s why that’s why like does he make sense in like a place like Nashville I was thinking about Nashville their cap Situation’s very odd weird yeah um just Tampa make sense wouldn’t you hate it no Tampa’s gonna make some guys Tampa’s making some crazy moves this summer they’re my team to watch because they are not happy with where they are they already made they already brought mcdonut back it’s either going to go Brandon s Chicago Blackhawk second go round or it’s going to be the Resurgence of the lightning and they’re going to be pain in the ass again I imagine he wants to stay in Vegas dude they’re close yeah they’re close I know they lost in the first round but it was to Dallas and like Mark Stone like what he said about how they treated the regular season like he’s right MH and how do you not look at the last couple years of Vegas golden night talki and go we could absolutely win the S the cup in 2025 if you’re marches so I know this is it it’s really going to come down to philosophy there because if he wants to maximize his dollars it won’t be in Vegas um he’ll have to go somewhere else and he’ll probably have to go somewhere that’s not all that close to winning what about Utah that would fit the description not too far they’re Oh you mean like distance yeah yeah they’re far from winning um uh you know maybe they get a little magic playing in a uh building but uh if you’re marches so there’s got to be an appeal to playing one more year at least in Vegas like I I wonder if you sign some sort of right off into the sunset contract with them kind of like Alec Martinez did his deals up but he could have gone somewhere else and gotone more yep and he’s like n I’m gonna win a cup and then he did or no it was after he won the cup yep that was last year I think being a Vegas golden Knight rules I think it’s awesome and you know you could go you could [ __ ] with happy or you could stay where you’re happy you don’t have to uproot your family you can contend for a Stanley Cup there’s a lot of appeal there man dude the the guy scored 42 goals while averaging 1753 a night nice time oh man that’s he was incredible so that’s that’s pretty sweet because you get just you’re just chilling and scoring a bunch of goals like Jack you take all this hard stuff I’m going to just score goals back here just markstone this is you listen you’re going to be a rich millionaire no matter what yeah be a happy winning Rich millionaire next question J good for Florida that everything kind of worked out for them in the end based on where their team is right now but there was a long time well not short time there where their moves in the expansion draft were just just disaster oh my God yeah no it was uh no bueno no um next one’s just a shout out not a question to chenade uh I believe that’s how you pronounce it your name SN s i n e a d yeah uh waiting for our flight home this makes it better Steve dangle Adam wild Jesse Blake Shades in the airport playing Animal Crossing waiting for a flight home to I believe Melbourne somewhere in Sydney or somewhere in Australia uh playing Animal Crossing while watching us on a tablet in the airport that’s cool I like to play video games while having a podcast on in the background too I do that all that is the elite way to consume podcasts yeah while doing uh playing like a good chill Run please record yourself saying Mojo Jojo stop it what do we have another question what is oh sorry I saw a Tik Tok about that today they’re like hey Australians how do you say Mojo Jojo is it marjar Jojo and it was just an Australian crying going yeah that’s uh that’s awful yeah uh this next question comes from Jimmy what is more boring SL undesirable activity than watching the Jays right now hockey Twitter on a day where there’s no games yeah who was that who was that who was that Dallas defenseman that everybody got into an argument about like three four four five years ago oh um he was like is it hilarious I don’t remember he like a tweener and people just [ __ ] lost their minds for this guy my God I don’t remember his name yeah but you know what I’m talking about I know exactly um I think the Jays are about as exciting as a math t um the thing about some people like math some people like math so for me who who doesn’t uh that makes you a narc St do you mean nerd no I feel like the J you’re a police informant the Jays are joyless like even when they win it sucks yeah um because it’s like oh if they win that means we’re just hiding the problem until tomorrow when the same problem will come up which is this team isn’t Built Well it’s very clear ownership is I mean I read yesterday wasn’t there uh wasn’t there an article saying that the guy they would listen to trades on bashet and Guerrero Jr and you’re like this team should have been spectacular and all they had to do was they were a couple moves away and they just were like no you know what and I feel like it comes down ownership I don’t think ownership wants to spend money right now I couldn’t as someone who is already right at 9.9 m in terms of stress from an 82 game NHL season I phys couldn’t handle living and dying by 162 game baseball schedule that that might be why it’s so uh not pleasurable for you the thing is you don’t live and die by every game because you you look at the the games at weeks or days at a time serieses at a time it’s not every single day you’re living and dying and I think most B Baseball fans kind of watch it that way but once you get to the point where you kind of know what it is and you run out of like hey let’s see how it is next day then it’s then it’s just like make the change you know and you’re over the day-to-day of the baseball grind Ross Atkins just has always driven me nuts with the way he talks and I’m sure he’s a really nice guy and I’ve interviewed Mark shyro really nice guy but at what point do you guys just say listen we’re handcuffed because I don’t think that those guys are really to blame here I think it’s ownership saying we’re it’s Otani or you’re not spending a dime and that’s what happened uh Justin Turner