Record Searchlight from Redding, California (2024)

Redding (Calif.) Record-Searchlight PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP AND CONTINUATION OF BUSINESS NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to Section 15035.5 of the Corporations Code of the State of California that the partnership composed of HAROLD PRATT' and GERALD M. VARGAS heretofore doing business under the firm name of ENTERPRISE AUTO BODY SHOP, at 1270 Hartnell Avenue, Redding, California was dissolved as of May 24, 1972. The parties ceased doing business as a partnership on said date and are giving their creditors formal notice that they will not be continuing to do business and have not so done business as a partnership since said date, by mutual consent. HAROLD PRATT, residing at 2602 Irwin Road, Redding, California a has withdrawn from and has ceased to be associated in the carrying on of the business. GERALD M.

VARGAS, residing at 621 Parsons Drive, Redding, California will hereafter carry on the business, is entitled to all of the assets of the business and has assumed and will pay all outstanding liabilities of the business heretofore and hereafter incurred. DATED: This 23rd day of August, 1974. Pratt HAROLD PRATT M. Vargas GERALD M. VARGAS PRESLEIGH, AREL DUNLAP Attorneys at Law 1832 Butte Street Redding, California Telephone: (916) 243-5600 September 6, 1974 00479 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday, the 7th day of October, 1974, at the hour of 7:30 P.M.

of said day, there will be a hearing on the Resolution of Intention for Lincoln-Locust Alley Assessment District 1974-S-1, City of Redding, Shasta County, California, and on the Engineer's Report filed pursuant thereto. Said hearing will be held at the meeting place of the City Council of the City of Redding, located in the Police Department and Council Chambers Building, 1313 Market Street, Redding, California. The purpose of the hearing is to consider any and all protests that may be filed against the improvements to be made, the extent of the assessment district, or the proposed assessment. The Resolution of provides for the construction of improvements in said Lincoln-Locust Alley Assessment District 1974-S-1, City of Redding, Shasta County, California. Said Resolution of Intention adopted on September 3, 1974, and the Engineer's Report filed pursuant thereto on September 3, 1974, in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Redding are referred to for all matters in connection with said proposed improvements.

Any persons interested in objecting to the proposed improvements, the extent of the assessment district, or to the proposed assessment, may file written protest with the City Clerk of the City of Redding at or before the time herein fixed for hearing. All protests must be in writing and addressed to the City Clerk, City of Redding, 760 Parkview Avenue, Redding, California. The total estimated cost of the the improvements district is to be assessed upon the sum of $9,748.92. DATED: September 3, 1974 MILDRED L. BRAYTON City Clerk City of Redding Shasta County California September 6, 13, 1974 00481 PUBLIC NOTICE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SHASTA No.


WALKER has filed herein a petition ELAINE MARGUERITE DE A GAY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that for probate of the will of the above named decedent and for issuance of letters testamentary thereon to said petitioner, reference to which is made for further particulars, and that the time and place of hearing the same has been set for September 23, 1974 at 8:30 a.m., in the courtroom of Department No. 2 of said court, at the Courthouse, in the City of Redding, California. Dated August 30, 1974 RICHARD C. BRENNAN By A. Boatner, Deputy Clerk JAMES BARAKATT Attorney at Law 3719 Tully Road, Suite D.

Modesto, California 95350 (209) 521-8431 Attorney for Petitioner September 6, 11, 13, 1974 00478 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF CREDITORS OF BULK TRANSFER OF STOCK IN TRADE, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY that a bulk transfer of stock in trade, fixtures, and equipment, subject to Division 6 of the Commercial Code of the State of California, is about to be made. 1) That the name of the transferor is as follows: PETER A. BACCILIERI 2) That the address of the transferor is as follows: PETER A. BACCILIERI 830 Locust Street Redding, CA 96001 3) That the names of the transferees are as follows: SELL YOUR PIANO or other instrument to an eager cash buyer with a Want Ad. Just Dial 243-2424 Friday, September 6, 1974 Page 15 Meet McArthur's bean king Vital statistics By GARTH SANDERS JR.

McARTHUR Tony Ferrirola expects to gross $36,000 from the 60 acres of white navy beans he has grown this summer in Fall River Valley near McArthur. Tony, an urbane farmer who moved to McArthur from Salinas seven years ago, will start harvesting the plump beans this week. He estimates he'll get about 30 cents per pound of his beans. He gets 1,500 to 2,000 pounds per acre. Beans are now selling for 85 cents to $1 per pound in the grocery stores.

