CLASSIFIED CHECK YOUR AD If there are any errors or omissions, call us as soon as possible the first day. This newspaper makes every effort to avoid errors in advertisem*nts. In the event of an error, Madison Newspapers, Inc's liability is limited to a correction, if requested, or credit only for that portion of the ad rendered valueless. Family Want Adt-our low non-commercial rate are available for garage tales and telling other personal items. Call us today so we can put an ad to work for you to sell unwanted merchandise and make cash fast.
Use the coupon which generally appears on these classified pages to order and determine the length of your ad. Furniture Refinishinsj 246 Garage Builden 3M Hairstylists JS0 Heating Air Conditioning. 2S2 Health Services J54 Household Services J55 InstructorsTutors 2M Instrument RepairTune 287 IiwilttioaEiiergy Products 3U Insurance Services. 259 Rooms For Rent JOS Unfurnished ApartmentsaiO Furnished Apartments ..320 Rental To Shrs Houses .830 .835 Townhouses J38 Condominiums For Rent.838 Rent wOptlon to Buy ....340 Mi Lots to 5. SiST-SU? Rent Warehouse Miscellaneous For MO TRANSPORTATION goo Snobta'a CrMJ cmpers a Trailers 904 UolHomn 90S Motors 90S ATVIZTZ B20 BicS Part.
Accessories curvica 930 Trucks. Vans, Trailers 860 New Cars For Sale .972 Used Cars For Sals .97) page A Neighborhood Marketplace MONDAY 121889 NON-CONTRACT DEADLINES For ads first appearing: .5:30 PM the preceding day PM Thursday .5:30 PM on Friday AM on Saturday Exercise Equipment 66 1 Medical Equipment 852 Lawn a Garden Supplies 883 Snow Removal Equipment. 8B5 Office Furnishing a Accessories .888 Business Equipment 670 Industrisl Equipment ...871 Computer Building Material ft Removal. 875 FuelHeating Equipment 880 Machinery, REALTY SALES Real Estate 700 Mobile Homes for New Construction East a Central Homes 708 Open East a Central 707 Madison West Open Madison West 70S Condominiums 711 Open Condominiums 712 Suburban Homes 713 Open Suburban "a Wisconsin Homes 720 Out of Stste Realty 730 Real Estate Wanted 740 Income Property 750 Sites 8 Lots 780 Time Sharing 781 Land For FarmaFann Lsnd 783 Lake. River Property 784 Recreational Property 78ft Commercial Property ......788 Commercial Land 787 Business Opportunities.
..780 Real Estate for Trade ......790 REALTY RENTALS Vacation Rentals Jul Building 4 Management. J40 Daycare Wanted 348 FARMER'S MARKET Hones. Stables 505 Cattle. Hogs, Sheep, Goats 510 Poultry. Supplies .615 Hay, Grain, Pasture 520 Farm Buildings 525 Farm Equipment, Parts.
.530 Farm Services, Repair 535 Farm Auctions, Salsa. 545 MERCHANDISE Pelt a Supplies 800 Auctions 801 Sales 802 Garage Sales East 603 Garage Sales West 804 Garage Sales North ......606 Garage Sales South .808 Garage Seles Central 807 Garage Sales Out of Town Kiddie Komer 810 Bargain Comer. Good Things To Eat 818 Gift Ideas .817 Art. Prints a Frames .820 Antiques, Collectibles .821 Christmas Trees .622 Home Furnishings a Accessories .823 Appliances ...626 TV Electronics 827 Sewing Machines Fabric 830 Hobbies 831 Photography 832 Musical Instruments. .......834 Miscellaneous for Sale ....838 Clothing, Jewelry 845 Sporting Goods 850 Landscaping -iou ANNOUNCEMENTS j3Bl0jZIl 115 Bids Office Services .270 Obituary, In a Wallpaper 272 Cemeteries, Monuments .135 pet Grooming 274 Personals.