is your and I like Justin Turner but Justin Turner is your big get yeah that’s your silver medal ikf is your big get get out of here guys I I think it is worth mentioning that there is some recency bias in this question because it’s like you forgot the Toronto Raptors existed holy no at least they’re bad on purpose I would argue that damn the Jay’s being they’re supposed to be good but they’re bad is worse than the the Raptors who was was it 13 game losing streak think and then they won one game and then they lost like nine in a row they lost to the Pistons it was [ __ ] awful Raptor season but at least you know they’re supposed to be bad the Jays are supposed to be good and every time they go out there they like last night where they got they got shut out by the white sock and the white sock are the only team in major league baseball who scores less runs than the Blue Jays oh for God they got shut out and then John Schneider goes up to the podium and he’s like you know what that kid on the mound there he’s had three good starts in a row he throws triple digits he’s 100 on the gun it’s me we got we got beat by a good pitcher and it’s everybody’s sick of it at this point because every day can’t be the day you get beat by a good pitcher it’s eventually it’s on the guys running out there that are bad at at hitting the baseball and um I think bad at hitting the baseball with with ownership they do spend it’s just like the spending hasn’t been it like they they’re not going to keep spending to just dig their hole even even bigger try two HS away they they they and they didn’t make the adjust the adjustment should have been moving off some guys in the offseason bringing in new money but there was no movement on that it like you said it was kind of Otani and then we just kind of sat and waited and Justin Turner was a great Revelation early on in the season though but yeah and he’s had the flu lately or something like the guys the guys you need to step up are there John morosi this is a great tweet the Blue Jays have zero home runs from the up spot this year mhm four spot no home runs according to the ml uh MLB Network research uh Team this is the longest cleanup HR drought to begin an MLB season since the 1997 Astros who win 60 games the 47 game drought from the cleanup spot is the longest in franchise history with any season surpassing a 46 game stretch from June to July in 1989 it’s brutal I think we should all get to beat up the Blue Jays they can’t hit they can’t hit they can’t hit they won’t address the issue cuz it’s they handcuffed themselves into not being able to like you can’t address it by moving Bo bashet right now or vlat or anything like that but some things got to give I like paying attention to like U The Vibes of every fan base and leaves fans seem I don’t know like there’s a lot of excitement going on and some optimism some pessimism a lot of realism Raptor fans are very yep we’re in a rebuild damn we’ll tune in in two years tune in in two years damn sucks yeah uh whatever trust Messi me Jay’s fans for several years now have been like you’re [ __ ] dumb yeah yeah like yeah there are pieces here but you’re dumb and now it’s not even the first part yeah exactly next question you don’t you don’t sell us hey we’re building a playoff team we got a playoff team that’s going to contend for a World Series and all this stuff and then you jack ticket prices and the product you put on the on the field is not good enough it’s crazy like f it’s it’s unacceptable like you’re trying to pay for all your Renovations that you made to ro Roger Center I get with higher ticket prices and all that stuff but if the team’s not good there’s no reason for fans to support it like you need to fix that stuff anyways um last two questions kind of but last one question two people asked us what is your take on the disallowed OT goal in the Stars Avs game this one was from Chrissy uh I would need to see it again from what I remember I thought it was very soft I thought it was soft too it should have been a goal but the right team won yeah I think that’s why it wasn’t that big of a deal because in the end it was yeah the AVS lost and Dallas won it was the Matt duchaine goal I’ll bring it up um and KN toell who also asked the same question well duchaine got the did he did duchaine score both goals CU he got the one that counted yes yes but then there was Mason marchment I know was he was in front and they called it goalie interference or something I thought it was really soft let me just uh let me show you um and we can’t show you I’m pretty sure that’s it yeah this is the one so yeah Matt Duane’s in front I shouldn’t say it’s Matt duain go it’s Matt duain he goalie interfered on gorv so Matt duan’s in front of gorv uh it’s Ma I believe who comes right in front of him hits him into the goal tender and gorev’s got a foot out of the crease too and gorv is right there in the blue P what we doing here what are we doing yeah and then the puck goes in the back man really that’s soft as hell yeah they called it gold they called The Go tender interference on the ice and uh there was no conclusive evidence quote to overturn it so that’s such crap so the call was no goal on the boo yeah that’s crap it should have been a goal goals goals concl and and this is again we we come down to the end of the year we said we had this conversation last year the NHL needs to Define what it is and then tell us but they won’t do that because they don’t want to be held to account on anything and and that is the kind of stuff where you know it goes back to like I’m I’m old enough to remember the 1999 finals where Bret Hall after every foot increase goal that year had been disallowed Bret Hall scores went in the crease oh no the streamers already came down we couldn’t we couldn’t review the goal now the Buffalo Buffalo Sabers fans rightfully so should be salty about that but but are not they’re like what well they’re not they’re not they don’t bring it up all the time like we bring up the 93 [ __ ] Conference Finals with Gretzky and the high