Today in Texas History (2024)

Today in Texas History (1)

Find out what happenedtodayin Texas history.

"Father of black Baptists in Texas" dies in La Marque

126 years agotoday onJune 13th, 1898

On this day in 1898, Israel S. Campbell died in La Marque. Campbell was born in Kentucky in 1815 and came to Texas as a missionary in 1866. In 1867 he reorganized the African Baptist Church (now the Avenue L Baptist Church) in Galveston, the first completely independent black Baptist congregation in Texas after emancipation. In 1868 Campbell and John Henry Yates helped organize the Regular Missionary Lincoln Baptist Association, the first association of black Baptists in Texas. Campbell also wrote the constitution for the Baptist State Missionary Convention in 1872. By the time of his retirement, in 1891, he was popularly known as the father of black Baptists in Texas.

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Related entries in our Handbook of Texas:

  • Campbell, Israel S.
  • Baptist Church
  • Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention of Texas
  • Avenue L Baptist Church
  • Yates, John Henry [Jack]
  • African-American Churches

President signs appropriation for Texas aviation station

84 years agotoday onJune 13th, 1940

On this day in 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the $25 million appropriations bill for the Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi. Construction began on June 30, and the dedication was held on March 12, 1941. The station, at Flour Bluff, eventually occupied 20,000 acres in three counties. It initially trained naval pilots, navigators, gunners, and radio operators. By 1948, when the station became a permanent military installation, it was home to the Naval Air Advanced Training Command. The precision flight team the Blue Angels was headquartered there from 1949 to 1955. In 1959 the navy converted the major repair facility to the army's Aeronautical Depot Maintenance Center, while the navy continued to train flight crews for multiengine land and sea planes. In 1986 the station's airfield was named Truax Field, in honor of Lt. Myron Milton Truax, United States Navy. In 2001 the base served as home to several navy commands, including the Chief of Naval Air Training.

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Related entries in our Handbook of Texas:

  • Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi
  • Naval Air Station, Beeville
  • Naval Air Station, Kingsville

Fraudulent petition seeks organization of Loving County

131 years agotoday onJune 13th, 1893

On this day in 1893, the organizers of the Loving Canal and Irrigation Company filed a petition with the Reeves County Commissioners Court requesting separate organization for Loving County. In 1887 the Texas legislature had separated Loving County from Tom Green County, but it remained attached to Reeves County for judicial purposes. Loving County is the only Texas county to be organized twice. The first organization appears to have been a scheme to defraud on the part of the organizers. Although the 1890 United States census reported a population of only three in Loving County, the petition filed with the Reeves County Commissioners Court three years later was signed by 150 allegedly qualified voters. In the ensuing county election eighty-three votes were reported, and county organization was approved. In the spring of 1894, however, only three people were found to be living in Mentone, the county seat. Loving County reportedly held a second election of county officials in November 1894, but there is evidence that neither election was legitimate. The legislature deorganized Loving County in 1897, reattaching it to Reeves County. After Mentone was abandoned in 1897, no town existed in Loving County. The 1900 census reported a county population of eleven females and twenty-two males, all white. With the discovery of oil in the county in the 1920s, the population grew, and the county was organized a second time in 1931. The oil town of Ramsey was renamed Mentone and became the county seat.

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Related entries in our Handbook of Texas:

  • Loving County
  • Loving Canal and Irrigation Company
  • Mentone, TX
  • Wheat Oilfield
  • County Organization

First Texan on U.S. Supreme Court dies in New York City

47 years agotoday onJune 13th, 1977

On this day in 1977, Thomas Campbell Clark, the first Texan to serve on the United States Supreme Court, died in New York City. Clark, born in Dallas in 1899, joined the Roosevelt administration in 1937 as an assistant to the United States attorney general. During World War II he coordinated and directed the relocation and incarceration of American citizens of Japanese ancestry, which he later recalled as one of his biggest mistakes. Clark became attorney general to President Truman in 1945. In 1949 he was appointed to the Supreme Court. In Sweatt v. Painter (1950) Clark's support of the majority opinion, which ordered the integration of the University of Texas law school, was particularly important. He also wrote the opinion in Terry v. Adams (1953), which struck down the white primary in Texas. Clark retired from the bench in 1967 when his son, William Ramsey Clark, was appointed attorney general.

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Related entries in our Handbook of Texas:

  • Clark, Thomas Campbell
  • Civil Rights
  • Sweatt v. Painter
  • University of Texas at Austin
  • White Primary

Today in Texas History (6)

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From Cabeza de Vaca's ship-wreck in 1528 through the Texas Revolution to present day—almost 500 years of recorded history—a myriad of significant events in Texas history have occurred. These events are arranged by day of the year to allow the reader to see into the past on any specific day.

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Today in Texas History (7)
Today in Texas History (2024)


Today in Texas History? ›

Even today, nearly 100 years after the first wells were drilled in Texas, the state leads all other states in oil and natural gas production. More recently, Texas is a renewable energy pioneer, with some of the largest wind energy farms in the world in the Texas Panhandle.

