Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate from Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

a Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, Friday, November 13, 1942. HOUSES, LAND FOR SALE KOTARA. Mod W.B Cottage, buIlt 5 drive ent. SAND 100 Farneworta suext Penrose. Chemists BIOCKTON.

426. W.B dim. atE, Drive eutr N. ALLEN, Thorn-Mt. NE Liconted Estate 3210 AT MAYFIELD, B.

Cottage, 0 FILM, Drive entrance Price 450. KEVIN REID Licensed Estate Agent 3217 MAYFIELD Solid Brick Cottage, room. J. 875. Deposit E250 and nock.

Quick possession. Agent MoHATTIE. Licensed Eatale and Valuer. 10 New 3216 BROADMEADOW. BELE-CON.


THE ARCADE Lic Real Entate Agent 3210 MEREWETHER Superb 2-Year Brick Bungalow, every modern fitment. subrm. ete 1500 Vac DOA Sole Wilson's Belter Homies Co 14 Wheeler Place, 936 VACANT POBSESSION COOK'E HILLBAR BEACH. Latke Brick Bungalow. and latke and d.

TITIS, kit centre bath. hall, Ute GETARI 1790 DOWNIE. THE ARCADE. Lir Heal Acent 3210 W. B.

Hoine 3 bedrooms, glassed- in Kleep-aut verandate, dining and kitchen. all approx of ground, Purchaser cat have Starr- and owner will sell book at discount. Vacant ponsention. DOUGLAS Remi Ac Estate BAKER, Agents. Sole Agente, Licensed HOUSES AND LAND WANTED WANTED.

Cottage, 10 rent ur bus, or near about. Reply, F. WANTED LO Bus. Very Small Col. Guy.

Aduinstown tore or Land, Merewether Glebe, JuneLion, Cook's Hill Hamilton. Parties "Herald 154 WANT particulars Collagen suburban tel Lakeside Parma: Businesses, W. J. MCHATTIE, Licensed Ant alid Valuer. Newcomen -aL HOTELS AND BUSINESSES WANTED 10 Buy, Small Mixed Bustherb Price.

particulars. JU Anderton-at. Inline 141 RESIDENTIALS RESIDENTIALS WANTED to Bus, Residential Butte able Furt House. Jayce 881455. 19 WANTED to Buy, Boardinghouse Steply Q834, "Herald." 142 FOR SALE FOR SALE JUMBLE BALE.

CM. G. Building This Morning AL 10 o'cloce MJ2 WONDERFUL PIANO, reason a Die price. must Heply 00830. "Heraid HAMILION LAST.

5 rooms, modern furitute and 1880. Apply wt Hunter-6t. Wickham 3220 AMERAS, Cyces and kadios on easy Trade-in your old otic RI HARRING ION 5. 281 DE. GILLES and Lamps, Bella, Motlecturs, at ON 8.

281 Hunter-st. AIRZONA, Tania. Radioin Radia Trade- old set. We Bhance own CormS. 481 BARGAIN tor only 4 Console Superhet.

Radio Set. Cash or terti8. HARRINGTON'5, 281 Hunter-aL, nout Sorby'8 PAINT. gallon. fresh stocka.

J. Moloney Ac 129 Scott-SL. Newcastle 1771 GENTS BIRD, E.C.. mudguarda, front brake, light, pump. as new, Will accept.

trade-in. Roberis! Sports Store, 132 Beaumont 417 BABY GRAND PIANO. One only An PAC TORY- the last tor the duration. 206 Terma. BEALE' S.

BANK CORNER VICTOR ARTIST PIANO. Walnut be, French polinhed. Latest provementa. Beautitul tone. Easy terius atlanged.

PALINO'8. 78-80 PIANOS. Paling J2. BINION 49 Bott fully eN. tone, beauti.

ful apprat. Buy direct from washop and have money, 115 Darby-Ala C. Hill JOHN BRINSMEAD PIANO, Best I- ported. Modern desian. Beautiful tone, Like new.

Sold tor cash, or on CLAY tertia, PALING'S. 78-80 Hunteratieet 3221 RADIO. Betore deciding. hear the latest Model ol the BEALE DUAL WAVE -the most tiatural toned Radio made Trade-in your old set. BEALE'S.

HANK CORNER. 3134 PIANOS, New. Small, Fashionable Pianos, only 99gus, Buy' DIRECT from the MANUFACTURERS and save money. Trade- In your old -fashioned no. BEALE'S.

BANK CORNER. 3133 GIRL'S Reoutit Bicycle, Endie; Rebuilt Ruceri Rebuilt koudsters; Lady's Ladie Coaster. new: Gent's Roadster, new. Boys and Girls' Bicycles, new order. now.

Sneddon. Adamstown. 232 TYPICAL VALUES! Ten Towels nO coupona, Swami Bloomers 5 coupon Swami PyJamas 13 coupons: Girls' and Maida Bloomers and Vesta coupons: Silk Hose Ladies Glovesilk Ships 8 coupons: Boyk' Golf Sox 4 coupons, Boys' Trousers 7 COUDORA. New Season's Floral Frocks 12 coupon. All Cash Orders accepted.

SERRY'S. 663 Hunter-street West, 2 doors from Theatre Roval, 263 A GIGANTIC Quarty Ment Sale and Green Coupons, Tons Choice Lamb; Foregra. Lamb Hindors, Lainb Full Cut Legs Mutton Shouldera 7d, Sho. Hoggett 8d, Foregra, Slyd. Tons Corned Round, H.bone, Middle Out Silverside.

Corned Roll 8d. Corned Beef 5d, Corned Pork 10d. Corned Hands 5000lb Dairy-fed Pork per 500015 Best Roast Beet (10 bonel. from 9d: Sirloin, Topside Roast, Fillet Veal. Bho, Veal.

Veal Cutlets, Pork Chops galore: 31b Specials, 316 Chuck 316 Mince 8tenk 310 Dripp. Jib Stew Chops 3lb Prying Chops Lamb Chops from 17 per lb. 5000 Orders. The Best Value in the District. Aguiri This Week-end.

Special, Roust Beef, Corned Beef and Breakfast Meat, the lot. at CEC the Cheapest Quality Butcher In the District. Gully Line. New Lambion. Phone Ham.

1532. and order vour Week -end Supplies, Please bring your own Wrapping Paper THE MOST POPULAR OF ALL THE NEW STYLE PIANOS -THE BEALE BIJOU With TONE and TOUCH equal to ANY BABY GRAND. Blocks of this Pine Piano still available. Why not trade-in your old -fashioned Piano for A Smart New from BEALE'S BANK CORNER, HUNTER-STREET WEST 3131 ELECTRICAL, WIRELESS PISK RADIOLA. CORNEY'8.

487 Hunter-at. Phone B1664. RADIO. Latest Improvements. Good chance.

Reply 9830, "Herald." 137 FOR RADIO REPAIRS, RADIOLA8. CORNEY'8. 487 Hunter-street. Phone B1664. REQ.

A. BAKER PTY. For Dependable Radios. 291-3 NEWCASTLE. RADIO REPAIRS.

C. Wylam, Radio Mechanic, 99 New Lambton Heights, Phone N.L. 119. EVEREADY "B' Batteries, Radio and HARRY Electrical BOND. Replacements and Repairs, 530 Hunter-street (just below 1980 RADIO PARTS, new and used Chassis, Cabinets, Valves, Colla, Gang Condensera and Dials.

Build simple orestal and 1-valve sets. Have your Radio checked for perfect reception. First-class service available. Work guaranteed, Electrical Service Co, 0 right opposite bus stop. Phone B3090.