stick oh they bring it up at least as often talk to more Sab they were robbed they were robbed absolutely robbed of that game did Dallas deserve to win the series that’s for you to decide but but they were robbed on that game it’s a [ __ ] call and the NHL has never never here we are 25 years later 2024 it’s literally 25 years Dallas could win the cup again this year um we their first one we do not have conclusive whatever on this it’s [ __ ] the NFL this preseason is testing a new system where you know how they have a chain gang Steve you’re not very familiar with football but like you know the basics of it you know how they measure like hey um 10 yards like we’ll come out and we’ll put the ball down and then we’ll see like hey did they make the line to gain you roll out the Chain Gang and they put the sticks down and the football’s there and it’s like oh is it past the sticks they’re testing out in preseason digital versions of that so the ball is going to be able to be tracked with the line to gain you know how you see the yellow line on television but this is going to be more official to where it actually is and it’s going to be able to know hey yes you did get a first down or no you didn’t get a first down based on the chip in the ball technology and if it goes well in the preseason it’s going to be implemented this NFL season not hey we need another competition committee to meet in the summer and then maybe in a couple years we’ll get this all decided no it’ll be implemented right away and if the NFL can do this why can’t we get a [ __ ] chip in the puck to figure these things out like like CH in the puck and we do have chips currently uh that are it’s it’s done by cameras I know right now with the NFL we we talked about this many times little dots on the puck where they’re tracking everything I’m just like the technolog is there let’s the go tender interference is a subjective one but there’s more ways we can Define it so it’s not as subjective and the little things like offsides and and and the puck crossing over the line we can do all that with technology now if these other sports are doing you don’t need these people on the ice making bad calls is there any room for CU I okay I understand why that goal was called back you could definitely argue no no no no here here let me get there you you could argue Des Shan initiated contact withv is there any argument that you should be able to negate the call uh when Ma clobbers him into his own golender and Spins him sideways yeah you know what I mean the initial contact is not why that was a goal mhm it was what happened after it and you could say nope you initiated contact nope too bad I a goal is a goal yeah I just think there needs to be some common sense here like there was there was one um that counted recently I can’t remember which it it counted because the goalie got clobbered but they’re like ah you had enough time to reset but I remember there was a regular season goal Leafs Kings in Toronto quick got hit and he just gave up like one of the most tantrum prone goalies of his generation just went nope nuh-uh not playing hockey anymore and didn’t even make an attempt to make a save and I feel like no matter what happen to you if you don’t even try then it’s a good goal I don’t give a [ __ ] I I don’t care if he shanked you in the neck with his stick you didn’t even try what are you doing do your job yeah yeah they probably told him that no they said no goal yeah but they probably were like we can’t let this happen I don’t think anyone’s ever told Jonathan Quick anything that’s not nothing that he would listen to anyway no I think I think yeah long story short that should have been a goal but the right team wenton and the NHL got off pull up pull up this image um the the argument is like duan’s in his space gor of space there and then and then Mar pushes him and things get worse but I don’t know like’s in his space you should be able to screen golender like let’s let’s not just have everybody two feet away from the goalie and marar is the one who pushes him and initiates the ultimate contact that leads to the goal like let’s get it right here in NHL yep I agree I agree I I think the I mean it’s a it’s a pushy sport the lucky thing well well Adam makes a great point of the the axe murderer uh like deaths that happen every single playoff like H like your head’s still sort of attached maybe two minutes yeah but we’re going to make it up versus No don’t touch a goalie Casey to Smith people forget this in the first round got absolutely crushed by was it Evangelista or no Michael McCaron Michael McCaron just freaking laid him out he got yeah you got two minutes though it was like it was nothing but it’s like oh but if you slightly engage gorev a little bit on a play that frankly uh duchan is in the right spot gorv is in the right spot and they’re not re like they’re robbed up against each other it’s it’s more like a school dance though it’s not like we’re not talking like Casey and JoJo yeah yeah it’s a little bit like you know a hug from behind um here here wait Maddie this is this is going to require a little bit of work on your part but here watch this okay see my finger mhm no goal or sorry no I [ __ ] it up oh this is bad this is this goal goal goal goal goal you going to poke me goal goal oh no goal it’s just so soft it’s the soft it’s ridiculous and and you know what’s funny is the people who are like I love my make hockey violent again are not the ones being up they should be the ones who are upset about this where he at where he at watch an 80s goenda the show yeah just saying anyway let’s uh let’s wrap it up here we got VIP to record next that’ll be fun we got to record Another show yeah it’s VIP my friend since when that’s coming out tomorrow by the way you should sign up sign up the VIP that’s a good idea you should it’s only what do you mean well we we recorded the show what do you mean you stuck you stuck here Steve the Steve dangle podcast follow the guys on Twitter _ dangle adamw Y lde and at Jesse Blake connection complete