Thanks 138 pumbin, .278 Personal Holidays 13S printers 280 Personal interest 140 photo, Artists .282 Companionship 142 Remodel Repair .284 Financial Note 156 Rental Lost and Found 170 charter PROFESSIONAL Roofing a Siding .288 SERVICES Security Systems Accountants .210 52 Appliance Repair .212 IS Appraisers 214 I0'8" Architect. XM Tof Attorneys .222 EMPLUYMtNT Auto Repair 224 General 300 BicycleCycle Repair .228 Employment Services 301 Carpet Services J30 Office, Clerical 305 Concrete Masonry .231 07 Custom Building .232 Domestic Household 310 Computer Services 234 Retail, 313 Day Care Providers 238 Sales 320 Deer Processing 238 Automotive 325 Diet, Fitness 239 Professional, Draperies Upholstery ...240 Health Care ..332 Drv Cleaning 242 Restaurant Bar 335 II 1 1 mill jiii.ili' Mill 1,1 ,11.41 Toll free from within Wisconsin 1-800-Class Ad BLIND BOX INFORMATION R5415 This Is colled Blind Box Number. You have probably seen It In an advertisem*nt where you would expect me phone number to be. The advertiser wants the replies to be sent to him or her In care of Madison Newspapers, Inc. The replies should be addressed: P.
541 5 co Madison Newspapers, Inc. Box DOM Madison, Wl 53708 Bargain Conwr-for merchandise priced $150 or less, pets only if ad states they are tree. Ads are grouped in one convenient area for the bargain hunter. 3 lines 7 days $11.00. No Srice reduction for early cancellation, uper Saver-for merchandise priced $1500 or less, pets priced $25 or lest apiece.
Ads are marked by an attention-getting star and organized within the correct classifications. 3 lines -10 days $16.55. No price reduction for early cancellation. Super Saver D-for merchandise priced and peta priced $25 or less apiece. Ads are organized within the correct classifications.
3 lines 10 days $23.85. No price reduction for early cancellation. 'Price includes PLUS which is mailed free to 47,000 non-subscribing households in Dane County. $2.65 each additional line. 20 line maximum.
vehicle stT1 "WHsf srsTsTssf i( WS4 300 General FOR ALL YOUR Pet Services, Obedience Classes, Breeding, etc see: Pet Services Class 274 zzrzz rjdzol iss 1 4k ssa mm Vexs iWVssaVi afJreV fV 300 General Remember to check classification 707 Open East ft Central tor homes which con also be seen by appointment. HOURS AM to 6.00 PM AM to 12:00 Noon (for Monday's edition) Additional cancellations, corrections, extensions for Monday and obituaries can be placed Saturday PM Sunday 10:00 PM. Motor Route LODI Wt are seeking an Individual to deliver The) Coptttsl TlmsM weekday afternoons and Saturday mornings and the Wisconsin Stat Joj naJ early Sunday mornings to subscribers in rural Lodi. Must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid driver's license, a good driving record and a dependable vehicle. If you are available during these times, this could be a pleasant way to supplement you income.
Phone 252-6394 or 356-4771 collect. Ask for Gory. 300 General Desk Clerks Full Part time positions available. Some 7-3pm, some 3-1 lpm, some wkends. Com petitive salary, paia vocations, holidays.
Individual must be neat dependable. Apply In Inn, 1754 Thierer Rd. Madison DRIVER Full-time; apply In person at Trrggs Bakery, 1137 N. Sherman Ave. DRIVERS-OTR West coast: must have 2 200,000 ml.
verifiable experience, 1 yr, reefer experience. Mileage pay, vacation Insur- ance. 608-221-2470 DRIVERS ENGLAND TRUCKING Now Hiring Drivers Best Eaulpment! All 1988-1990 Conventional Great Pay! Excellent Benefits! Home Regularly! Must have 2 yrs OTR. 48 state operation. No need to relocate.
Go to work NOW. Call 1-800-356-5046 to make appli cation over the phone. England Is now offering train ing to help experienced and Inexperienced drivers obtain COL certification. No experience? Call for Info on our Training Program. England cares about vou! Positions going fast! Give us a call.
1-800-356-5046. Drivers THIS IS ONE RISK WORTH TAKING Changing careers Is usually pretty risky business. But, at J. B. Hunt, we've got over 5000 drivers who can tell you a coreer with us Is low on risk and high on rewards.