FURNITURE, Etc. 3-PCE. GENOA VELVET LOUNGE BUTTE fitted with spring filled cushlone), 36. pee. Veneered Walnut Bedroom Suite, Includ, Spring Mattrean, 35, Veneered Walnut Bedroom Butte 3-pce.

Oak Bedroom Butte, Pier Oak Wardrobe, CENT'S BIKES, ORDER. Maple Dining Buite, Table, Bideboard. and Chairs, C11. Alarm Clocks, good order, Oak Writing Bureau. Lendlight Roll Cabinet.

0 BINDER MACHINE, AB NEW. 221. Cheney Gramophone, 9 Dressing Speakers, Tables, Maple 10 New Spring Fibre Dble. Dede linge, Oak Bachelor Cable nets, each. Office Tables, Stoves, 2 Chairs esch.

NEW PELOIAN PILE Bengrass Pram, PANCY MIRRORS, 316, and Bin. Oak Combination Beds, and Oak and Commodes, complate, and Furniture VELOCITY HAS RECOVERED (By Our Melbourne MELBOURNE Thursday- Velo city, Pandect and Son of. Aurous were among the few horses to impress in trials this morning Velocity performed best. At Mentone, with the barriers out he ran 10 furlongs in 2.17%. He came home the Jast six furlongs in 1.21, and the final three in 40.

He has obviously recovered from the injuries he sustained in the Caulfield Cup, Pandect and Son of Aurous worked at Caulfield. Pandect, with the barriers out 15ft. covered mile in 1.44%. The fret four took 52, and the first six 1.18). Son of Aurous worked over 10 furlongs In 2.14%.

Scinton neatn gave trip Cup admirers shuck by being: beaten by El Goleu over mile, The time was 150. and EI Golex www slightly In front An Skipton however. carried about two stone more than El Golea, he Was not arven fiFlopar 111 130 WaR Well done Him race form has bren poor. but of late his track efforts have been encouraging. Wilson, AN usual, pleased in his wOrk He reeled off five in with Murmur and went the better of the pair Quezon.

who ham nome friend for the Derby, had Portfolio for A comover In 1.17 Quezon and Portfolin finished on terme, unextended, Millnia wild Distinction took the honoura al Epsom. a barriers were 10t out. They worked separately warr five In 11. Distinetion A probably tritie better than Millai's trial, but both were Impressive. AL Flemibeton.

Dark Fell nad CuTpettier took galloping honours, They finunbed on termA the end of Nate on the course proper In The barrier wert 30ft. out. Heros pleased on the Ten. 16 10 furlongs in 2.15 wan nicely dote. If his Derby chance IN scarcely ON bright That of sons of his opponents, hr 18 at lenat very fit coll, Leahero worked on the over mine 10 2.51.

Hie Derby chance 18 highly regarded 40 sOme quarter Maikai's Contribution Al Mentone an interesting trial was that between the Derby candidate. Bome Jaines, Sun Belle and Chiet Watchman The former pair were together at the end ol mile and 20 yards in 1 with Chief Watchman two lengths away Home James looks very fit. Hatbersage and Maikat also pleased. The former ROt DUPE seten 13214 Malkata contribution In. 1214 He did IL DIS the bit.

Rider for Amazed Smith has detinitely been engaged for Amazed in the Derby. Should the colt witt the classic, will be the Brat tune An apprentice has steered the Derby winner since Jim Pike scored on Bevetage 111 1910 Amazed all Hot certain Melbourne Cup runner. his owner said today, but if he starts in 1'e marathon race he will be ridden by N. Percival. Gusher has taken no ill-effects from nor two-mile bolt at Caulfield qti Tuesday, her trainer said 1o-diy.

11 WAS Intended to TRee Gusher at Flemingion 0f Bazurday, but Turaday'a escapade fres necessitated change of plans. She will run in the Melbourne Cup. In Which her chance is rated highly by the stable. Bookmakers report business to be the quietest for 25 years. The only demand to-day was for Velocity, who was backed for about 23000 in one hand.

This week small amounts have been placed on Elm tor part-owners, who stand LO win abrut 16.000 on this week's operations, should Velocity win the Melbourhn Cup. Velocity will improve an resull of race COUNTRY RACING REGULATIONS SYDNEY. Thursday. -Asked to comment on how country racing clubs which had conducted only one meeting 30 from could January continue 1 to September hold meetings in view of the Commonwealth regulations restricting racing. the Chief Secretary (Mr.

Baddeley) said a to-night that the country area had been defined as an area comprising the whole of N.8.W. outside the metropolitan area. Under the regulations, the number of meetings held in the country area from January to September 30 would be dealt with In the aggregate, and the meetings which could be held for the three months ended December 31 determined by dividing the total number of meetings held for the first nine months of the year by nine and multiplying by three, said Mr. Baddeley. It did not necessarily follow that because A club did not race at all, or only Faced once between January and September 30, It could not race during the last three months of the year, or could hold only been one defitied meetins.

for country areas had each country town. many clubs which had not raced at all during the first nine months of the year could not have held meetings In October. A survey of the number of horse racing meetings held during the 14 5t nine months of the vent WAS being held. Mr. Baddeley said, All race clubs in the State would be required to give his department 28 days' notice of meetings proposed to be held and obtain Ministerial approval in each case.

If this were not done it would he impracticable to implement the Commonwealth regulations now or next vear ACCEPTANCES NEWCASTLE TO-MORROW. 1.45. MAIDEN WELTER HDCP. Buzz Off (111 8 13 Red Runden Glandore (16) 00. (13) 5 Gold Rex (18) Earl Pentheus Planet.

Austerly (7) Confiscator Surge 1101 3 Mac Quex Caudillo 1151 3 Scenard 112) Radio Jester Jewel Rene 1191 (SI King's Favour Lady Bountiful (31 Melnerney 141 9.90. IMPROVERS HANDICAP. blyt, Seeking 1101 0 Knightford EbliA 713, Makatha Thaledon Gundare 1161 Fanvolon 1121 (2) Adulation 1141 8 Poorjon Julius 181 GAs. Boy 1151 12 Tommy Gun Double Dare (11 1111 Macnaughton Targinnie (6) (17) Penbrook (5) Diamante (3) 9.55. FLYING WELTER HDCP.

Belisha 191 13 Asnasu Sir Andres Levraut (15) 12 Empire Bill Bonny Don 113) 4161 Maple 13 Pan Pipe Glittering Flame Postman 1101 (12) Status 17) Orancitia Huntsman (17 Pallama Good One (6) Galtheon (14) Cable 4111 8.80. NOVEMBER 1am. 100yds. Balivant 151 Cologne Red Bruce Prapher Blinky Bill Olamour Bteel Empire Bill Lad The 191 Squire 12) 12 11 (ioi 1 Felt Pal (7) 4.A. NEWCANTLE HANDICAP, 11.

The Cuan (3) 7 Ginger Prairie Chief (0) (9) Lord Denis Poll Pal (2) Condignity Shunteh Rotonde (10) Prapser (11) Kost 4.40. HAMILTON HANDICAP, 8140. Maple Lest Ginger Lass 010 11 Prairie Chief Deneith (10) Jullus (4) Minnamurra Tommy 119) Oun (181 Ronawaik Macnaughton Lucky Son 161 Awake (D) Seeking Athlete 171 Thaledon (10) Rolande Limonous 11 Gundare Double Dare Harpres (17) Culurna DOG RACING Maiden qualifying trials, SpeedWAY track vesterday- Spratt Again. 30 8-10. Blackam.