Tony was the first man to plant beans on a commercial basis in the McArthur area. That was in 1968. This year, one of his neighbors, Mrs. Ivy Horr, has planted 40 acres of beans, and his son-in-law, Earl McClure, also has planted 60 acres at Pittville near McArthur. Tony got eight cents per pound when he sold his first crop of Fall River Valley beans in 1968.

"We've raised beans ever since we were married 30 years ago," Tony says. He and his wife Margaret decided to move to McArthur because Fall River Valley land was reasonably priced. They'd been renting farmland in the Salinas area at high prices. They like the quietness and solitude the McArthur area offers, they say. Tony wipes the sweat from his brow and exclaims, "Whew! Sure is hot.

This is good weather for ripening beans." The leaves of the squat plants have turned a brilliant yellow and the pods are practically bursting with beans. The beans are harvested by a selfpropelled threshing machine that uproots the bean bushes and separates the beans from the other plant matter. As fast as the beans are harvested they'll be trucked to Durham, near Chico, where they'll be cleaned with airblown sawdust and stored in large bins for future sales. But the same inflation that will bring Tony a deceptively large gross profit will also eat away at that profit, he complains. The costs of fuel to run his farm equipment and of fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation equipment to guarantee the success of his crops have shot 1 up right along with his profits.

The bean seeds that Tony planted this summer cost $70 per 100 pounds and he had to treat them with a fungicide to prevent them from rotting or being devoured by pests. He planted 40 pounds of seed per acre. But the seeds he purchased are worth the price because they have had a 99 per cent success rate in producing plants heavily laden with beans, Tony says. Last year Tony planted 90 acres of beans and grossed 40 cents per pound. "But this year I decided to stick with 60 acres of beans.

I don't like to put all my eggs in one basket, especially the way market conditions are. That's why I planted the rest of my land in barley and alfalfa, he says. The Ferrirolas' modern home is next to a large grove of tall black oak trees planted in 1867 by a pioneer family. A one room school house stood decades ago at one end of the grove. Only traces of it remain.

A soft, cool breeze that wafts silently through the grove could easily lull you into a long nap on a hot summer afternoon. Before Tony could plant crops on his land he had to break up the thick hard pan that lay only a few inches beneath the thin topsoil with a special plow. The hardpan was compressed pumice sand. Once the hardpan was pulverized with a special plow, it became part of the good soil to plant crops in. Bridge over canal will give children short cut to school An encroachment agreement that will allow the City of Redding to build a bridge for school children over the Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District canal near Wyndham Lane has been approved by the Redding City Council.

The city plans to build a bridge so children can bicycle over the canal to Juniper School. Now, children from the Wyndham Lane area must take a longer route to school that takes them along South Market Street. The bridge will be part of a bicycle path to the school that will cost $23,000 and be built this fall. The agreement signed Tuesday allows the city to build the bridge on A-CID land. Heart surgery patient needs blood donations An Anderson resident, who had openheart surgery in San Francisco Aug.

27, could use blood donation credits for the approximate 20 units of blood she is expected to use. Henry Cascioni asked that donors credit their blood contributions to his wife, Anne, 54, who is recovering from surgery at the Presbyterian Medical Center in San Francisco. Donors may ask the Shasta Blood Center, 2420 Athens Redding, to credit Mrs. Cascioni's account. The center is open for donations between 1 and 6 p.m.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Marriage licenses SCOTT-HENSON In Yreka, Stephen 0. Scott, 18, and Debbie E. Henson, 16, both of Dunsmuir. MURPHY-REGNANI In Yreka, Randy W.

Murphy, 19, Montague, and Linda M. Regnani, 18, Montague. READ-YARBROUGH In Yreka, John A. Read, 27, and Linda H. Yarbrough, 20, both of McCloud.

HARPER-SCOTT In Yreka, James C. Harper, 51, Weed, and Lillie M. Scott, 45, Oroville. BERTEAU-SPENCER In Yreka, Charles H. Berteau III, 23, San Francisco and Shirley M.

Spencer, 25, Eugene, Ore. RUSSELL-COOLEY In Yreka, Paul B. Russell, 41, and Vivian D. Cooley, 23, both of Yreka. Births SISKIYOU GENERAL HOSPITAL ANDERSON- -Born to Mr.

and Mrs. John Anderson of Yreka Sept. 3, a son. McHENRY-Born to Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph McHenry of Fort Jones Sept. 4, a daughter. Dissolutions asked IN WEAVERVILLE CHRISTIAN Larry Alan and Nancy Jo Anne. BURKE Susan Ann and Robert John. COZART Rodney Reed and Laura Leola.