Join the driving school ond you may be eligible for a career that offers oood pay, stability and more. Bowling Green State Transportation Center In Bowling Green, KY can give you the training you'll need. Financial assistance Is available. Call 1-800-643-3331 Eaual Opportunity Employer Sublect to drug screen. NEW GLARUS AFTERNOON ROUTE DELIVERY Boys or girls 12 yrs.
or older (law) Very little collecting Good pay Phone 1 -800-362-8333 or Collect 873-4010 MOTOR ROUTE The Wisconsin State Journal has an opening for a motor route driver for the Syene MM area. We are looking for an energetic and reliable morning person with dependable transportation. If you fit this description and would like to earn extra cash, please call Chris Adams at 252-6385 from 7-1 Oam weekdays. 140 Personal Interests FLY TO PORTLAND, OR EGON, 1 woy ncket 1774. HOP.
238-1600. MADISON to Phoenix, roundtrlp but will sell sepa rately. Deports Dec 30, return Feb I. Negotiable. 233-1606, 833-6887 osk tor Bill or Jon FLY SAN FRANCISCO! 12-20, 5100.
251-4894 2 ROUND-TRIP air Modlson to Albuquerque, 17-22 to 1-2. $650 Coll 833-1781 leave message Bargain Fares-Madison to PhoenixTucson, round trip 5178. Dickens Travel. 271-4271 BOOK FOR SALE 'Successful Monev-Maklng at S5.00. GGN, Box 583, St.
Croix Falls. Wl 54024. Voluntary Action Center 246-4380 The VOLUNTARY ACTION CENTER has Information on over 800 volunteer ooportu nltles In Dane County. In. eluding me following.
Call 246-4380 from Sam to 8pm Monday thru Friday to find out how you can get Involved. The UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL needs volunteers for their Patient Discharge Program to assist the nursing staff In the safe transportation and discharge of patients, and to assist in a supervised war). Ing area for discharged patients. Other volunteers op portunities also available. If you would like to help, call 246-4380 for more informa tion.
FIRST CALL FOR HELP, on Information and referral service of the United Way, Is looking for volunteers to staff the phones and provide Information to callers looking for help in the community. Training Is provided. Call 246-4360 for more Information. Would you be Interested in gaining som experience inretall sales? The MENTAL HEALTH CENTER OF DANE COUNTY needs volunteers to help out In the newly opened Thrift Store located on Mifflin St. Hours available ore Mon-Frl, 10-5.
Please call 246-4380 to find out how you can help. Give a Gift to Yourself Others Volunteer Today! irl UTNCeM WaHl Of Dane County EXOTIC DANCERS, Inc. Stripping Santos Elves 844-2678. Purchase your 1990 entertain ment books here! Century 21 Gold Post. 221-8844 Personalized Photo Christmas Cards.
Order now! One Hour Color-South Towne 121-1900 GROW THICK, LUSTROUS hair, nails, lashes. Coll record. ed message 258-3782. Madison Computer Dating Easy, Fun, Effective 249-1744 LEARN ELECTRONICS at the Wisconsin School of Electronics. 249-6611 Supervisory Management training for the working odult.
Day, evening. Madison Area Technical College. 608-267-3131 or 246-6008. For vacation rentals see classification 800 VACATION RENTALS PREGNANCY COUNSELING Toll Free 1-8O0-362-8O78 At Merrier Hospital Volunteers needed. 267-6757 GET your educational require.
merits for a real estate license in less than one month! Night 6, weekend classes In Madison. Start onytime. Coll the Wisconsin REALTORS -Association el 408-241-2047 Shopko store hours 9om to 10pm; Sat. 9am 9pm; Sun. 10am 6om Non-controct WANT AD DEADLINES For ads first appearing: Monday deodlinc 11:30 am.