20 2-10. 3rd: 9-10. Evelyn, 20 4-10. 4th: Biddy Johnny Olbbe, 10 9-10. 4th: Phar Red.

19 3-10. 7th Diamond Dee. 20 9-10. 6th: Lasy John. 29 9-10, HAMILTON WINS BOWLS TROPHY SITUATIONS VACANT WAITRESS.

over 45, for club, murt be PAD. good por dayer. 60 King-st. 37 WANTED. Waitress, also Nurse, both over 40 Crown and Anchor Hotel.

36 ROUERMAID. mornings only. must be 46. Apply Exchange Hotel, HunterW. tar Auckland-st.

after 11 a WANTED, competent Down Draught Kiln Burnet, Apply in writing immedia ately to National Service Office, Box Lambion PO. 214 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, PITAT-CINDE Baker And Pastrycook, Exempt mithLary service. Permanent position right man. Award wages. CLARE'8 BAKERY.


ABOUT 12.30 P.M. ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, Only British Bubjecta or Aliens tr DORAPSNIOD of Licence need apply. And those holding current for RECESS 10 ships or wharves should being inem to the call-up. D. L.

MeLARTY, 3234 Director SITUATIONS WANTED RESPECTABLE Woman wants Work. lady's help; sleep in, Protestant bffferred. Reply Q805, "Herald." 143 ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS, Painting. Root Repairs. CLARKE, 1 GavelMayfield.

Phone War. 403, 6918 WANTED BRIDGE DYERS and Cleaners, Old Established, 307 Hunter-street rupstaira. near Baker's! All clothing dyed. 155 LADDERED HOSIERY, Reinforced In Heels, Dumaged Clothing Rewovel. Moderate charges.

Address, over Goldsmith's Shop. Hunter -street. INVISIBLE MENDING of Damaged Clothink, Hosiery. Room 10, Corona Hunter-AL. ibetween Burby COx Bros.

I Phone 82980. WANTED TO BUY WILL PAY TO for M.V, Portables. Tyrell's, Newo, WANTED, GUITARS and CASES. Tyrell's, Newcastle. 3190 FURNITURE and SUNDRIES Bought for Spot Cash.

Box 263, Newcastle. PIANO wanted for Learner, about N.W., to. Box 257, P.O Nete WANTED. Stroller. good cond.

Apply 72 Tiche's Hill. 240 GONDOLA Prain and. Stroller Letter to "Herald' Agent, Merewether. 2.30 WANTED, Load of Manure. 10 Bar Bench Any reasonable price paid, Ring Ham.

155 PORTABLE PHONOGRAPHS Bought for Cash J. HARRINGTON'8, 281 Hunter-Nt, (nr. Ph B1874. 91 CHILD'S Becond-hand Bicycle. In good order.

Reply 15 Vine-st. MAN- 140 field. REFRIGERATORS, bought fat: Cash, at J. HARRINGTON'S, 381 Hunter -at. Inr.

Borby'el. B1874. 91 PIANOS, Used Pianos bought for st. Cush (near J. Borby'al, Phone B1874.

01 at HARRINGTON'S. 281 HunterCYCLES. Used Cycles, Cycle Parta, bought for Cash at J. HARRINGTON'8, 881 Hunter-st. (near Borby'n) 8357 CAMERAS.

Uned Cameras, Lenses, Tripods, Lamps, Chemicals, bought for Cash at J. HARRINGTON'8, 281 Hunter-st. innar Borby'a), 8357 USED Furniture, Sundries, Ploor Covwrings, Machines, Tools, pry higher prices than othern, Call or write. T. Woods, 06 Hamilton.

438 URGENT, Steel wud Spanish Guitars DAY from 12 to £0. -street, DINNY O'BRIEN, Pawnbroker. 363 Hunter Newcastle. 3069 CASH Buyer wants Lounge, Bedroom, Dining And Kitchen Suites, Carpets, Feltex Linen. Cutlery, Cooking Utensilk, suitable for Fints.

Write Box 2477 81. Post -office, Hunter -st. West. FISHERMEN. Toni's pay Bpot Cash and Top Prices for Schnapper and Jewfish, in any quantity, from 11D to Phone if transport is difficult, B1964.

TONI'8 FISH CAFE. Newcastle. FURNITURE WANTED. Complete homes or surplus. Modern or Old-fashioned, Also Pianos, Players, Bowing Machines, Carpets, Stover, Refrigerators, Washing Machines.

Stored furniture bought at agreed price. PAGE'S, BETWEEN MARCUS CLARK'S AND CO-OP STORE, Hunter -st. West. Phone Hum. 1161.

CALL. WRITE OR PHONE you have anything in Furniture, Floor Coverings, Machines, Pia sos. Radios, that you wish to sell. Whether it be 500 lot or lot. I will give It my personal attention.

You will be paid immediately the full value for it. V. G. HODGEN, THE GOOD VALUE FURNITURE MAN, WOLFE-STREET, NEWCASTLE. Phone B1812.

1873 TO LET AND WANTED WANTED, Unfurnished Flat, city, Cook's Hill. Q837, "'Herald." 312 TO LET. Unfurn. Bedrm. kitchen.

suit m.c 78 Hamilton. 243 WANTED, Furn. Flat or House, perm tenant. Cardiff workshops' employee, Miller, B'indow Newsagency. 234 AT Mayfield Terminus, Shop and Dwelling to Let.

H. J. Morris. Licensed Agent, 88 Mayfield, 212 LARGE STORE Premises, Hamilton. wk.

E. N. ALLEN, Nole. Licensed Estate Agent. 3218 WANTED.

Business Girl lo share Flat with business girl; kitchen to self. 14 Roe Mayfield. 283 WANTED. 4-roomed House, anywhere in vicinity of Newcastle. Apply Roestreet, Mayfield, 321 WANTED, Unfurnished Room, suitable for lady State terma, "Room, 0.

Perry's Newsagency, Mayfield. 255 WANTED, Belf-contained, Furnished Flat, for business girl. Willing to pay up to week. Reply Q790, 'Herald WE COLLECT BACK RENTS efficiently. Properties managed.

DOUGLAS BAKER, Morgan-al, Phone NICELY Furnished Room with 180 of conveniences. weekly. Apply 69 Neweastle, 138 TO LET. 2 Unfurnished Rooms. USC of kitchenette: Hamilton Bouth, Apply 87 Mayfield, between A and 9 A.m.

135 FURNISHED Cottage. suit or Small Cottages. close water, from Dee. 19 to Jan. 3.

Reply B. Olsen. Post -office, Argenton. 139 JUNCTION. single beds, Board IL reared.

Furn. Flat. 3 fine. OWn Wilson's Better Homes civic Block. 326 OCCUPIER Mod.

New Lambion. desires exchange cottage near CItY, Hamilton. or Merewether. Reply "Herald" Agency, Merewether. WANTED by young business woman, Furnished OF Unfuruished Room or Board, In vicinity of Adamstown.

Reply, Q038, "Herald" Office WIDOW wants Unfurnd. RoomS, kitchen: entrance to melt: near Broadmeadow Blation. L. Edwarda, P.O. Tighe' HIlL.

245 WANTED, Furn. Cottage, Swansea or Belmont, sustable for 3 from 20th December. for weeks. Apply "CotInge," Box 13, West Mailland. 3042 WANTED, Cottage at Lake, Belmont, or Marks Point preferred, from 10 Reply Mr.