On this episode the Steve Dangle Podcast,

00:00 TV rights deals
07:30 Craig Berube’s accountability
36:00 Kral to the Pens
46:00 Fake Mitch Marner trades
1:28:00 Jonathan Marchessault is a UFA
1:33:00 Watching the Jays is unbearable
1:39:30 The duch*ene / Stars / Avalanche goalie interference call


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  1. Ehlers, Iafallo, a pick and a prospect for Marner

  2. It has been reported in Nashville that Saros , 2 defencemen and a draft pick are being offerred for Matthews.

  3. That Vegas deal Jesse mocked up, I LOVE IT!!! Theodore would be a MONSTER on the back end for us!!!

  4. 29:54 @sdpn How is Adam so sure that 16 and 44 refused to do post game media after Game 7? Pretty sure, upper management/PR are the ones making decisions regarding on what players will be made available post game. Specifically to Mo, who I think is an incredible leader and probably the real captain of the team, I don't think he would ever refuse to media after a tough playoff, season-ending loss, if it were up to him. To me, he's one of the most accountable guys on the team and the heart and soul of this team (see Ridley Grieg incident and end of season brutally honest comments about how close they are to a cup). I'm pretty sure in almost each of the past season-ending losses, Mo is one of the guys doing post game media. I just don't know if it's fair to say these guys refused to do media after Game 7, if they never had control of making that choice in the first place.