Saturday Tuesday-Friday deodllne 5:30 p.m. the preceding day. Saturday deodllne p.m. on Thursday Sunday deodllne 5:30 p.m. on Friday professional services MONTICELLO M55 Financial Notes Bod Credit, divorced, bankrupt.
self-employed, instont 55,000 credit, no credit checks, cata log shopping 100 approved. 800-388-4588 Gold Cord NEED CASH? Tired of the hassle? Home owners use your eaunv. Credit problems understood. 1-800-373-0132608-222-0555. NEED CREDIT? $1200 or more credit, no credit turned down.
Establish new credit, rebuild bod. The IHS Gold Cora Also cash advanc es and MCVISA. 1.800-365-0111 ext. 2086 SMILE NEEDED: If you could help donate towards dental work for a needy child, call: Guidance Counselor's Office 527-2410 or 629-2583 $7500 Cash Homeowners 1-80O-876-752O 170 Lost and Found HAVE YOU LOST OR FOUND AN ITEM? Let Madison Newspaperthelp! Call us at 252-7723 and place a 3 line message for 3 days. Free of choroe DOG LOST.
Mole Poodle, 1 yr. Black, last seen In Fordem Ave, area 1215. Found- MENS WATCH 1212 at Eastslde K-Mart. Describe 255-3958. FOUND: Kitten, block white long hair, no collar, University Heights area.
Call 238-6879 KEYRING FOUND. Disneyland American Family network keychain with 1 key, found on nnnnev at. w-3365 KEYS FOUND on Rovmond Rood, near McKenna. Includes GM 6, Chrysler car keys. Coll to Identify.
266-4681, Mon-Frl 300 General PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All help wanted advertised In this newspaper ore subject to tr.e City of Madison Eaual Op portunhies Ordinance, section 3.23, which makes It Illegal for any employer. Individual or In concert with others, tabor or ganization or employment agency to tall or refuse to hire or to discharge any Indi vidua), or otherwise to dis criminate against any indiviau al with respect to his compen sation, terms, conditions, or I privileges or employment De cause of Individual's sex, race, religion, color, national origin or ancestry, age, handicap, marital status, physical char acteristics, source of income. arrest record or conviction record, less than honorable discharge, physical appear ance, sexual orientation, politi cal oeiiers or me tact mat such person is a students This newspoper will not know ingly accept any odverHsing for help wonted which is in violation of the ordinance. As of June 1, 1987, federal law requires all employees to provide verification of eligibil ity of the right to work In this country. ADULT CARRIERS Are you a morning person?) Need more exercise while earning extra cash.
Morning Wisconsin state Journal Routes ore now available in west Modlson. Dependable transpor tation may be required. For more information call Bob Harrington 252-6382 between 8-iOom weekdays. AMERICAN ITS Got To Be Good! HOUSEKEEPING Part-time hours, available Im mediately. lexlbte schedule.
great benefits including em ployee purchase discount. Apply in person at the Informa tion Desk of our west side store. Americon 2404 W. Betttine Hwy. Madison, Wl 53713 ASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPER Midway Motor Lodge hos on opening for an assistant head housekeeper.
This Is a full time position with excellent wage and benefits. Previous housekeeping experience Is required. If you can fill these shoes, please apply to Teresa err. MIDWAY MOTOR LODGE 1710 E. Washington Ave.
Madison, Wis. 244-2424 Eaual Opportunity Employer 6512 AFTERNOON ROUTE DELIVERY Boys or girls 1 2 yrs. or older (low) Very little collecting Good pay Phone 1-800-362-8333 or Collect 873-4010 1 300 General ASSEMBLY 4 PRODUCTION. Work 1st, 2nd or 3rd shift. Top wages paid weekly.
Apply at: KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICES 238-3055 ASSEMBLY First Second Shift Cor necessary, apply today. Work today and paid In full on Mondays. affrmalw adlwitajd worfcrtly employe" BAGGERS CHECKERS Needed immediately. Good working environment. Full time benefits available.
Apply In person at Sentry HilMale, 724 Midvale Blvd. BINDERY help port-time day or night flexible hrs, will train, start Vi, 838-4155 3612 Marsh Rd Modlson ButcherMeat Cutter: Familiar with bed system. Call 255-8051 or 873-7716 ask for Duane. CAB DRIVERS 21 yrs. Old (Insurance), clean driving record.