J. Logan, 64 Appleton- avenue, Weston. WANTED. furnished Cottage or immediately, for term two to three months, Lake Macquarie. Foley, Bag Btore, 348 Hunter -street.

211 LOST AND FOUND POUND, Diamond Ring. Hamilton. Apply Orlando-rd. Lambton East, LOST. WHITE CAT.

Reward. Parkway -avenue. Hamilton. LOST. Brooch, bet, Dawson and Bupper Town Tues.

night. 38 Cook's Reward. LOST. Bum Money In Bar. bet.

B'mdow. P.O.. Old -ARe pen. pay. Rwd.

Bindow Newsagency. LOST. Black and TAn Puppy. turn to Brown, Mayfield Went Reward. 281 LOST.

Pair between Young-! and Connolly Park, Carrinkton. Reward. 8 Arnold- Carrington LOST. between Ackeron and Ingall Pink Floral Dress. Reward 20 Mayfield.

248 LOST. Black and White Pox Terrier: female. Answers Box. Apply -at. M' wether.

GOLD WAtch, JONE at waratah Baby Show. or Town between Georgetown and Warmiah Hall. Rwd. Return 30 Mabel Georgetown. Printed and published for the proprie.

Ernest Malcolm Morrisa, of Newpomen-street. Newcastle, the office of the Newcastle Morning and Miners' Advocate 1 Bolton- street, Newcastle. PUBLIC NOTICES PLENTY OF FRESH FISH AND FRIED FISH TO-DAY STOCKTON CAFE, -STREET 317 will Mr. Thomas Booth. Inte 01 Belmont.

contact H. Goble, ARPRE before 42. Campbell 152 POLICE DEPARTMENT. BYDNEY. Gamine and Betting Art, 1912-1938 Notice of in TI Order orcharink the ur dermentioned promises Common Gaming House 1a being published 11 the 'Government Gazette' of the Luth November.

1042 Premises known Club, situated at Robertsonstreet Occupier. John Moran of Carrington Owner, Keith Talbot Putner, of 12 Texas-street. Mayfield, JAMES SCOTT. Deputy Commissioner of Pole. 12 47 de A BROWN AND ABERMAIN.

SEAHAM COLLIERIES LIMITED. TOWN LIGHTING SUPPLY DEPART. MENT The Consumerk of Kurri Kurri. Pelaw Main, Merther. Spion Kop.

and Heddon Greta are notified that the Supple of Electricity will be Interrupted on BUNDAY NEXT. 15th In between 1.he hours of 6 Li. and 10 in 1. FLETCHER. .3226 Engineer-in-Churre THE CESSNOOK DISTRICT CO-OPERA.

TIVE BOCIETY LTD. electionPRESIDENT. Nominations ate invited for the following position for the VAnE 1943 tretiring Members wEe eligible for tr electionPRESIDENT. SIX 6. COMMITTEEMEN Any Member of the society, providUng they have been a Member for Als monthe.

wad hold Let fully Rule -up shares. and also complies wIth 1. pautied to ntund for the positions unIcan they have husband. wife. mother, father, soft, daughter, brother 01 an employee of the Society.

Nomination papers may be obtained from the Becrefaty A Office, where nominations close on Friday, 13th November. 1942, at 5,30 it. A. JACK, 2996 Returning Officer. BELFORD DOME.

Shareholders 1h the above undertakate reminded that the oil well machinery and equipment al the Rite the oil bore on the Belford Dome will be required tor completing the oil bore, Mont of this material 15 ApecSalined equipment which at present Das considerably entranced value over 11A oriinal cost. and all of which 15 11- quired for completing the bore for the production uf all from the Belford Dotne The replacement. of all or DArt of this equipment will involve sinount: above original costa A- well wA damaging delays in securink aubatituted material. C. MILLARD, The Laboratories.

National Oil PLy. CHieD Davia. N.8.W. 148 TENDERS WANTED Quotation for Tiling. Apply 122 Hannell-r Wickham 150 TENDERS wall be received until 2 o'clock 17 Friday, 20th November 1942.

for the Provision of Laundry Berties to Rutherford and Newcastle, Purther particulate and tender forms ArC obtainable from the Town Clerk and Postmaster, also the District Contract Board, BOX 36A, O.P.O., Bydney, Tel. MO4211 3230 SHIPPING NEWCASTLE AND HUNTER RIVER STEAMSHIP CO. IT'D. CARGO STEAMERS TO AND FROM SYDNEY. Cargoes received up till 4 p.m to Fridays 11 9.11.

Saturdays, Wharves Opposite Railway Station, Newcaelie Tel. B2341-2. Foot of King-alreet, Sydney. IMPOUNDINGS DISTRICT POUND, New Lambion From New Lambion. Bay Pony Mart.

branded like CO over C. From Waratuh. Buy Mare, branded like IM In writIngt From in Stockton, Chestnut Geld. star, 1 white hind foot. branded like sideways over bar of sideways.

If not released, will be sold by lie Auction at this Pound al noon on Thursday, November 10, 1942. P. rOWLER, Poundkeeper. 3235 DRESSMAKING AND SEWING PROCKS made up. also cut, tanked.

fitted. Man-tailored Costumes and Conta. Madam Newcomen-Scoll. St MISS BAMUELS. Dressmaking demy, enr.

Hunter and Darby Strenta, Classes daily Technical and Practical Dressmaking taught. Specials terms girls learning trade. Dresses made. fitted and tacked. Jumpere, Twin Bets, Machine Knitted to Measurements, Wells and Cutta.

Same day service, PEST EXTERMINATORS VERMIN And WHITE ANTS, guaranteed Extermination. Rooms sealed 2-3 boura. Newcaatle Fumigation Ca. Matkel Wharf. Phone 82621, Private address, 23 Emerald-st.


BUILDING MATERIALS DON'T Re-roof. Use Luntanteed leakproof years, Phone ROOPSAVER CO. Centenary Road, 82821. FINANCE AND SHARES CONFIDENTIAL No Security, B2803. Sexton, 72 Hunter -st.

Phone MOTOR CARS, LORRIES, FORD 1936 Bedan, perfect, 145. Lawlers, 130 near. Co-op. Store. TERRAPLANE 1038 Sedan, 4 150.

Lawless. 130 Hunter- nr. Co-op. St. CHEVROLET 1930 Tourer.

orig. 60 Lawless, 130 nt. Co-op St AUSTIN 1939 Bedan, any trial, 145. Lawless, 139 Hunter Br. Co-op 8t.

OLDEMOBILE 1030 Sedan, 50. Lawless, 130 br Co-op. 8t. DODGE Unity, any trial. 240.

LawIPAs, 130 Hunter -Al, or. Co-op Store FOR BALE. Oldsmobile Sedan CHE Perfect cond. Mileage 31,000. Price 190.

Reply Q765, AT DURHAN S. Car Wreckers- 100.000 Good Uned Motor Parts for All Carr 297 Mayfield Ph Wat. 16. LIGHT CaraVan Trailer. well made, fitted with cupboards, water tank.

£30 Ellen's. Ham. flust off Hunter nearly opp. 230 AT UNIVERSAL CAR WRECKERS. Car and Truck Parts for all CATA.

Car. Gordon-av. and Hamilton. Phone Ham 1115. RUGBY 4-Oylinder Tourer, fitted with new 10 months' registration, 800d battery.

blackout manka, etc. Ready to drive away and use, Complete with tools, pump and jack. £45 cash. Terms arranged. TOM PARKIN MOTORS, BD Parry -street, Newcastle.