ZEE Bruce E. Van and Mary Lee. REDDING Mary Jean and John F. Dissolutions granted WEAVERVILLE JENKINS Agnes Geneva and Daniel Lee. HAIRE Cheryl Arlene and Dannie Mikle.

Interlocutories WEAVERVILLE TALKINGTON Wilma Yvonne and William Wayne. McCLINTOCK Marjorie G. and Howard S. LOVELY Helen and Howard. Man sentenced for throwing bottle at bartender WEAVERVILLE A Hayfork man charged with throwing a beer bottle at a woman bartender has been placed on probation for two years and sentenced to serve 90 days in the Trinity County Jail when he isn't employed.

The sentence was imposed by Superior Judge Harold Underwood on Daniel Gene Garrison, 21, who had pleaded guilty to charges that he assaulted the bartender, Mrs. Mickey Morris in the Hayfork Hotel bar and Mary Ann Laird, a by-stander, in the same incident July 25. Garrison had originally been charged with assault by means likely to produce great bodily harm and assault with a deadly weapon against Mrs. Morris and with battery on Mrs. Laird, but the more serious charges arising from his attack on Mrs.

Morris were reduced to misdemeanor counts when he agreed to plead guilty. Redding police investigate theft of wires, tools Redding police Thursday were investigating the disappearance of more than 4,000 feet of copper wire, a pipe bender and two light fixtures worth more than $3,000 from a construction site at 2600 Hilltop Dr. Les Lollar of Rosendin Electric, 2685 Hilltop, one of the construction companies working on the project, Wednesday reported the theft and said it may have been an "inside job" because the items were taken from a locked room inside the new building. Someone attached: a rope to a locking mechanism inside the closed door, a and was able to unlock it by pulling on the rope, police said. The large amount of copper wire was electrical wiring that was stored there to be installed.

Trinity awards contract for road WEAVERVILLE Trinity County supervisors have awarded a $69.125 contract to Roy A. Burks Co. of Grass Valley for restoration of the county's South Fork Road, which was damaged by the Jan. 15-18 floods. The only other bid, $116.000, was submitted by Trinity Construction Co.

of Redding. In other action Wednesday, the supervisors authorized Road Commissioner Ivan Jeans to negotiate with construction firms for repair of flood damaged bridges at Ramshorn Creek on the Trinity River, at Hall's Gulch and Mill Street in Weaverville and at the Double A Ranch at Ruth. The construction firm will be asked to submit cost quotations for rental of its equipment with operators for the projects. Final approval of the deals will be up to the supervisors. GUY J.

DESCARY THELMA A. DESCARY 4) That the home and business addresses of the transferees are as follows: GUY J. DESCARY THELMA A. DESCARY ROUTE 2, Box 265A Cottonwood, CA 96022 5) That the only other business names or addresses used by the transferors within three years last past, so far as known to the transferees, follows: STAR SPECIALTY SALES 830 Locust Street Redding, CA 96001 6) That the only other business names or addresses used by the transferees within three years last past, are as follows, to wit: NONE 7) That the resident addresses of transferees are as follows: GUY J. DESCARY Route 2, Box 265A Cottonwood, CA 96022 THELMA A.

DESCARY Route 2, Box 265A Cottonwood, CA 96022 8) The location of the property to be transferred is at the premises of the transferor, 830 Locust Street, Redding, California. 9) That a general description of the property to be transferred is as follows: The entire interest of PETER A. BACCILIERI in and to all the inventory, stock in trade, fixtures, equipment, supplies, good will, and all other assets and property of whatever kind and character for the operation of the greeting card business, all of which property is situate on the premises known as STAR SPECIALTY SALES, 830 Locust Street, Redding, California. 10) Said property consists generally of the entire interest of PETER A BACCILIERI in and to all the inventory, stock in trade, fixtures, equipment, supplies, and good will for the operation of a greeting card business. 11) That said bulk transfer will be consummated at the offices of WILLIAM J.