Call 8-10om. 256-1363 CAR WASH LINEWORKERS CASHIERS Quality conscious, well groomed employees MERMAID CAR WASH 526 Grand Canyon Dr. a 4001 East Towne Blvd. Carrier Cross Plains The Wisconsin State Journal Is looking for responsible hard-working boy or girl to deliver the paper. Must be at least 12 yrs.
old (law). If In terested, call Jerry Ballweg at 252-6398 Carrier Verona The Wisconsin State Journal Is looking for responsible hard-working boy or girt to deliver the paper. Must be at least 12 yrs. old (law). If in terested, call Jerry Ballweg at 252-6398 Carrier Johnsons Creek The Wisconsin State Journal Is looking for responsible hard-working boy or girl to deliver the paper.
Must be at least 12 yrs. old (law). If In terested, call Dave Denu at 1-800-362-8333 or 608-849-4663 Oregon The Wisconsin State Journal is looking for responsible hard-working person to deliver the paper. Must be at least 12 yrs. old (law), if Interested, call Jerry Ballweg at 252-6398 or Brian Conway at 835-3072 CASHIER Part-time cashier.
Approximately 15-20 hrswk, nights weekends. Cash handling experience preferred. to start. Apply at Vista 3859 E. Washington Ave.
Modlson 244-3236 CLEANERS S4.80hr. office cleaning evenings. Call Pre-grommed Cleaning. 255-ey94 Cleaning offices PMs, E. Broadway, 19Vihrswkly.
S4.50hr. MSM 1U-9US CLEANING General cleaning of offices In downtown area. Early eves.Also possible 9pm starting times. Apply at Northern Building Maintenance, 1480 Martin St. 254-4035.
COMPANIONS To help the handicapped elderly. Call 238-0268. Medkal Personnel Pool CONCRETE FINISHERS LABORERS for flat work only. Salary negotiable. 222-5515 COUNTER PERSON ZEROX OPERATOR Permanent, full-time position, daytime In busy copy shop.
Must enioy cus tomer contact. We will train Apply In person: Boo copy snap 1314 W. Johnson. St SECURITY GUARD needed, evenings at Capitol Center, coll Meridian Group, 155-7435. Deliver Telephone Books To Earn Extra Money Men or women over 18 with auto and Uot-ilm Insurance are needed to deliver the Amerltech Pages Plus Modlson Directory.
Coll ToH Free 1-800-451-2125 Between 8am 4pm Monday thru Friday Eouot Opportunity Employer DELIVER THE DANE COUNTY TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES Work starts Tuesday, Dec 19 4-1 weeks House to House No cor required. Physicotlv able persons for delivery with our crews. Work dolly, 730-4 CALL 222-1698 DELIVERY I RECEIVING PERSONS NEEDED FULL-TIME PART-TIME FANTASIA 1709 MONROE ST. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 300 General MACHINE MAINTENANCE Personnel needed on oil shifts. Experience required, however will train person will good mechanical aptitude.
Apply In person during regulor business hours: Uniek Plastics, Inc, 1591 s. stoughton ROU New Construction Cleanup Part time 10-15 hrs.wk. Hours flexible. Must have volld drlv-ers license. Coll 833-4585 PHARMACY TECHNICIAN Permonent full-time days.
some weekends and holidays Involved. Duties Include filling daily orders and maintaining quality control. Good benefits. Storting wage S4.50hour. No experience necessary, we will train Coll Steve or Liza 271-4420 between 10-4 p.m.
Mon-Frl. Equal Opportunity Employer PHOTO LAB Are you Interested In photography? Do you enioy working with people? We ore seeking persanoble, responsible, qualm -conscious individuals. Will train. Fullpart time. No phone calls.
Send resume to: PHOTO EXPRESS 5517 Odono, Modlson. 53719 PLASTIC MOLDING OPERATORS needed on all shifts. Must be dependable and will ing to work 6 day weeks. Apply in person during regukx buslness hours: Uniek Plastics, Inc. 1501 S.
Stoughton Rd. PRODUCTION Plastic Iniectfon molding ma chine operators, full time-various shifts available. Apply at: Zeler Plastics 2311 N. Stoughton Rd. Modlson RENTAL CONSULTANT Property management company is looking for a full time, outgoing person.