MOTOR CYCLES TWO 24 Harley-Davidson Cycles and Bidecare, 7-9 h.p., one with well-based one 35 model frame, tanks and sidecar Home Baturday. Marks, 305 Belmont, 328 POULTRY, DOGS, BIRDS CHOICE Bik. and White Hens, Young co*ckerels, Ducks 17 Cameron-st. Ham. PLENTY choice Poultry.

Order early. Reid, 31 Waratah. PIOTONE, Magpies, Homers, Fantails, White co*ckerels. Reid, 34 BUSINESS NOTICES WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Without Calomel And Jump Out the Morning of Vim. The liver should give out two pounds liquid bile dally or your food doesn't You suffer from wind.

You constipated. and Your feel whole system you irritable. tired and and the world loo blue. are only makeshifta. You the taken those Carter's Little Liver Pills those pounds of bile working make you feel "up and up." Harmamasing in keeping you Little refuse Liver by BRAYE TROPHY PRESENTED During social Newcastle City bowling REPENT yesterday, the PreSIdEDL I Mr.

A. Brayer presented the Braye trophy to Mr. C. McNeill. who decepted it on behalf of Hamilcon Club.

The trophy was presented last son for three-rink competition. opened to clubs affiliated with the New. cantle District Bowling Association. for the team defeating city by the createat margin of points liamsilton defeated Lowlands In the finat. The DAmAR of the three fours were Inscribed on the trophy, which war decorated with Hamilton Club's coloure.

Mr. T. A. Braye presents to Mr. C.

McNeill on behalf of Hamilton club the Patron's Cup, donated by Mr. H. Corrigan, on right of picture. The trophy was given for the teams which defeated City by the greatest number of points. Lowlands WAS defeated in the play-off.

Romero, Warbird For Canterbury Double By Our Sydney SYDNEY, Thursday, Romero and Warbird promise to win the chief double at Canterbury on Saturday, Their track work has been most satisfying this week. In addition. Warbird returned to the winning list at Rosehill, and Romero is said to have overcome A disability which was retarding his progress. 1.45. TRIAL STAKES, Penabil (16) 8 13 Grand Pere Parisol 151 1101 Addition 19) 8 (11) 1151 Longbow Royal Lancer Blankit 141 7 13 Manna wonks Orderly 0 Tea Dents 8 Gay Romeda Tinventy 1131 07.

0 Kareset 2 Lance Corporal Barchon 1121 2 120) 7 0 Edigtam 43. 0 Kendal 7 0 Talorus 0 PLIMBOL: Har done excellent work in the pant fortnight. He has raced with bad luck, but has probably never been placed to better advantage. ORDERLY Worked In g00d style over mile at Randwick this mornInE Showed improved torm Inst start 10 finlab behind the place -getters, Was A splendid galloper early in him career, and should till a place, ROYAL LANCER: Ran disappointingly last start. but the showing CAD be forgotten.

PANABIL Appears to have lost form, but might create a surprise. KARASET Oatioping well, and will tun prominently. EDIORAM HaS more than rough chance. TYRANNUS At his bent would take lot of beating in this company ADDITION Should be included among the possibilities, SELECTIONS CORRESPONDENT Plimcol, Orderly, Royal Lancer, "VERAX Royal Lancer, Pumsol, 415. TWO- YEAR-OLD STAKEN.

Bachelor Clare My Anne (SI (19; Cragile 1101 co*ck Crow 181 Alcestis (2) 8 Brock well 131 Annie Laurie Montano 171 1111 0 Assign Tennessee 118 (10) 115) Constant Reine, 0 KurraDulla Susquehanna 1201 8 Frontier Louisiana (12) RaJ 111 6 Tulagi (13) 0 Air Lord 114) 8 5 Pleasant Change Dr. Smith 00 6 14) TENNESSEE: Ran third to EAtborough nt Randwick, And on that run should win. ALCESTIS: IM likely looking filly. Wan not disgraced AL her only start. Should fill place.

FRONTIER: Ran very nice race In fourth place at him only start. Appears to have been Improved by the experience, BUBQUEHANNA: in the same stable SPORT FIXTURES SWIMMING 50 metres baths handicap. Sunday morning: Burt and wheelbarrow races. Handicaps50 metres: A. TaRgArt J.

Hughes, V. Blone. R. Hughes, C. Burrows H.

Stephenson 3. D. Mathie, C. Webster 1, Oiliespie, R. Mathis J.

McDonald 10 Surf Race: Hiland H. StephenV. sOl 5 90. Hughes Burrows, 10, D. Taggart Bowes 30.

Stone P. Pritchard 35, R. Hughes 45. K. Ayton 55, W.

McGee, D. Robston Matters 65, W. Reid 70. J. Winney 75, J.

Jarvin 95. D. Mathie 105. McDonald, K. Hutson 135.

Probationary drill. Sunday morning. All probationers must attend on and Friday nights. Patrols for Bunday: No. 1.

J. Winney, capl D. Cox, d. E. Parker, Hiland.

Webster, Webster. No. 9, D. Bowes, D. Hinchcliffe, P.

Pritchard. R. Newburr W. McGee. NOBBY8.

-Saturday p.m.: Medallion drill for all members of class. Sunday: Burt race at 10 A.m. Beach events and surf race in afternoon. GOLF WARATAK. -Saturday: Close winter with open mixed four -ball V.

par. STEEL WORKS. -Saturday: Par competition. -Saturday: Canadian foursomes competition. SAILING SPEERA POINT.

Edna. R. Mann, Mercia, M. Hughes. Miss Ellen.

R. Herbert. 1: Devon, B. Frith. Joe Barry.

Haggerston, Paddy. a. Jackson. Zeus, R. Bordiss, Top Weight, C.

Orwald, Bnifta, O. BelFelix. R. Frost, Invicta, Courier. Hamomet, 10; Victory, a.

10; Zombie, Horder, 10; Jim Bremmell, Kerr, Dawn, J. Parsons, 10A Vista, Cornford, 13; Eileen, Johnson, Cheetah, Mias 'M. Bordise, 14; Yankee Doodle, F. Frost, 14: Oate, J. Hilton.

17; Plight, K. McPadden, 17; Wings, C. Mann, MARKS POINT: Rhythm, V. Stallard, ser. Miami, K.

Bailey, set: Mohawk, A. Hamilton, Swifty, R. Sinclair. Arlene, H. Ball.

1.40; Janet, Shoesinith. Snipe, Metcaife, Anona, G. Oriffitha. 0.30; Buccaneer, J. Shaw.

6.45: O. Cook, 1.48; Clytie. L. Holmes, 8.20; HO, R. Caldwell.

Ace, R. 9.30; R. Pass, 0.35; Plight, H. Jones, Black Purs. J.

Buteliffe, 10.30 Military Cricket Competition Nine teams have entered for a cricket competition conducted by military from Northern campo. Starting on Baturday, the competition will be played on turf wickets on the West Park, Paterson and Large. With no cricket in the district for more than the grounds were generally in disrepair, but Chia working parties have been preparing the grounds for the opening matches. It WAS stated yesterday that the nine teams would Include portion of Northern first-grade keters, nome former playera in the senior competitions In the Maltland and Newcastie districta, Pull supplies of equipment for the teama are able, the greater part being purchased from unit Tunda. It 18 proposed that the competition.

to be conducted on Ba played over two rounds. Several fine trophies have been provided for the competition RA result of donationa from Alan Cooper. Browning and Vendenbers. The officer in charge of amenities for Northern campa participating fu competition ham provided for tennis players. It nos Enorn what entries can be expacted for the tennis, and until full entries received decision can made to the type of competition to be conducted.