BRAUN, 2315 Park Marina Drive, Suite 15, Redding, California, on Friday, September 13, 1974, at 10:00 a.m., and at such time and place, the purchase price is to be paid, and the conveyances and other documents are to be executed and delivered. Dated this 30th day of August, 1974, at Redding, California. J. Descary GUY J. DESCARY Descary THELMA A.

DESCARY WILLIAM J. BRAUN Attorney at Law 2315 Park Marina St. 15 Redding, CA 96001 September 6, 1974 00476 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the County of Shasta, State of California, will hold a public hearing on Thursday evening, September 12, 1974, commencing at 7:00 p.m., in the Board of Supervisors Room, Shasta County Courthouse, Redding, on the following use permit applications: UP No. 138-74 Eddie Stone Palo Cedro Area Request for gravel removal and screening in an "A-1-TB-5'1 Light Agricultural District combined with a Trailer District, minimum parcel size of 5 acres. Generally located approximately 600 feet west of the westerly terminus of Clough Creek Road and lying approximately 1.200 feet south of State Highway 44.

Described as being a portion of the SW of Section 11, T. 31 R. 4 M. D. M.

UP No. 15-75 Pacific Telephone Company Enterprise Area Request for expansion of a public facility in a General Commercial District. Generally located adjacent to and north of Lawncrest Road approximately 400 feet east of the junction with Churn Creek Road. Described as being a portion of the NW of Section 5, T. 31 R.

4 M. D. M. UP No. 22-75 Gerald Davis Palo Cedro Area Request for a temporary mobilehome while constructing a dwelling in an Light Agricultural District combined with a Trailer District, minimum parcel size of 10 acres.

Generally located adjacent to and east of Creekside Road approximately 1,400 feet south of the junction with Swede Creek Road. Described as being Lot No. 2, Cow Creek Estates Private Road Subdivision, Tract No. 1094. UP No.

20-75 Raymond Enterprise Area Request for a professional office building in an "R- Multiple Family Residence District. Generally located adjacent to and east of Bechelli Lane approximately 200 feet north of the junction with Estate Street. Described as being Lot No. 25, Country Club Manor Subdivision, Tract No. 1039.

UP No. 21-75 Westwood Construction Company South Redding Area Request for lounge and restaurant portion of a commercial shopping complex in a Neighborhood Business District combined with a Parking District and Retail Business District combined with a Parking District. Generally located at the northwest corner of Westside Road and Westwood Avenue. Described as being a portion of Sections 23 and 24, P. B.

Reading Grant. UP No. 12-75 Chester L. Mc Getrick Enterprise Area Request for a second single family unit (mobilehome) in an "A-1-T-B-5' Light Agricultural District combined with a Trailer District, minimum parcel size of 5 acres. Generally located adjacent to and south of Misty Lane approximately 800 feet east of the junction with Old Oregon Trail.

Described as being a portion of the SW of Section 11, T. 31 R. 4 M. D. M.

UP No. 11-75 Clarence W. Goodwin Shingletown Area Request for a temporary unit (mobilehome) while constructing a dwelling in an Rural Residential District combined with a Trailer District, minimum parcel size as shown on recorded subdivision map. Generally located approximately 1,600 feet north of State Highway 44 and approximately 4 miles southwest from Shingletown. Described as being Lot No.

47, Shasta Forest Village, Tract No. 1260-F. UP No. 14-75 Mallory Stake Company Old Shasta Area Request for replacement of a nonconforming use in a Neighborhood Business District. Generally located adjacent to and south of U.

S. Highway 299W, approximately 300 feet east of the junction with Swasey Drive. Described as being a portion of the of Section 31, T. 32 R. 5 M.

D. M. UP No. 17-75 Scott Sealander Palo Cedro Area Request for a home occupation (ceramics) in an Light Agricultural District combined with a Trailer District, minimum parcel size of five acres. Generally located adjacent to and west of Logan Road.

Approximately 1,250 feet north of the junction with Old Forty-Four Drive. Described as being a portion of the SE of Section 1. T. 31 R. 4 M.

D. M. UP No. 19-75 Bonnie Martin Olinda Area Request for a second single family unit (mobilehome) in an Light Agricultural District combined with a Trailer District. minimum parcel size of 10 acres.

Generally located adjacent to and south of Shawn Drive opproximately 3,000 feet east from the junction with Happy Valley Road. Described Os being Lot No. 12, Ronda Olinda Estates. UP No. 18-75 Al Scheckla Johnson Park Area Request for a truck shop and temporary mobilehome while constructing a dwelling in a Unclassified District.