Will train Send resume to: P.O. Box 513, Modlson. wl 53701. RENTAL SALES AGENT We hove on Immediate f*ck time opening for a Rental Soles Agent. If you are oggrressive In customer service and sales oriented this could be the opportunity for vou! Benefits: hourly wages ft bonuses included.
Will train Must be willing to work eves. and wknds. Some clerical skills are helpful. Apply In person: AVIS RENT-A-CAR, Dane County Airport ROUTE PERSON Sletten Vending Service, Inc. is expanding.
Immediate opening for Individual who Is personable, detail minded and possesses willingness to learn. Mechonlcol background a plus. If you have these characteristics and take pride In a lob well done, coll 222-7080. ext 07 Route Service Representative Needed for well-established video compony to service convenience ft grocery stores from company-owned truck. Must have good driving record and ability la Interoct wee) with customers.
Bose salary, expenses paid ft medical benefits. Send resume or letter of Interest with salary history lo Convenient Video, PO Box 1126, Sheboygan, Wl 53082-1124, Attn: Don SERVICE DESK food store: also office clerk whh computer knowledge helpful. Apply In person: Sav Foods, IMi e. Washington Ave. SECURITY The finest Security Officers work for Modison Metro Security Services Inc.
Fulltime: Thur-Sun 9pm-7om. Part- time: Sot-Sun 6am-2pm. Must be neat ond reliable. Car and phone must. For Interview coll from 9om-2pm only 249-1766.
TELEMARKETER: Looking for motivated Indlvlduol. evenings. Good pay, bonuses. Experience preferred, but will train. Coll Bruce 273-3959 TELEMARKETING Seeking experienced, success ful and motivated Individuals for part-time soles ond service appointment setting in family owned business.
Excellent earning potential to based on. achievable performance, ond offering a bose rote of S4hr. Merit incentives and monthly bonuses. Work shirts ore Mon-Frl, 5-9pm, ond Sot. IO-2pm.
(minimum 3 shlttswk) Cotl Gary, after 5pm, ot 275-6722 Truck Driver General Labor 273-1096. MF TRUCK DRIVER Needed Immediately to deliver auto parts. Reply to: R7vVS, co Modlson Newspapers Box KI54. Modlson. Wl 53704 WAREHOUSE first ond sec ond shift positions.
Call HorreS Services. 255 4474. WAREHOUSE. Import compony In need of person to help In packing, shipping answering the phone. Knowledge of bookkeeping helpful.
Part time, can leod to full. Salary commensu-rate with eperlence. WAREHOUSE CLERK Due to Increased growth, we are looking far a full-time employes to enhance our warehouse staff. The right candidate needs to meet the following criteria: Possess a valid Wisconsin Driver's License Be detall-orlented, and 0 serf -starter Past warehouse experience. data entry, computer product knowledge would be 0 big plus DUTIES INCLUDE: Pulling orders dolly Unloading trucks, and checking merchandise In UPS Incoming i outgoing Far mare Information and an Interview appointment please contact Andy at (60S) 222-3344 MODERN BUSINESS MACHINES 4300 Monona Dr.
Modlson, Wl 53716 Eaual Opportunity Employer ,700 General Drivers OTR TroctorTraller Drivers ATS of Wisconsin needs drly. ers to pull flatbeds. Mlleoge pay storting at 2Mmlle plus bonus and incentives. Higher base pay far exceptional, ex perienced drivers. Must be 23 veors of age or older, possess safe driving record ond take physicaldrug screen.
We provide tale model eaulp ment, insurance, paid holt daysvacations, unloading loading pay and other fine benefits. Call 1-800-274-3517 for Immediate consideration. A.T.S. of Wisconsin 597 Water Street Evansville, Wl Division of Anderson Trucking Service DRYCLEANER HELP NEEDED Far West side store. Expert ence preferred.