What historical event happened in Texas? ›

Texas History
  • Declaration of Independence of Texas, 1836.
  • Constitution of the Republic of Texas, 1836.
  • William Barret Travis' Letter From the Alamo, 1836.
  • Anson Jones to Washington Daniel Miller May 3, 1844.

Why is Texas important today? ›

Even today, nearly 100 years after the first wells were drilled in Texas, the state leads all other states in oil and natural gas production. More recently, Texas is a renewable energy pioneer, with some of the largest wind energy farms in the world in the Texas Panhandle.

What is Texas history Day? ›

Each year thousands of students, encouraged by teachers and parents statewide, participate in the National History Day program in Texas. On April 20, hundreds of Texas students will bring their projects to be judged at the Texas state-level competition.

What culture is still seen in Texas today? ›

It includes the regionalisms and distinct cultural identities of German Texan, Tejanos, Cajuns, Irish, African American, and White Southern enclaves established before the republic era and admission to statehood.

What town in Texas has the most history? ›

Considered to be the oldest town in Texas, Nacogdoches was founded in 1779 by Don Antonio Gil Y'Barbo. This quaint little town is booming with history and stories from years past beginning with the Caddo Indians, who lived in the area before the Spanish, through the present day.

Who owned Texas first? ›

Summary. Colonized in the eighteenth century by the Spanish, the Republic of Texas declared its independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836. The Republic of Texas was not recognized by the United States until a year later in 1837.

What is the nickname of Texas? ›

Texas is nicknamed the Lone Star State because in 1836, when the Republic of Texas declared itself an independent nation, it flew a flag with a single star on it.

Are Texans friendly? ›

But Texans Are All Still Big On Being Friendly

A lot of states claim to be the friendliest, but Texans know that they claim that crown. Texas is called The Friendly State, after all, but it's well-earned. Native Texans are the most genuinely friendly people you will ever meet.

Why is Texas called Texas? ›

The name Texas, based on the Caddo word táy:shaʼ (/tə́jːʃaʔ/) 'friend', was applied, in the spelling Tejas or Texas, by the Spanish to the Caddo themselves, specifically the Hasinai Confederacy.

Why is today National Texas day? ›

Founded in 2017 by National Day Calendar® to honor Texas as the 28th state that entered the Union and the Lone Star State's fierce record of independent people and history.

What is random Texas history facts? ›

9 Things You May Not Know About Texas
  • Everything really is bigger in Texas. ...
  • Six flags have flown over Texas. ...
  • Texas could have been even larger. ...
  • Texas hosted what was arguably the last battle of the Civil War. ...
  • The deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history occurred in Texas.
Mar 1, 2013

Why is today Texas Independence Day? ›

It was on March 2, 1836, when historians believe the original and five copies of the Texas Declaration of Independence were written and signed by 59 men at Washington-on-the-Brazos. Texans now know the day as Texas Independence Day!

What are people from Texas called? ›

Over time, the English-speaking Americans in Texas began to champion the usage of "Texan" instead of "Texian". Overwhelming numbers in the United States used the term Texan. Due to the 19th-century influx of Americans into the Republic and later U.S. state of Texas, Texan became the standard term after 1850.

What is the personality of a Texan? ›

Texans are a legendarily hardy people. But Texans are recognized far and wide for an assortment of other Texas-y traits too: pridefulness, bumptiousness, and mesquite stump–like stubbornness come to mind. And that trademark friendliness, of course (remember, “Friendship” is our state motto). And resilience.

For what is Texas famous for? ›

Texas is known for its legendary cowboy culture, its large cities, its diverse landscapes, its delicious Tex-Mex cuisine, and its strong southern hospitality. It is also famous for its cattle and oil industry, its rodeos, its music, and its unique Texan culture.

What is something historic in Texas? ›

San Jacinto Battleground

The Battle of San Jacinto resulted in Texas' independence from Mexico in 1836. This 1,200-acre park includes the San Jacinto Monument and the San Jacinto Museum.

What are 2 major events that led to the Texas Revolution? ›

In honor of Texas's birthday on March 2, here is a timeline of the events that led to Texas's freedom from Mexico in 1836.
  • October 2, 1835 – Battle of Gonzales. ...
  • December 5, 1835 – Siege of Bexar. ...
  • Feb. ...
  • Feb. ...
  • March 2, 1836 – Convention of 1836. ...
  • March 6, 1836 – Fall of the Alamo. ...
  • March 27, 1836 – Goliad Massacre.
Feb 25, 2016

What major event happened in Texas in 1900? ›

The "Night of Horrors" September 8, 1900, begins as a 15-foot storm surge rolls across Galveston, Texas, killing over 8,000. Dawn breaks over a grisly scene of bodies in the streets. The Galveston flood is remembered even to this day as the deadliest natural disaster in the history of the United States.


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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.