Generally located adjacent to and easterly of U. S. Highway 299E. approximately 700 feet northeasterly from the junction with Pine Street. Described as being a portion of Section 3, T.

35 R. 3 M. UP No. 23-75 Ed Carmichael Bella Vista Area Request for temporary sales and construction office (mobilehome) and 3 nonappurtenant outdoor advertising signs in a Retail Business District combined with 0 Parking District. Generally located on the northeasterly corner of U.S.

Highway 299E and Dry Creek Road. Described 05 being a portion of Section 8, T. 32 R. 3 M. D.

M. All interested persons are invited to appear and be heard thereon. Please address any replies to the following SHASTA COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 1855 Placer Street, Room 102 Redding, California 96001 Phone: 246-5532 NOTE: Environmental Analysis on all projects requiring such statements are on file in the office a of the Shasta County Planning Commission. You are invited to review such statements and to make comment thereon. September 6, 1974 00482 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS IN THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS IN LINCOLN-LOCUST ALLEY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1974-5-1, CITY REDDING, SHASTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (R-S photo) TONY FERRIROLA KNOWS HIS BEANS He expects to harvest 120,000 pounds of them Tony planted several other varieties of beans in McArthur before settling on Idaho flat white the type that he considers hardy enough for the area's short, dry, cool summers.

The flat white is heavily favored in Idaho, where the climate is similar to McArthur. Tony says he plants his beans between May 20 and June 1 to make sure they won't be killed by a late frost. The ground temperature should 1 be at least 60 degrees for the bean seeds to germinate. Young bean plants that haven't yet blossomed or produced beans can stand temperatures as low as 27 degrees. But once the plants bear pods, such a temperature plunge can kill them.

"We're usually pretty safe from frost or freeze until Sept. 15. "We water the plants about every eight days a couple of inches with a sprinkler at about eight acres a day." Tony says the flat whites he cultivates take 90 days to grow and are called "fast beans." He could plant another type of bean seed that takes 120 days to grow and produce even more beans. But 120 days would take too long in Fall River Valley. Tony's beans could be in your soup bowl a few months from now or they could end up in places as far away as Ceylon or Taiwan, he says.

Mrs. Ferrirola says that a lot of the beans they grow "end up in Puerto Rico. they eat a lot of beans there." She says proudly, "We even have our 'bean broker' who grades our beans and sends samples of them to big companies to determine if they want to purchase them. He's been our broker for years." She laughs and says: "I have a good solution for people who like to eat beans but are afraid of being gassy. "You just boil the beans for about 10 or 15 minutes, and then take them off the stove, drain all the water off them and add fresh water over them and continue cooking.

The water you drain off will take all the gas away and then you can eat all the beans you want. We eat beans at least twice a week." When asked what she considers is the best way to cook beans, Mrs. Ferrirola says, "I put everything but the kitchen sink in. I put in plenty of garlic, parsley, onions, ham, or bacon, and lots of big. juicy tomatoes.

It's delicious, especially with steak." Tony is obviously proud of the beans he grows. "Beans are one of nature's best foods. They can even take the place of meat. Another advantage of beans is that they can be stored for long periods of time without Son of Anderson residents receives yearbook mention Lt. Gary L.

Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Williams of Anderson, has been selected by the board of advisors of the Outstanding Young Men of America Association for inclusion in the association's yearbook for 1974. Williams was selected from a large number of men throughout the country for this honor, according to the association. He is presently assigned to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ill.

where he is studying for his masters' degree in Business Administration, and is married to the former Donna James of Bieber. Lt. Williams was a graduate of the Big Valley High School in 1961 in Bieber. AMOR SEC DAM CROSSWORD LIRE IRU ERA PUZZLE ELAND CANTAB ACROSS TNT VOL IDLE 1. Insertion mark 26.

Destiny Namath 00 DIOCESE 6. Imperfections 27. Reckon HOSTILE PR 11. Sour 28. 13.

Kind of lace 29. Iron symbol CREW AND ARA 14. Dais 31. Prizes HORDE GEYSER RI 16. Calamitous 33.

Italian OBEYED RAISE 17. Silkworm province ROT LOB LATE 18. Guided aerial 34. Conifer ETO YEA ENOS bomb 36. Greek letter SOLUTION OF YESTERDAY'S PUZZLE 20.

Idaho's 37. French islands nickname 38. Loiters DOWN 5. French 21. One in 40.