Pleasont work ing conditions. For Information call the store, 271-1088 or the office, 592-3349 FOREMANSUPERVISOR Eastslde manufacturing company Involved In metol stamping and wood products. Supervise 15-25 employees, schedule production and limited term employees. Supervisory experience of 3-5 veors preferred. Position Includes a full benefit package.
Call 246-5160 be-tween 1-5. GENERAL LABOR positions available. Call Manpower 277-0070 GENERAL LABOR Person who has knowledge of plumbing, plpeftttlng ond assorted building materials. Du ties would Include taking, filling delivering orders. Call 273-1096.
MF HERDSMAN, Assistant: 70-cow herd. References re-gulred. Evenings 646-4666 HOST PERSON Wanted to clean, fill a inven tory vending mochlnes of 1 mtown location. 6:30 a.m.-3tt0 p.m., $5hr. Done County Vending 2920 Bryant Rd.
171-6657 Housekeepers Full Port time positions avolloble. Flexible schedules to fit your needs. Competitive salary, paid vacations, holidays. Individual must be dependable. Apply In person: Re- 1754 Thierer Rd, Madison 222 Attorneys ATTY.
RICHARD CLAUS (408) 231-947) Low cost divorce family law Student loan problems other debts. Bankruptcy may be solution. 1st visit free. 251-4775 Is SANTA bringing more WOE than JOY this year? A steady Income, a budget and a plan to pay con change things around. CALL Gibson Law Offices (40417574411 Mark horns, Jackie Macausoy Richard Jacobs, (404) 255-740S BANKRUPTCY -Business and form reorganization (ch.
11 4 12) -Consumer Cases (ch. 13) FAMILY LAW -Divorce, custody, support -Adoptions CRIMINAL, TRAFFIC AND, DRUNK DRIVING DEFENSE PERSONAL INJURY -Workers Compensation CIVIL RIGHTS RONALD J. THOMPSON 956 Clarence Ct. Madison 257-9155 Uncontested divorce $275 Bankruptcy. S250 costs Do Your Own Divorce 1150.
all you need for uncontested cose. Free Info: 257-7744 231 Concrete 1 Masonry lc heel's Concrete Quality flotwark wolls Coll after pm 221-439 236 Day Care Provider PLEASE NOTE It Is advisable to check refer ences andor registration when looking for daycare. UlnMLuJUjLul.wllUn, 2-4 yrs old, coll Joy 846-5373 248 Garage Builders BEST BUILT GARAGES ANY SIZE ANY STYLE FREE ESTIMATES 241-4244 Professional aarooe builders, over 30 veors experience. Bank financing, free estimates. 222-2225.
BULLOCK GARAGES 1907 S. Stoughton Rd. 252 Heating Air Conditioning Furnace ductwork clewing seating for a hearthler environment ond Improved etfl-ctencv of your heating system. Free estimates. Service Mot-ter Cteofwno Services 77J-J24J 254 Health Services Private Duty Nursing Help A VAIL-AX ARE Personal Home Care 231-2421 300 General Housekeeping Janitorial EARLY MORNING HOURS West Side Nokoma Plaza Hllldole S4-S5 storting.
Call 246-2765 JANITORIAL PartFull time, evenings Various locations Merit pay advancement opportunities Capitol Maintenance. 271-7555 JANITORIAL: excellent S5S. We do appreciate vou! EverCleon. 222-4981 JANITORIAL Permanent port time. Day evening positions.
Contact: DNS Corp, 1210 Ann St. 258-3131 JANITORIAL Capitol area Mornings, 3-5 hrs. 5.00nr. to start. 275-7080 JANITORS NEEDED UNISERV, INC 274-8108 JOURNEYMAN: Electric motor winder, must know AC DC prom snoring trust, nospmxi- zation Insurance, uniforms.
Submit resume to: R5011, co Madison Newspapers, P.O. Box 8056, Mod- ISon. Wl 53708. KITCHEN HELP Port-tlmefull-tlme kitchen help. 6am-30pm or to 730pm.
Please apply at ARBOR VIEW HEALTH CARE CENTER 1347 Fish Hatchery Rd. Madison, Wl 53715 (608) 257-0781 MAINTENANCE PERSON Work In food processing plant In southern Wl. Experience required In electricity, refrigera tion, pockoging machinery, fabrication, ond welding. Health Insurance, profit sharing, paid vocations hoildovs. Respond: P.O.