  5. Im literally watching this and playing chel

  6. Sorry Mitch. You are the odd man out. Softest of the core gets moved

  7. WOW rose colored glasses, Mitch as a key piece for going deep in the playoffs is ridiculous. He's a proven playoff chocker. The Leafs will HAVE to retain. Most teams will ask for Willie if you dont retain.

  8. I know Vegas trades players like pieces of meat, but I can't imagine they trade Theodore. Also, hearing some of these trade proposals makes me just want to keep Mitch.

  9. Marner to Seattle is interesting, but I cannot imagine Seattle – a team that couldn't score last season – moving out the only guy they have who consistently scores goals in McCann. The point of them going for Marner would be for Marner to set McCann up. A forward like Tolvanen or Bjorkstrand makes more sense. Larsson might make sense for them to move out as long as they had a plan to get a 1RD replacement.

  10. Dangle is a repetitive bore

  11. For wrestling fans enforcers look at you like Haku, Darcy Tucker looks at you like Brian Pillman.

  12. you know we won't see a mitch marner trade until after the July 1st bonus gets paid by mlse instead of the new team

  13. Dubois and Byfield and Gravkrok and two 1sts for Marner, Kampf Jarnkrok and lilgren

  14. should be "Mitchulation". as in Speculation

  15. The Hockey Gods look at the New Jersey Devils, raise an eyebrow and smile at one another.

  16. I think its hopium that Mitch will take a trade to anywhere. I think Steve is wrong on that along with that Toronto would play him on the 4th line to spite him. It makes no sense that Mitch would leave this team, where he can just gobble up points, and earn a huge pay day from his next contract. The only way Mitch would ever do that, if he was going to another team with superstars, and how can that team afford him. All these trade speculations are under the assumption that the team has the leverage. Its the exact opposite. If the team can act selfishly and trade him out for own interest, why would Mitch acting in his own interest be perceived as any different. Or why would Mitch feel loyalty to a team and city that have made him the scapegoat for a lot of playoff issues.

  17. Anyone got the video of Thornton saying lay off us we're in first place?

  18. Now both Dubas AND Keefe live rent free in SDPN's heads. Get ready for more copium and overanalysis from Steve and Adam.

  19. Man, it's always funny to hear fans talk about trades. If you guys are expecting this type of a return when Mitch has the ultimate say on where he goes, you're going to be massively disappointed. First off, if Marner blocks a trade, the Leafs aren't going to sit him until December or play him on the 4th line. Give me a break.
    Second, why would any NHL team give up the farm to get a guy that you are so blatantly desperate to get rid of? You think other teams aren't going to know the spot that the Leafs are in? Of course they know, and they won't overpay. The teams that would overpay, Utah, Seattle, Winnipeg, LA, Marner's not waiving to go to those types of teams, in my opinion.
    The point Adam made should be the mentality of Leafs fans, if you trade Marner, the most important thing you'll get back is cap space to actively re-tool the team in the right way. I don't see a team that Mitch would be willing to waive for that will be sending you back anything massive.
    What I think happens is Mitch ends up blocking some trades from Utah and San Jose type teams, then the Leafs will be forced to decide whether to roll with him or to take less value on a trade from a team that Marner is willing to go to.

  20. What was a piece away and added Eichel ? Not really the same given their shenanigans maybe .

  21. Dude players like this don’t come around very often of course there will be interest

  22. I think Tre will leave room to go after Zadorov this year from the Canucks. He was trying to trade for him at the deadline and Zadorov said he wanted to be traded to toronto before they shipped him to Vancouver

  23. Wyatt Johnson for marner

  24. Owen Power for Marner

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Mitchuation | The Steve Dangle Podcast - Raw Chili (2024)


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