Flower dealer shooting match Germany 42. Market place 1. Profession 6. Size of shot 22. Piece of 44.

Stupor 2. Insatiable 7. Cover 45. Pick-me-up hunger 8. Dismount jewelry 24.

Sun god 46. Biblical 3. Balsam 9. Lived 25. Sneaky witch's home 4.

Girl's name 10. Stalk 12. Spice 15. Low 12 19. Winter ailments 15 22.

Baa 23. Food fish 20 25. Plant 27. Cant 22 23 28. Mature 29.

Style of 24 25 painting 130 30. Church 27 28 celebration 32 33 32. British flyers 33. Ignorant 34 35 34. Apartment 35.0 Othello's 38 39 enemy 37.

Persia 42 43 39. Hindu title 41. Native metal 45 43. Electric current Par time 28 min. AP Newsfeatures 9-6 Pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 of the State of California, and to resolution of the City Council of the City of Redding directing this Notice, said Council hereby invites sealed bids and proposals for doing the work and improvements described in the Resolution of Intention in the above entitled matter, of said City Council of the City of Redding.

Said Resolution of Intention is hereby referred to for description said work and improvement, the grades to which it is to be done, a description of the district to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, the bonds to be issued, and for all further particulars contained in said Resolution of Intention. Reference is hereby further made to the plans and specifications and detailed drawings for said work on file in the office of the City Clerk fothe City of Redding in accordance with which said work shall be done. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Redding has adopted and published a scale of prevailing wage rates and that copies thereof are on file with the City Clerk of the City of Redding, and shall be made available to any interested porty upon request. Please note that the contractor shall be required to post a copy thereof at each job site. The contractor shall in the performance of the work and improvements conform to the Labor Code of the State of California and other laws of the State of California applicable thereto, with the exception only of such variations as may be required under the special statutes pursuant to which proceedings hereunder are taken and which have not been superseded by the provisions of the LABOR Code.

Preference to labor shall be given only in the manner provided by law. Veterans and resident local labor shall be given preference by the contractor whenever possible, if skill and working ability permit without increasing the ultimate cost of the work and improvement to the City of Redding. NOTICE IS HEREBY EXPRESSLY GIVEN that payments will be made to the contractor in cash by said City of Redding but only from the proceeds of any assessments which are paid in cash or from the proceeds of the sale fo any bonds which are to be issued on the unpaid assessments. Said payment will be made to the contractor based upon the provisions in the specifications for payment based upon the quantity of labor and materials furnished by said contractor. Commencing not more than sixty (60) days after the commencement of the work and within the first five (5) days of each calendar month during the construction period thereafter, the contractor shall submit to the Engineer an itemized bill of the quantity and value of the materials accepted and work performed prior to the end of the preceding month, and the Engineer will, within a reasonable time, check such bill, make his estimate of the value of the same in accordance with terms of the contract, and ninety per cent thereof shall be paid to said contractor on or before the 15th day of said calendar month; the remaining ten per cent of the amount due the contractor shall be paid thirty-five days (35) after completion of all of said work and improvement and acceptance thereof by the City Council of the City of Redding.

All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a check payable to said City of Redding, and certified by a responsible bank for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or by a bond for said amount and so payable, signed by the bidder and two sureties who shall justify, before any officer competent to administer an oath, in double the said amount, and over and above all statutory exemptions, or by a corporate surety bond in said amount satisfactory to the engineer. The time fixed for receiving sealed bids or proposals for the doing of said work and improvement herein ordered is the 24th day of September, 1974, at the hour of 3:00 o'clock P.M. of said day, in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Redding, City Hall, 760 Parkview Avenue, Redding, California. Said bids, after being publicly opened, examined and declared, will be calculated by the Engineer of Work, his report returned to the City Clerk and the report of the results of the bidding and the calculations of the Engineer of Work will be reported to the City Council of the City of Redding. The City Council of the City of Redding reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or bids, should it deem this necessary for the public good, and also the bid of any bidder who has been delinquent or unfaithful in any former contract with the City of Redding.

Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Director of Public Works, 760 Parkview Avenue, Redding, California. No deposit will be required. DATED: September 3, 1974. MILDRED L. BRAYTON, City Clerk, City of Redding, Shosta County, State of California September 6, 13, 1974 00480 Wise Buyers Look in the RECORDSEARCHLIGHT CLASSIFIED Section.

Record Searchlight from Redding, California (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.