Box 695, Rlchlond Center. Wl 53581. MANAGEMENT TRAINEESALES Corporation expanding In Madison area needs to open two branch offices. No experience necessary. Earning potential $36,000.
will train In sales, marketing and management. Full or part-time. Coll 833-6366. 272 Painting Wallpaper Seasonal Discounts Now! Insured-oest rotes-free bids THRIFT PAINTING Painting, patching, papering Interiors ft exteriors. Our loth year.
221-2033 ft PAINTING Exterior, interior, wallpapering. Free estimates. Professional auolfry guaranteed. Paul: 258-9311 sensible painting. Profes sional guoHty ot home town prices.
Free estimates. Insured. Interior Ext 073-9423. 274 Pet Services PET Grooming ft Boarding. Obedience Classes Reasonable rates.
222-1515 Behiine Animal Hsspitol 284 Remodel Repair Additions, tile, decks, on re modeling. Free Estimates. 241-4904 ft Construction Basem*nts completed. Interior exterior remodeling. Brl Clem Remodeling 037-6i Handy Man, reliable ft de- pendoMe.
WIN do repairs on your home. Larry. 244-0535 JOHN EGGERT "All the lime lobs" 222-0800 Minor things. Fix, Install, repair. Home, opartmment, office.
Free estimate. 222-4749 Remodel, repok ft new construction. Insured. 249-4771 Fix-lt-Rite Construction CLIFFORD CONTRACTR40 SERVICES Free estimates. Home repok, remodeling.
Insured. 274-3924. ft Remodeling ft Repok. Carpentry, additions, kitchens, baths, roofing, pointing, etc. 246-8450 271-527 286 Roofing It Siding Brown Roofing ft Siding All types of roofing, gutters, siding ft repairs, serving Madison since 1930.
774-0933 288 If i (1 Security ADAM KORB1TZ PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 289 Snow Plowing SNOW Plowing, Bobcat Work. Commercial only, Insured Barnes Lawn Service 233-0425 SNOWPLOWING, JUMP START. Residential ft Com- merclol. CHEAP" 873-3496 ft SfMwpeswing. Bobcat ft rates.
Free quotes. 437-4014 177 300 General Housekeepers Full part time. Holiday kin. East Towne, 4402 E. Washington HOUSEKEEPERS We offer full I.
port time posi tions, flexible schedules to meet your needs. We will meet or beat any hourly wage paid by our competitors. Earn what you're worth. On busline, students encouraged to apply. Apply In person: Super 8 Motel 1602 W.
Betrline Hwy HOUSEKEEPING Full or part-time. Outstanding wage and benefit package. Scheduled pay Increases. We offer steady employment. weekly payroll checks ond a friendly work environment.
Come loin our guality team. On busline. Apply in person: RED ROOF INN 4839 Hayes Read 19094 Ot 151. HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISOR National full service manoge- mentreal estate company Is seeking an experienced houskeeplng supervisor for higtHise student housing facili ty In Modlson. Hands-on posi tion, requires record keeping.
We offer competitive salary, comprehensive benefit pack age, excellent work environ ment, send resume to The Regent Apartments 1402 Regent St. Madison Wl 53711 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. Eaual Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer MFH Housekeeping Janitorial EARLY MORNING HOURS West Side Nakoma Piaza Hlllodte iS storting. Coll 246-2765 HOUSEKEEPING Midway Motor Lodge has openings for full ond port time housekeepers. The full time position has full benefits, ond the part time has limited benefits.
Both offer on excellent wage. Previous experience preferred, but not required. Apply to Teresa at MIDWAY MOTOR LODGE 3718 E. Washington Ave. Madison, Wis.
244-2424 Equal Opportunity Employer 255 Household Services Cleaning: Spedallilna In one time thorough or regular. Experience ond references. 2494941. 256 Instructors Tutors Diesel Truck Driver Trowing Scheet, he Hwy 151, Sun Protrle, Wl 53590. SOD-H2-rjM.
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