Correspondent. Tennessee. But Tennessee appears to he the better. Should Susquehanna accept in preference. then will have to be favourably entertained.

CRAGLIA: TR good galloper in private. In expected to have great chance, SELECTIONS. CORRESPONDENT: Tennessee. Alces. "VERAX: Frontier.

Tennessee, Craglia, Prontier. 9.50. FLYING HANDICAP. 61, Trimmer 13. 0 7 Tidematk Petruchio 1131 7 10 Soho 16, 3 1111 Marthens 8 Gold.

Head 17 Onild Hull 141 8 Melrote 112 Romero I 13 Donetie 15 0 Bedunum 4101 Little Gundi Overbold 10 121 0 ROMERO, Lost form DECRUre of tender foot. HIs trainer experimented with him IT tchal 011 Wednesday, and neerything worked out splendidly. Rated good bel BOHO: Hun Seen raised in weights. but entitled to the lift. Bent field at Randwick Jant start, GUILD HALL well handicapped, Looks a sure: place-setter.

TRIMMER. I improving rapidly, Ran third nt Randwick last start, Cannot be left out of calculations MARTHEUS: From No. 1. position will be prominent for A while, OVERBOLD: 1A galloping attractively. TIDEMARK: Has won In moderate company, but an excellent galloper with Sure to run well.

PETRUCHIO: Has galloped well this week. SELECTIONS. CORRESPONDENT Romero, Soho, Guild Hall "VERAX' Soho. Trimmer, Romero. CANTERBURY NDCP.

nf. Rimvell 1121 13 Angus 1131 IL: Funny 131 6 Aralys 16. Gundegal 1141 8 5 Panorge 151 4101 8 5. Jymjon 1111 Lord Valentine Amberspear (21 111 Hieron 7 10 War Trophy Anpapejo 171 8 191 0 Haripur 181 WARBIRD: Galloped in IL he good style Rosehill this morning has overcome him objection to galloping in public should win. IT'S FUNNY: Will probably be ridden by doing famously A.

real danger, but McMenamin. Looks extra well and asked to concede more than stone to Warbird, HARIPUR: Beat good galloper In Tel Asur lust start. Cannot be disregarded. Will be racing on his home track. RIMVEIL: May be the hetter for another run.

Has not raced since the GUNDAGAI. included among the Spring meeting. chances. LORD VALENTINE: 18 galloping well and might surprise. JYMJON: Galloping well and aute to be in the picture.

CORRESPONDENT; Warbird, 11'A Funny. Haripur. It's Funny, Lord Valentine. Haripur. p.m.

HIGHWEIGHT of. Jazbenu 1151 11 Gryphon (17) Skerries 19 Panturn 4191 Haran 1120 6 Paddy Mac Linemond (20) 1101 Eir Neith River Gold Usher (11) Irish Sea 151 Burlington (3) 8 Fervent 12 Constable 1 Mutineer 11 High Hopes Young Valais 171 1161 11 Gay Romero Current 8 10 (8) Ronswalk 1181. 9 FERVENT: Revealed remarkable pace at Randwick recently, but WAS beaten Into a minor place. Sure to run great race. UBHER: Galloped well in a barrier trial on Wedneaday.

Comes from Queensland. where he performed fairly well. IRISH SEA. WAs beaten after giving his supporters A great recently, HAM done well since, and will be prominent throughout. JAZBEAU.

Sure to do better than latest effort suggests. SKERRIES: Galloped well this week. A definite LINEMOND. possibility. WAS second at his last start.

Might be coming back to form. If he doom he will Win race like this BIR NEITH: fair galloper. YOUNG VALAI8: IA looking and doing well SELECTIONS. CORRESPONDENT: Fervent, Usher, Irish Sea. "VERAX'! Irish Sea, Linemond, Fervent.

1.90. CAMPSIE HANDICAP, PI. Many Ways Cryon 1181 Indian KmGlendower isi Mortine 12 Display 10 Haridelle 114i Ginger Hugh Bir Wyvern 1131 (2) Metallize riel Wee Woo 112) Baki 111 Silvereida Opportunist His Lordship 181 America MISA Herole Plum Windbrook Boy (10) 0 Steal On' GLENDOWER: Won a restricted race with 9.8 at Randwick recently. Glendower has best days ahead of him SIR WYVERN: From Queensland. IA doing extra well, and should finish In HARIDELLE: WAR not disgraced Inst start.

In weaker company will MANY WAYS: bouta. May, run fair race, even though adversely drawn at the machine. BILVERELDA1 Failed last stark, when regarded certainty, Met with bad luck in running. Might do better. M188 HEROIC: Is galloping well.

STEAL, ON: Would have a great chance from a better barrier position than 30. DISPLAY: Ta Hable to surprise, SELECTIONS, CORRESPONDENT: Glendower, Bir wysern, Giendower, Haridelle, Many Ways. Air Link Friend (10) Roovol Overjoyed Alertful (1D) Coon66 Widden Arenessa! (30) Merton Riders rangi (4) Lord Penthous Lady Kuvera Meatery (13) Jan BAR Rabbit tier AIR LINE: ridden by Munro should prove bot. Air Link has run several good races in the past two montha. GOONEE! 1.

Improving galloper. Ran a good race last start and has since galloped well. MY FRIEND! Was to have been bin betting proposition Randwick course. There Again be much attenrecently, but withdrawn on the tion for My WIDDEN: WIll start a fair price HAM bright prospects. LORD will display pace in runnine.

SELECTIONS CORRESPONDENT: Air Link, Ocones, My Friend. Link, widden, My Friend. Pennant Teams Bit No 1 Watson: 'W Rotertson. C. Hutchinson.

W. Stephen; P. Manaini, A. co*cking. Smith Cottertti; Primer, O.

L.eth O. W. Traise: Webber. Mr. Lead.

Waugh, Low No. Parkinson, Schadel. R. Bond. Morris, Lew iN, ft.

Walker. Clayton. Dr. Tooth: Goldatone. Todhunter.

Brockbunk, Marjoribanks: Spruce 1 Boland. Kerr. W. Kerr, No Woolleft. A Cotton.

E. Simpson. Chipchane Wallace. D. Grifhthe Jordon.

F. Hunt. Ewiney, Gribben, Compton. Blaze B. Page.

W. Bennett. MAYFIELD. -NO Bell. 8.

Tacey, Pryor. T. Wrightion: K. Davideon, H. Webb, Lintott, SteW.

Hicks, H. Edmunds. Cooper, Elkin J. O. Lewis, Webb, Laing Smith, No.

C. Hellyer, Walton, Ellie. Lewis. Adler: H. Harder, P.

Sheatgold. Woodco*ck, 8. C. Trelease, Burgest: Walker. Spruce, Jones.

Beat Bind No 3: Storer. Wade. ton, C. Ranclaud: E. Thomas, Frpper.

Turner Morris: A Kate, Young. C. Davin Linchen: Scanion, J. Stevenson, Dobson, white. No.

W. Muxlow, W. White A. Harvey. A Blackwell.

Lintott. O. Morris. C. Phillips, A.

Mason IBLINGTON, NO. 1: W. Derkenne Struthere, Barratt, A. Lott. Vernon.

Schott, L. McNair. W. Eartham, Olege, A. Armit J.

A. Hooker No. 2: Quayir. 6. ColMullan, T.

Abel. Hood man Nankerrin. Webber, W. a Front. R.

L. Campbell. Webber Bourke, Kirk. 6. Bmith, 5 Longhurst, M.

Maher, H. Back, No. 3. 8 Butler. Coop, Negline.

R. Scott, L. Thomas J. let. Rankine, C.

Sheehan Leitch Lanie, Cullan. J. Nightingale. Tripp, A. Spence.

dartoot. James, Colley. No. H. Gibson, J.

MoNelll, H. Harris Shiblev, Gordon, J. Daley, M. Lynn, W. Dunn.

LAMBTON. No. Taylor, Bister. Scott Hitchco*ck: Crittendell. Chartion.

son, Woodington, Crooks. Johnsont McLounhlin; Kerr, W. Jackson. Brully, Jones, Carmody, Walls: Eitiort, Carroll. Hemming No 1 McGrath.

con. Longworth. Ivermen: Herival; Brown. Knight. Soul.

Harrison. Bullivan, Wilson Trish. No 1' Civell. T. Robson.

Rudder: Cooper: Gardiner. Sander's Dean: Pringle, B. Spruce Clemente, Phillips' Spruce, Cousins, Honker, Payne ROAD TRANSPORT. No SesR. Audaley, R.

Watt. Davis. R. Moore, F. Elbourne.

Pirbank. Spencer No. 2. H. Dann.

Hen. derson. H. Eagles, L. Goodman.

W. Pither. T. Bmith, Engles, Price CARDIFF -No. 1: Hyner: Roach, W.

Cole- W. Madden. T. Riley, P. J.

man. Brady. O. MyerA, W. H.

Graham, Cheeseman. J. Burns, T. Craig: O'Connell: M. Lovell, Tudor c.

Hynes. P. Adam. LOWLANDS. No.

Bell G. Jetfrey, Cochrane, Horler: E. Cox. J. Forrerter, Hardyman, Smith: R.

Scott. A Kelly, R. Orrett, M. Martin. Nichoila, 0.

Barnes, Bock, Flor art, No. 2. W. McMurray, Williamson, C. Laureston.

C. Duff: Nickinson, C. Chapman. Wild Sullivan; Armstrong. Reeves Serd.

A. Elliott: Evane. Da 1. Cosgrove, Young No. C.

Harman. Penman. C. Poole, H. Hunter: Sanderson.

J. Brevens, Taylor. Myers; Brown. Burke, Turner, H. Holmes, M.

Gray, 0 Vardy. A Kimberley. A. Milton No P. Burgess, H.

Prince, Me Barclay: Wilson. J. Kells, A Stuart in Burkis NO 1 W. Odgera, Bartley. A.

Lambert, Orr: Harrison, A. Paton, A. Low, 11. Bet nett: 8. Stott, W.

Yates, Graincer, A. Williams; Embleton, C. nolly, S. Bush. Conn.

No 0. Dwyer, C. HIlL Mitchell, A. Bartley: A Merillees, B. Woolston, L.

MacKenzie, R. Jenkins. Smith P. Sheppard, A. Marshall: Brougham, R.

Matchett, F. son. Winles. No. No.

1 teant: J. H. R. Perry. Bubbina, E.

Robson: Turnbull. Walters, D. Stoddart. A Data No 3: M. Brougham, sen.

D. Brown, Balloch. T. Pickover. Dwyer, Webber, D.

Bone, F. Johnaton HAMILTON No, Thompson. Beveridge. Small, Mo Murray. Noble.

Willons, A. Murray, Carlin Drummond. Myers, Kinder, Shepherd, Oillard. Hynd. Comins.

No. 1-No. 1: Scully, Mathieson. Harris, Allen. Bruderlin, Northeott.

Devin. Moore, Connor Percy, Thomas, Walkley, McDougall, Blair. R. Soully, Lake. No.

3- No 1: Rowland. Bryson. Inkater, Beanion, Rigby. Maloney, Aspery, Seymour, Mackay, T. Mathieson.

Holy F. Stewart, Eltis, Delta, Dirt. Chapman. No. 2.

Everett, T. Stewart, Lowe. Cardiner. Warren, Steel. Crowther.

Hughes, McMichael, Treharne. A NIchoison, Miller, Hinde, SULPHIDE. No 2. Dobell, Conshy Rat cliffe, Robertson, C. Brown.

Holmes. C. J. Harking, A. Ebbeck.

G. Watts, A. Hawkins. Robeck. Savitte.

No. Masser. Colley. Bull, Kedwell, Pett. Boardman, Wright.

A. Hughes, Withy. Ingham. Smart Sprinters at Randwick (By Our Sydney SYDNEY, Thursday. Smart sprint work was registered 601t.

out on the course proper at Randwick this morning by Petruchio, Modulation, Tidemark. Wantima, Steel On and Baroda. Kimbell worked over seven furlongs. The distance WAR Increased by 86 yards, because the flags were out 80 wide. In the circ*mstances.

Kimbell did well to register 1.32¼ and finish with something in reserve. The Initial three furlongs took 30. Steal On and Goonee were associated over FIx furlongs in 1.10. They rAn the first three fut. tonga in 384.

Goonee went in better style than Steal On. Baroda (Collagly: WAR accompanied by useful track worker in Pinero over five furlongs in 1.4%. They covered their Initial two turlonge in Baroda good galloper, but his public efforts have fallen short of what private efforts have suggeated. Tidemark. who still eligible for restricted events, WAR one of the stare with halt mile In bl.

An C. Bcahill WAS In the saddle. Tidemark carried some weight. Petruchio and Modulation shared with Tidemark and Wantima the distinction registering the best half mile figures of bi. Petruchio In now In Riddle's charge, and several times recently ham galloped in attractive fashion.

Mine Art led Craglia the end of three furlongs dash in Orderly was trifle too good for Jymjon over mile In 1.48. Metallize worked with Orderly and Jymjon, but WAR well beaten by that pair. Lord Valentine scored rather comfortable victors over Lord Spear at the end of mile In Warbird responsible for another rood effort at Rosehill. On the course proper he covered mile In 1.44. fur- He was outside even time for the first long.

but covered the 1saL seven in and the last three In Broadmeadow Gallops No. 3 Oras Track (rails) at Broadmeadow yesterdayONE PURLONO: Mao Ques (last of pace work) THREE FURLONGS: Roman Son and companion man and Cable 374. Austerly led Grandstock Glittering Flame The Quan and Reeking 30, Poorion and Clan. dore Jacaranda and John Willy High Surge led Countess Wendy, King's Favour 40, Socialite Templemore POUR FURLONGS: Burr off and 50, Adulation and Brasana Gaitheon and Lucky Son Maple Leaf and Huntsman 5016, Thaledon and Levraut 501. Pan Pipe Double Dare and Boy 51, Pelt Pal Glamour Lad led Salivant Scenard and Knightford Gold Rex And Parakoo Athlete and Ginger Lass Annaru and Diamante Lord Dennis and Red Bruce Orancitia and My Legion Liminous and Jewel Rede FIVE FURLONGS: Dooringwonk and Red Ruden Statue 1.4%.

Sir Andres and Tommy Gun Caudillo and Kogi 1.1. Empire Radio Jenter and Shunteh The Squire In LINDSTROM BROS. 34 Grocery Shops NEWCASTLE AND MAITLAND SULTANAS, tHOU 1b CHON 101 2d th LEMON PERI. 13 1b CRYSTALLISED CHERRIES 2 9 16 PRIME SEEDLESS DATES 1 1h P'KTS. MIXED SPICE 3d PRTS.


ENTRIES CLOSE MONDAY, 6 P.M. Sononations tot Follow in Saturday dose 8 pan. Tuesday. Bos D. 8 p.m.

Wednewlay- FRUIT DEARER Trading Was steady on Newcastle DIOduce markets yesterday, Wholesale quotations -Maize a brushed 3.1: crushed wheaten chuff to onlen chaff to 12 6: lucerne chaff Tamworth lucerne chaff Tamworth lucerne hay StraW Victorian onten wheat to re-dressed. canaty seed farmers' dressed canary aced key meal to panicum seed 157 to: linseed meal 117 to Salad vegetables were In good demand. Trading in vegetables to interior to steady, Wholesale quotations- Beans to inferior to cabbages to inferior unsalable: pumpkins to Swedes to per bast marrows to beettoot to tomatoes to 347. Supplier of fruit were fairly good Bananas. passionfruit and pineapples were dearer.

Wholesale quotations Apples, Democrats, choice to others Lo 16., Granny Smiths Yates pears 257: OraNgeR to up to pineapples to few passion 18 to lemons to bananas to 40,. Inferior lower. Dairy produce -Wholesale quotationa: Ears, hen medium first grade duck second grade duck lard. bulk 5d. prints 6d: honey, choice 7d.

first grade second grade third 41ad lb butter. bulk prints cheese, large flats low! matured lunt Ib. Kameruka, large loaf bacon, aides flitches middles shoulders hame 174. QUIET ON 'CHANGE SYDNEY. Thurrday on the Bydney Stock Exchange were fairly quiet to-das.

Sales of 12 Issues only of Government bonds were recorded. Industrials were quiet. and only one mining sale was made, Price variation HIGHER. Bonds, 3, 1948. £10 Bond.

4, 1955, 1948, 6d. 1987, Emu Gravel. 6d. 1955, Std. Waygood.

Auto Totes, 3d. Woolworth. 24. LOWER. Bonds, 4, 1950, Buckingham's, Pd.

INVESTMENT BALES. BONDS. 102, 1948. 3 1945, 37-0. 1956, 2 104.

2 2 1950. 1953, 1056. 1957. £10 1956. 1058.

I.D, 3 7-0. 1954, 1956, C11; Not. Savings Bonds, Amociated News, Sydney Ferries, Net. Bank, £6 ex Tooth, Excelsior Coal. Newcastle Gee.

Aunt, Oas. B. -A. Hordern. Auto, Totes.

A. co*cks. Aust, Iron and Steel, ford Cotton, Cash Ord. Emu Coles, Toy Murdoch' Mutual pref. bold, Bon Cement, Standard Taubman.

Wool wortha, Sulphide Corp, LIGHT CATTLE SUPPLY AT WARATAH Light the weight bullocks, and steers formed Waratah bulk of supply of cattle saleyarda The balance consisted of cows and of medium and good trade quality, strong market riled with UFICER to the best of last day's rates. heavy bullocks were worth 00 prime medium to prime light 613 10 best heavy prime medium weight. 40 supply of sheep consisted of descriptions, with awes forming the major, portion in the grown sheep section. Lambs and well supplied. and the most for trade The marked showed no Hon.

shorn wethers made BROADCASTING UNO NEWCASTLE 6.40 2P'C Markets 6.45 and 7.45: News. 8.25: Hospital balf-hour. 8.50: "The Kitchen Front 10.0: Devotion. 10.20: 2BL. Women session.

10 40: Music while you work 11.16: Masters of music. 12.0: Junine English. 12,30: Nows. 1.10: Quest speaker. 1.25: Stock Exchange.

1.30 News. 2.0. Musle through movement 2.45. Senior English, 3.0: Concert Inson. 3.45.

28L. Talk. 4,10: 2PC London transcription. 4:30: Close, 4 45. 3BL.

Talk by Mrs. John Moore, 5.15 News. 0.30: Children's sesalutt. 0,25: American news. 6.53 Local 7.01 News.

7.25: Names of voiced from 0.6.A. 8.0: 2BL, Celebrity re-creation 0.0: News. 9.10: Talk. 9.30: Master Ringers Quartet. 9.46 Biate talk 1st W.

Lennard. 10.0: 2FC. News 10 30. Voices from U.S.A 10.45: Recorded frature 11.15: News 11.30 Close. 2PC SYDNEY 6.30 See 2NC News.

7.25: Names of voices. Front 7.35: Swine notes, 8.0: for the forces. 8.45: Play RATTANS Burnt wood. 9,30: Brisbane Inell Orchestra. 10.0: Nowa.

10.30 Voires from U.8.A. Recorded feature11.15: News. 11.30: Clone, ACK 0.30 morning and mining news. 6 35: News service. relayed from "'Newcantie Ing Herald." 7.0: Cheer-up NONALOTI 7.45: National Women Nession.

Music for moderns, A 30 Competition. 8.45: Theatre programmer 9,0: Famous singers. 9.5: Famous comediana. 9.15: Your tavourite item: 9 20 session. 9.40: Club nassion.

10.0: Musle. 10.20: Talk on behalf ot the Miners' Women's Auxiliary. 10 30: Music. 11.0: Close. 5.30 p.m.: Music, 6.0: Theatre programines.

6.3: AL the Console, BIN Mining news. "Songa we love." 6 30 Hollywood on the air. 7.0: NEWN. 7.20: National savings talk 710 Musical A.B.C, 7.45: Talk on behalt nt the National Fitness Committee RO Radio rhythm. 8,30: Radio rhythm continued, with humorous interludes.

9.0: Words and music. 10.0 Close RAIL VETERANS HELP WAR LOANS report by the Becretary Gibson i at meeting of the Retired ciation Reliway and Tramway Veterans' Asin. showed that financial RSAP15 totalled of which £200 invested In War Bayings Certificates and in war bonds. There were 9N7 members, including 11 who had Jolted last quarter, Arrangements were made for a 500)n! on December 8. The Becretary announced that the pars list for the Sydney cation dinner would close on November 33.

Mr. P. H. Hawkins, who was delayed, RAVe Al outline after the what being done by a Parliamentary In committee to obtain superannuation conditions. He amid present anomalies would he reettfied in an amending bill to come before Parliament shortly.

TIDES AND MOON High water: 12.38 p.m.. 12.40 m.m, Bun: Rises 0.65. 7.34. Moon! 9.69 19.13- p.m. Mercury: 5.20 Venus: 5.48 1.26 p.m.

Mare: 5.10 a.m., 6.30 p.m. Juptier: p.m., Baturn: 8,57 p.m.. 1.14 District Court List Following the list of canes set down for bearing Judge Nield at the sitIna of the District Court, to begin al noon at Newcastle on MondayCo. Ply. Ltd.

R. Harrison male): Florence Evelyn Dunn Gordon Hall; Joseph George Aspinali V. M. Nugent: Francis Hanion The Scale Co. Ply, Ltd Sarin Morgan v.

William Blattery, to best PAIN others from beat lamb, 10 Denter 10 FLEMINGTON SALES. SYDNEY, Thursday, -At Piemingion lambs saleyarda to-day 40.110 sheep and were penned. The market was easier to ches per. Good 10 prime Owen, to wethers, 10 Jd; hospeta, to. Jamba, suckers, to Strong competition prevailed for head yarded in the cattle section.

firm market was established for descriptions, Good prime heifers, vaniers, bullocks, to Thin Thr MA to 80S Blum BOY IN BOY PI HOS la BOY Well MEN Brow imita Mar.

Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate from Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

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